Written by Axelle Janiak, version 1 (2020-05-14)
If you want to use Atom to edit XML files, you will need to add new packages that are not among the core packages that you get by default while installing the editor.
Once you have installed Atom, go in your toolbar to the settings
or Atom > preferences...
, depending on your computer. In the opening settings, go to the tab +install
at the bottom of the left panel.
Search the name of packages, see the list of possibilities in the following sections. Once it has found the package, click on install and agree to each dependency installation request.
It is also possible to install the packages from the Atom website.
You will need the following packages to be able to work:
surroundings with tags...
function of Oxygen. To use it: just select a word or phrase and hit Alt + Shift + w
or right click and select Wrap in tag
in the menu.This will insert <p>...</p>
around the selected text. You can then write the name of the tag you want in stead of <p>
and make use of autocomplete.
select-text-between-tags this package allows you to select all the text between two tags.
double-tag edit one tag and the other is automatically changed to match.
tag automatically closes your tags.
atom-beautify automatically indents your markup.
pdf-view add a support to open PDF in Atom, so you don’t have to open a new tool while working.
zotero-citations adds Zotero support to Atom Markdown editing. To use it, you will need to have the Better BibTeX plugin installed in Zotero.
zotero-picker needs Better BibTeX plugin installed in Zotero, insert your citations if you write your research papers in markdown.
linter-retextjs natural language processor that includes plugins to check for bad prose. It uses the Retext dependencies.
highlight-selected find duplicates and see where you used certain words too often.
wordcount help you counting words.
typewriter to have a better layout.
language-latex for syntax highlighting.
latex to compile the .tex files.