Current Version: draft, 2023-11-08Z
Editor: Chloé Chollet.
DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK01016
Hand Description:
Cursive angkorian script, ca. 11th century CE.
No metadata were provided in the table for this inscription
1 dīpte ◇ dīpto CJ
2 siddhiṁ pradātuṁ ◇ siddhi-pradātūṁ CJ — 2 divyāṁ sthito ◇ divyāsthito CJ — 2 ’s(m)in(n u)dite ◇ siddhe vibhur CJ — 2 ⟨⟨gi⟩⟩rīndre ◇ nane [ ⏓ ] CJ • The syllable gi, initially skipped by the engraver, has been added above the line.
3 (e)kārṇnave ◇ (akārṇṇave) CJ
4 [ ⏓ – ⏑ ] liṅgaṁ ◇ vitas i ta CJ
5 cyutā ¿ś?⟨s⟩a-śavdā giri- ◇ cyutāśa davdāgiri- CJ — 5 -mastakāgrāt ◇ -mastakāgrā[ ⏓ ] CJ — 5 sā ◇ [ – ] CJ — 5 (tī)rtha-dhārā ◇ [ ⏑ ]rmadhārā CJ — 5 sa-mahendra- ◇ si-mahendra- CJ
6 ja(ṭ)ā ◇ jatā CJ — 6 -lasat-prabhāvā ◇ -lasaty ubhāvā CJ — 6 saroja-va(ddhe)va purā ◇ si vi va rā CJ
7 Aṣṭo ’pi ◇ Aho ’pi CJ • One would normally except aṣṭau but then a different sandhi would have been applied, and aṣṭāv api would have been unmetrical. • — 7 siddhi-sarvān· ◇ siddhim aryāḥ CJ — 7 siddhārthināṁ ◇ siddhārthinaḥ CJ
8 namadhvaM ◇ namadhva[m·] CJ
It is inscribed within a rectangular cavity prepared beforehand, except for the last line which is inscribed below, on the natural surface of the rock.
First edited by Claude Jacques (1999: page 363) with a French translation. Re-edited by Chloé Chollet with translations into English and French from a photogrammetric model created by Adeline Levivier in May 2022.
↑1. Another reading and cutting of the compound of the first pāda could be vibhāti nand(ī) parameśa-nand(ī), and translated as “Nandin shines, he who is a joy to Parameśa”. However, we believe
that the consounant śa before nandī can be corrected for sa, as it is also the case in pāda a of stanza 3. Thus, a liṅga would have been erected alongside representations of Śiva and Nandin, in a place
named Nandi/aparama, recalling the name given to the mountain in the last stanza.
↑2. The compound aṣṭasiddhi appears in the inscription K. 258 as the name given to a tapovana (orthe name of the territory in which it is established). This is a reference to
the eight supernatural powers of a siddha in the yoga.
↑3. Une autre lecture et découpage du composé du premier pāda seraient vibhāti nand(ī) parameśa-nand(ī), soit « Nandin resplendit, lui qui est une joie pour Parameśa ». Toutefois, on peut
aussi considérer la consonne śa devant nandī comme devant être corrigée pour sa, comme c’est aussi le cas dans le pāda a de la troisième stance. Ainsi, un liṅga aurait été érigé aux côtés de représentations de Śiva et de Nandin, en un lieu qui
serait nommé Nandiparama, et qui rappelle le nom donné à la montagne dans la dernière
↑4. Le composé aṣṭasiddhi apparaît dans l’inscription K. 258 en tant que nom donné à un tapovana (ou bien le nom du territoire où il se trouve). Il s’agit d’une référence aux huit
pouvoirs surnaturels d’un siddha dans le yoga .