Current Version: draft, 2023-11-08Z
Editors: Chhunteng Hun and Kunthea Chhom.
DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK01412
Hand Description:
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1[...] Āy· ka[ṁ]luṅ· Aṅgana vra[ḥ] Āy· sruk·
2[...] bhāśarmma pOn· mratāñña doṅ· poñ· knanna
3[... kanmo]y· mratāñña nnaṁ jann(a/e) noḥ sre Āy· vanagrā-
4[ma ... Ā]y· dakṣina mratāñ· Abhayavāsa yokka tī (d)u-
5[(k/ñ)· ... vrā]hmana ta śāntiya ta mratāñ Abhayavāsa v(i)ṅṅa
6[... devā]tideva Āy· Bhavāvāsa mratāñ· śambhu cas· mratā[ñ]·
7[... .]ā udyota (pa)ṁnos· paṁ(j)u(ḥ) mratāñ jñānabhakti mratā-
8[ñ· ... mratāñ·] Akṣara gu(p)· mratāñ· vidyāgupta mratāñ· (ma)[2+]
9[...]ñ· duk· sneṅ· tandaṅ· cracur· śvetachatrakanaka
10[... .]i devātideva Aṁvalla daṅṅa qnak· sruk· bhavāvāsa
11[... .](i) phoṅ·ṅa
3 [kanmo]y· • The restitution is doubtful.
6 mratā[ñ]· ◇ mratā CH
1-4[...] in the precints of the sanctuary at the village of [...] Bhāśarmma, younger brother of the mratāñ together with Poñ Knanna [...] Mratāñ Nnaṁ Janna (Janne or Janno); that paddy field at Vanagrāma [...] in the South.
4-5Mratāñ Abhayavāsa took the land to keep (or to purchase) [...] the peaceful Brahmin back to Mratāñ Abhayavāsa.
6-10[...] Devātideva at Bhavāvāsa, the senior Mratāñ Śambhu, Mratāñ [...] Udyota, the religious who performed the atonement rituals, Mratāñ Jñānabhakti, Mratāñ [...], Mratāñ Akṣara Gup, Mratāñ Vidyāgupta, Mratāñ [...] kept the horns of animal, tandaṅ, cracur, white parasol with golden [handle], [...] Devātideva and all the people of Bhavāvāsa [...] also.
First edited by Chhunteng Hun (2018: pages 19–30) in Roman and Khmer scripts with a Khmer translation; the variants of reading are taken from both the Roman and Khmer scripts; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom from the photograph of the inscription and the estampage published in Chhunteng Hun’s edition.