Vat Reach Bo Museum inscription on ornemental bronze (K. 1406)


Current Version:  draft, 2023-11-08Z

Editors:   Chloé Chollet and Sébastien Clouet.

DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK01406

Hand Description:

Additional Metadata

No metadata were provided in the table for this inscription


1[...] yakṣicatu(r)o [...]

Translation into French by Chloé Chollet


First studied by Sébastien Clouet and Chloé Chollet as part of an university study on the inscriptions of ornamental bronzes (2019: page 75). Edition based on photographs.


Clouet, Sébastien. 2019. “Les bronzes ornementaux du Vat Reach Bo de Siem Reap et du Musée National du Cambodge (xie - xiiie siècle).” Paris: Paris IV.
Page 75. [siglum secl]