I. Upajāti
1jayaty adhīśas sura-mauli-kūṭa_-
cūḍā-maṇīn visphurad-unmayūkhān·
2vijitya tan-mūrddhasu yasya pāda_-
nakha-prabhāviṣkr̥ta-candra-kāntiḥ (dDanda)
II. Upajāti
3śrīśāna-viṣṇū jayatas sureśau_
yayoś śarīrārddha-samāgamena
vibhutvam ekatvam anekatā ca dDanda
III. Indravajrā
5vaktreṇa dhīś śrīr urasā ca padbhyāṁ _
(bh)ūḫ pālitāsmat-patinātibhāgyāt·
6kṣiptā hi dūraṁ yad ahan tv adhanyā _
yaṁ kīrttir ud-diśya vaded itīva dDanda
IV. Upajāti
8samasta-sāmanta-śirodhr̥tājñaś _
śrīśānavarmmā jayati kṣitīśaḥ dDanda
V. Indravajrā
9tasyāpi bhr̥tyas samadhatta saṁjñāṁ _
vrau Etta Ity ātmagurupradiṣṭāṁ
10tatpūrvvaje sthāpitavaty anādiṁ _
śrīpuṣkareśaṁ prathamaṁ surāṇāṁ dDanda
VI. Upajāti
11guros svabhaktyā bhaginīṁ murāreḥ _
śrīśarvvagovindam atiṣṭhipat saḥ
12svayambhudevī-bhava-keśavānāṁ _
tenāpi saṁsthāpita Ekabhogaḥ (dDanda)
VII. Indravajrā
13teṣāṁ surāṇām iha bhr̥tya-saṁkhyā _
saṁpiṇḍitā syāt triśatī gavāñ ca
14sā triṅśatī kṣetraka-māhiṣāṇāṁ _
pratyekam ārāma Iti trayāṇāṁ dDanda
VIII. Upajāti
15Etāni go-bhū-dhana-pūrvvakāṇi _
sarvvāṇi dharmmārttham upārjjitāni
16pade kulānāṁ sva-kulaika-dīpo _
vrau Etta-nāmādita devatābhyaḥ dDanda
IX. Upajāti
17yajvā trayāṇām iha devatānāṁ _
datvā dhana(ṁ) yo harati sma lobhāt·
18saha prasūtyā niraye nimajjed _
āsaṁplavāt sthāvara-jaṅgamānāṁ (dDanda)
X. Upendravajrā
19samā śakendrasya śareṣu-vāṇair _
vvinirggatā caitra-sitādirātriḥ
20yadāśvīnīśīta-karo ’nuyātrī _
tulodayo maithuna-bhāga-yukta(ḥ dDanda||)
XI. Upendravajrā
cāpa-kramasthāś śubha-lagnadās te
22[sū]ryyādayaś śrī-hara-kr̥ṣṇa-mūrttim _
atiṣṭhipat tāṁ vidhineha yajvā (dDanda)
Translation by Chhom 2019
Victorious is the Supreme Lord [Śiva], the radiance of whose toenails (
pādanakhaprabhā) — vanquished the quiveringly radiant crest-jewels of the multitude of diadems of
the gods — made moonlight to appear (
āviṣkr̥tacandrakāntiḥ) on their heads (
May the two Lords of the gods, (namely) Śrī Īśāna and [Śrī] Viṣṇu, be victorious!
By the uniting of their body-halves, immanence, oneness and plurality are made manifest
among gods and mortals.
About him (
yam uddiśya), Fame seemed to say (
vaded itīva): “With his mouth, this Lord of ours protects Wisdom; with his chest Śrī; with his
feet Earth, because of his great good fortune; but (
tu) I am unlucky (
adhanyā), because (
yad) I have evidently (
hi) been cast (
kṣiptā) far aside (
Victorious is the lord of the earth Śrī Īśānavarman, whose commands were carried on
the head by all the vassal kings, whose glory (
°śrīḥ) and heroism (
°parākrama°) are those of Indra who is the unique sovereign (
°ekarāja°) on the surface (
°pr̥ṣṭha°) of the golden earth (
°suvarṇabhūmi°), up to the oceans (
samudraparyanta°). or whose glory (
°śrīḥ) and heroism (
°parākrama°) are those of a king of kings who is alone on the surface (
°pr̥ṣṭha°) of the golden earth (
°suvarṇabhūmi°), up to the oceans (
samudraparyanta°). or whose glory (
°śrīḥ) and heroism (
°parākrama°) are those of a king of kings who is alone on the surface (
°pr̥ṣṭha°) of the earth, which is of beautiful color (
°suvarṇa°), up to the oceans (
samudraparyanta°). or whose glory (
°śrīḥ) and heroism (
°parākrama°) are those of a king of kings who is alone on the surface (
°pr̥ṣṭha°) of the land [which is named] Suvarṇa up to the oceans (
Now (
api) a servant of his received (
samadhatta) the name Vrau Etta, which was dictated by his own spiritual master, after his (the
servant’s) elder brother had installed Śrī Puṣkareśa, the one without beginning and
the first among the gods.
Out of personal devotion (
svabhaktyā) toward his spiritual master, he installed the sister (
bhaginīm) of Murāri [as well as] Śrī Śarva and [Śrī] Govinda. He also (
api) established single enjoyment [of offerings] (
ekabhogaḥ) among (these three deities, namely) Svayambhudevī, Bhava and Keśava.
‘For these [three] gods [installed] here, the number of servants, [once] added up
together (
saṁpiṇḍitā), shall be three hundred, and [the same too] of cows; that [number] for the fields
and buffaloes is thirty; for each of the three individually (
pratyekam) there is a garden.’
A unique lamp in his own lineage, [the man] named Vrau Etta gave all these things,
beginning with cows, land and wealth, to the gods in [this] place belonging to good
families (
pade kulānām), offered up (
upārjitāni) for the sake of the meritorious foundation (
After the donor (
yajvan) has given wealth to the three gods here, whoever, out of greed, will have (
sma) taken away (
harati) [this wealth] will fall into hell along with his descen-dants [and remain there]
until the destruction of movable and immovable beings.
X, XI.
When the year of the Śaka king had emerged from the (5) arrows (
śara), the (5) arrows and the (5) arrows, [when it was] the first night of the waxing
moon of Caitra, [when] the Moon was in Aśvinī, the ascendant partly linked with Gemini
maithuna) in Tula, [while] the Sun and other planets (which make a moment auspicious, i.e.
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn) were (respectively) in Pisces (
mīna), Aries (
aja), Vīnā (?), Pisces (
jhaṣa), Capricorn (
mārga), Aquarius (
kumbha) and Sagittarius (
cāpa) — [that is when] the donor properly installed the images of Śrī, Hara and Kr̥ṣṇa