Stela of Phnom Thom (K. 1049), 86x Śaka
I. Anuṣṭubh
1guhā sthāne ’tra ramye hr̥d-
guhā-tattva-vido mama
2guhā dhyātum alan devaṅ
guhāya varadāyinam·
II. Upendravajrā
3bhavatv a[si]ddhir nna mayīti yā vai
bhavatva-siddhir mmayi yā ca bhūyāt·
4 bhavatvam etad bhavatān na me māṁ
bhava tvam eveha tu pālayālam·
III. Sragdharā
5[ – – ] skandāsya-mūrti-prathita-śaka-patau śaṅkha[pā]ner gguhāyā-
6n d[ī]kṣā-dakṣaḥ payo-bhug gaṇita-vid api vā śabda-śāstra-pravaktā
7duḥkhāntaṁ labdhukāmo muni-gaṇa-sahito ’sau yatīndraḥ kr̥pālu-
8s sthitvāsyāṁ svecchayaiva dhruvam amala-padaṁ prāptavān suprasādāt·
IV. Vasantatilakā
9[ – – ⏑ – ] s sura-gaṇair vividhair avāptāṁ
siddhiṁ ya Īpsur iha vatsyati śambhu-bhaktaḥ
10[ – – ⏑ ] sa [ ⏑ ⏑ ] di [ – ] namayeva [ – ] na
śrī-śaṅkha-pāni-samupāsanam eva [ – ] [.]y[.] m·
5 śaṅkha[pā]ner • For śaṅkhapāner we should understand śaṅkhapāṇer.
10 śrī-śaṅkha-pāni-samupāsanam eva [ – ] [.]y[.] m· • In pāda d we should perhaps understand śrīśaṅkhapāṇisamupāsanam eva kāryam.
Translation by Goodall 2015
The cave in this pleasant place is enough for me, who know the truth [residing in]
the cave that is the heart, to meditate privately (
guhā) upon the God who bestowed boons upon Guha (= Skanda).
Let there be absolutely none of that which is non-success in me; and let the success
of attaining Bhavahood (= Śivahood) come about in me; may this
saṁsāra not come about for me; O Bhava, you alone, do you protect me completely here in this
world (
In the Śaka year 86?, that compassionate prince of ascetics who was skilled in initiation,
who consumed only milk and who, although knowledgeable in counting, was a teacher
of grammar, desirous of obtaining the End of Suffering established himself with a
group of sages in this cave of Śaṅkhapāni and by the good grace [of God] attained
by his own will the pure destiny Dhruva.
That devotee of Śiva who, desirous of attaining the supernatural power that has been
reached by various groups of gods [...] , will live [... in this cave ... ], [...]
veneration of Śaṅkhapāni [...]
Edited by Dominic Goodall (2015: pages 6–7) with an English translation.
Goodall, Dominic. 2015. “On K. 1049, a Tenth-Century Cave-Inscription from Battambang,
and on the Sectarian Obedience of the Śaiva Ascetics of Non-Royal Cave-Inscriptions
in Cambodia.” UJKS 13: 3–34. [].
Pages 6–7.
[siglum DG]