Stela of Udong on the Stupa of King Saṭṭha (K. 1382), 1917 CE


Current Version:  draft, 2023-11-08Z

Editors:   Rath Sambath Men and Kunthea Chhom.

DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK01382

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1braḥ bu | 2166 ma | 1545 cu | 985 chnāṁ kura pañca săksa
2chnāṁ pārāṁṅa 1623 braḥ pāda saṁmteca braḥ jaiya jeṭṭhā
3dhirāja braḥ cau kruṅa kămbūjādhiptī draṅa sāṅa braḥ caettī
4dandima loe bhnaṁ braḥ rāja drābya braḥ caettī khāṅa lica knuṅa
5khaeta saṁroṅa daṅa dhvoe puna pancuḥ braḥ paraṁma Aṭṭhiḥ braḥ pāda
6saṁmteca braḥ mahin(da)rājādhīrāja braḥ saṭṭhā braḥ cauva
7kruṅa kămbūjādhiptī jā braḥ pituḷā prasūta chnāṁ thoḥ
8pañcasăkkha chnāṁ pārāṁṅa 1544 saoya rāja 16 chnāṁ suvana
9găta chnāṁ vaka Aṭṭha săkkha chnāṁ pārāṁṅa 1596 braḥ janma 54 chnāṁ
10cārika thma naeḥ braḥ pāda saṁmteca braḥ ^sīsuvatti braḥ cauva
11kruṅa kămbūjādhiptī trāsa paṅgāp’ Oya dhvoe knuṅa chnāṁ msāñ’
12nabva săkkha chnāṁ pārāṁṅsa 1917 | |


2 pārāṁṅa • There is a diacritic sign called "thmeñ kantula (mouse teeth)" under the letter rāṁ.2 jaiya • The letter ya is written as subscript under the letter jai.2 jeṭṭhā • There are two dots after this word at the end of the line for alignment.
4 dandimadandiṁ RM4 drābya • There is a diacritic sign on the letter bya.
5 saṁroṅa • There is a diacritic sign called "thmeñ kantula (mouse teeth)" under the letter ro.
6 braḥ saṭṭhābraḥ saṭṭha RM • These words are written in round brackets.6 mahin(da)rājādhīrāja • There is a diacritic sign on the letter nda.
7 thoḥ • There are two dots after this word at the end of the line for alignment.
8 saoya • The letter ya is written as subscript under the letter sao.
9 pārāṁṅa • There is a diacritic sign called "thmeñ kantula (mouse teeth)" under the letter rāṁ.
11 trāsa • There is a diacritic sign on the letter trāsa.11 OyaAoya RM • The letter ya is written as subscript under the letter O.
12 pārāṁṅsa • There is a diacritic sign called "thmeñ kantula (mouse teeth)" under the letter rāṁ.12 1917 | |1917 RM

Translation into French by Men 2007

1En 2166 de l’ère bouddhique, 1545 de la grande ère ; 985 de la petite ère, en l’année du Porc cinquième de la décade

21623 de l’ère chrétienne, Sa Majesté Preah Chey Chétha

3thireach, roi du Cambodge [fit] ériger le stoupa occidental du groupe de Chêdei

4Tuntœm, sur la colline de Preah Reach Troap dans

5la province de Sâmraong Tông [afin de] organiser la cérémonie de dépôts des cendres de Sa Majesté

6Preah Mahinda Reacheathireach (Preah Sattha), roi

7du Cambodge qui était oncle du roi [Preah Chey Chétha]. Il [Preah Sattha] était né en l’année du Lièvre

8cinquième de la décade, en 1544 de l’ère chrétienne. Après 16 ans de règne, il mourut

9en l’année du Singe huitième de la décade en 1596 A.D., à l’âge de 54 ans.

10Cette stèle a été érigée sur l’ordre de Sa Majesté Sisiwath, roi

11du Cambodge, en l’année du Serpent

12neuvième de la décade, en 1917 de l’ère chrétienne.


First edited by Rath Sambath Men (2007: pages 57–62) with a French translation in roman and Khmer script; the variants of reading are taken from the roman script. Re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom based on the figure in Rath Sambath Men’s thesis on p. 138.


Men, Rath Sambath. 2007. “Les stoupas et les temples de la colline d’Oudong.” Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales. [].
Pages 57–62. [siglum RM]