Current Version: draft, 2023-11-08Z
Editor: Dominique Soutif.
DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK01218
Hand Description:
No metadata were provided in the table for this inscription
1929 śaka jaṁnvan· ka[ṁ]mrateṅa Aña vraḥ cau ta vraḥ kaṁmrateṅa Aña śivaliṅga thmo vvaka ṅana tulā III kātikā 10 6
929 śaka, don du Kaṃmrateṅ Añ Vraḥ Cau au Vraḥ Kamrateṅ Añ Śivaliṅga (de) Thmo Vvak, pesant 3 tūla et 16 kātikā.
Edited by Dominique Soutif (2009: page 598) with a French translation based on the EFEO photo K1218-2 to13 and K1218-25 to 34 as well as inspection of the inscription on the spot in January 2006.