Current Version: draft, 2023-11-08Z
Editors: Kunthea Chhom, Gerdi Gerschheimer, Dominique Soutif and Arlo Griffiths.
DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK01298
Hand Description:
In line 3 we find a number sign with the value ½ that is represented by a +-shaped sign.
No metadata were provided in the table for this inscription
1sre Aṁ□noy· poñ· vin(ā)ya(ka)
2mās· III prak· so niṣkraya gui [li-]
3ṅ· I ½ ca{nle}nlek· yugala y(au)
4(I) Aṁ ⟨⟨kaṁ⟩⟩va(la) y(au) (I) gui neḥ nai vraḥ Utpa-
5nna gui n(eḥ/u) mā[n·] nū gui kṣetra sre
6Aṁnoy· _1_ p(o)ñ· kh(e/o)ṅ· māsa I sre
7A⟨ṁ⟩noy(·) _1_ poñ(·) vidyādeva māsa I
8vā kñuṁ vraḥ [2×]· Oy· ta vraḥ tmur· dneṁ III
9satra vraḥ ta (gui) (t)ṅ(ai ta) moy· liḥ II can·le-
10k· yau II ta gui saṁvatsara ta moyya gui ne[ḥ]
11cātujātakapramā¡ṇ!⟨n⟩a nu (ge ya)⊔jamā-
12na Ai ta [.](ed)[..] (gui nu) vraḥ daṅ· [2×]
13jā sthita (gui) va(jā)[1×](g/ś)o[2+1×]
1 vin(ā)ya(ka) ◇ vinaya(śi) SP; vinaya[na] VS
2 gui ◇ gīya SP; gui VS — 2–3 [li-]/ṅ· ◇ [li-]/ṅ· SP; [jya-]/ṅ· VS
3 ca{nle}nlek· ◇ ca_nlek· SP; ca_nlek· VS • The first syllable nle is partly destroyed because the stela is broken. But it
is sufficiently readable on the estampage and does not seem to be voluntarily removed.
4 gui neḥ ◇ giya no SP; gui neḥ VS — 4 Aṁ ⟨⟨kaṁ⟩⟩va(la) y(au) I ◇ (Aṁ kaṁvala) 6 3 SP; Aṁvala yau 2 VS
5 vraḥ Utpa/nna gui n(eḥ/u) mā[n·] nū gui ◇ vraḥ Utpa/nna giya [...] mā [...]tra giya SP; vraḥ Utpa/nna gui neḥ (mān·) nu gui VS
6 kh(e/o)ṅ· ◇ [.e]ṅ· SP; kheṅ VS — 6 māsa ◇ māsa SP; mās· VS
7 māsa ◇ māsa SP; mās· VS
8 [2×] ◇ tvañ· SP; tel· VS — 8 Oy· ta vraḥ ◇ Oy· ta vraḥ SP; Oy· vraḥ VS — 8 dneṁ III ◇ dneṁ 3 SP; dneṁ II VS
9 vraḥ (ta) gui (t)ṅ(ai ta) moy· liḥ II ◇ vraḥ Utpanna jiṅa I liḥ 2 SP; satra vraḥ ta gui tṅai ta moy· liḥ I VS — 9 liḥ II ◇ liḥ 2 SP; liḥ I VS
10 k· yau II ta gui saṁvatsara ta moyya gi ne[ḥ] ◇ k· yo 3 ta giya saṁvatsara to moyya symbol giya no SP; k· yau II ta gui saṁvatsara ta moyya gui (no) VS
11 ¡cātujātakapramāṇa!⟨cāturjātakapramāna⟩ ◇ mātya jātaka SP; cātujātaka pramāṇa VS
12 (ge ya)⊔jamā/na Ai ta [.](ed)[..](gui nu) ◇ [...] mā/n· Ai ta jeṅ· giya nu SP; ge yajamā/na Ai kaṅeṅ ṭa gui nu vraḥ daṅ· ma [...] VS
13 jā sthita (gui) va(jā)[1×](g/ś)o[2+1×] ◇ (The whole line is illegible.) SP; jā sṭhita [gui dharmme nā] ge dau [...] VS
The translation is given after Pou 2001 with modifications because of new reading in lines 4, 6, 7, 9 and 11.
1-5Rizière en offrande de Poñ Vināyaka, mesurant 3 mās, d’un prix équivalant à 1 liṅ et demi d’argent blanc, 1 yau de vêtements doubles, 1 yau de couverture : cela devint propriété du dieu Utpanna.
5-8Voici d’autres champs et rizières, offerts par Poñ Kheṅ/Khoṅ, soit 1 mās, rizières offertes par Poñ Vidyādeva, soit 1 mās. Des serviteurs hommes [...] offerts au dieu, et 3 paires de bœufs.
9-10Sacrifice au dieu chaque jour, 2 liḥ (de riz), et 3 yau d’étoffe pour chaque année.
11-13Les quatre castes et le yajamāna [résident] à [...] ainsi que le dieu [...]
1-5Paddy field offered by Poñ Vināyaka, measuring 3 mās, with a price equal to 1 liṅ and a half of white silver, 1 yau of pairs of cloth, 1 yau of blanket: all this was the propriety of god Utpanna.
5-8Here are other plantations and paddy fields, offered by Poñ Kheṅ/Khoṅ, equal to 1 mās, paddy fields by Poñ Vidyādeva, equal to 1 mās. Male servants [...] offered to the god and 3 pairs of cows.
9-10Sacrifice to the god everyday, 2 liḥ (of rice), and 3 yau of cloth every year.
11-13The four castes and the yajamāna [dwelling] at [...] as well as the god [...]
First edited by Saveros Pou (2001: page 197) with a French translation; edited again by Vong Sotheara (2003: pages 70–72) in roman and Khmer script; the variants of reading are taken from the Khmer script; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom, Gerdi Gerschheimer, Dominique Soutif and Arlo Griffiths from estampage EFEO n. 1708.