Pedestal from Houay Sa Houa, Vat Phu (inscription of Citrasena-Mahendravarman, K.
1173), 6th century Śaka
I. Anuṣṭubh
1[na](ptā) śrī-sārvvabhaumasya _
sūnuś śrī-vīravarmmaṇaḥ _
śaktyānūnaẖ kaniṣṭho ’pi _
bhrātā śrī-bhavavarmma(ṇ)[aḥ]
II. Anuṣṭubh
2śrī-citrasena Ity eva_
pūrvvam āhata-lakṣaṇaḥ _
sa śrī-mahendravarmmeti _
nāma bheje ’bhiṣekajam·
III. Anuṣṭubh
3sa śrī-kr̥tāntapāśasya _
pitr̥vyasya śilāmayam· _
vr̥ṣabhaṁ sthāpayām āsa _
yaśaẖkīlam iva s(th)iram·
2 āhata-lakṣaṇaḥ • The letter ṇa has the form of an x, which is older than the form of the ṇa in the words vīravarmmaṇaḥ and bhavavarmmaṇaḥ in line 1.
Translation into French by Gerdi Gerschheimer
Il (
sa) installa un taureau de pierre (
śilāmaya) tel un durable (
sthira) pilier à la gloire de son oncle paternel (
pitr̥vya) Śrīkr̥tāntapāśa (« lacet de celui qui fait la fin/la mort », frère de Vīravarman).
Translation by Kunthea Chhom
Grandson of Śrī Sārvabhauma [and] son of Śrī Vīravarman, in spite of being the youngest
brother of Śrī Bhavavarman [he was] not inferior in power.
He whose mark was well known (
āhatalakṣaṇaḥ) previously by [name] Śrī Citrasena received Śrī Mahendravarman as a name created
[at the time of his] enthronement.
He installed a stone bull as a lasting pillar of glory of his paternal uncle, Śrī
Edited preliminarily by Gerdi Gerschheimer from the estampages EFEO n. 1699 and the
photograph in the publication of Claude Jacques and Philippe Lafond (2004: page 101).