Bronze vase at a antique dealer in Bangkok (K. 1218), 929 Śaka


Current Version:  draft, 2023-11-08Z

Editor:   Dominique Soutif.

DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK01218

Hand Description:

Additional Metadata

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1929 śaka jaṁnvan· ka[ṁ]mrateṅa Aña vraḥ cau ta vraḥ kaṁmrateṅa Aña śivaliṅga thmo vvaka ṅana tulā III kātikā 10 6

Translation into French by Soutif 2009

929 śaka, don du Kaṃmrateṅ Añ Vraḥ Cau au Vraḥ Kamrateṅ Añ Śivaliṅga (de) Thmo Vvak, pesant 3 tūla et 16 kātikā.


Edited by Dominique Soutif (2009: page 598) with a French translation based on the EFEO photo K1218-2 to13 and K1218-25 to 34 as well as inspection of the inscription on the spot in January 2006.


Soutif, Dominique. 2009. “Organisation rituelle et profane du temple khmer du viième au xiiième siècle.” PhD Thesis, Paris III - Sorbonne nouvelle. [].
Page 598. [siglum DS]