Stela at archaeological depot of Phimai (inscription of Citrasena-Mahendravarman, K. 1106), 6th century Śaka


Current Version:  draft, 2023-11-08Z

Editor:   Emmanuel Francis.

DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK01106

Hand Description:

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I. Anuṣṭubh
1[naptā śrī-sārvvabhaumasya _]
s[ūnu]ś [śr]ī-[vī]ra[varmmaṇaḥ]
2[śaktyānūnaẖ kaniṣṭho ’pi _]
[bh]r[ātā śrī-bhavava](r)[m](m)[aṇaḥ]

II. Anuṣṭubh
3[ś]r[ī-cit]r[asenanāmā ya_ḫ]
[p]ū[rvvam āhata]-(la)[kṣaṇaḥ]
4(sa) [śrī-mahen]dra[varmmeti _]
[nāma bheje ’bhiṣekajam·]

III. Anuṣṭubh
5[jitveman ¡ṭ!⟨d⟩eśam akhi](la)_ṅ
[g]i(r)i[śa](s)y(e)[ha bh](ū)-[bhr̥ti]
6[liṅga]n (n)iveśayām āsa _
jaya-cihnam i[vātmanaḥ]

Translation by Kunthea Chhom

Grandson of Śrī Sārvabhauma [and] son of Śrī Vīravarman, in spite of being the youngest brother of Śrī Bhavavarman [he was] not inferior in power.

He whose mark was well known (āhatalakṣaṇaḥ) previously by name Śrī Citrasena received Śrī Mahendravarman as a name created [at the time of his] enthronement.

Having conquered this entire country, [he] installed on the mountain here a liṅga of Giriśa as his insignia of victory.


The three stanzas of this inscription are identical to those of five inscriptions, viz. K. 363, K. 496, K. 497, K. 508 and K. 1190.

The first two stanzas of this inscription are identical to those of five inscriptions, viz. K. 509, K. 1102, K. 1174, K. 1339 and K. 1340.

The first stanza of this inscription is identical to that of inscriptions K. 1173 and K. 1341.


Edited preliminarily by Emmanuel Francis from the estampage EFEO n. 1380.
