Pedestal from Wat Chantheuk (K. 1009), 6th century CE


Current Version:  draft, 2023-11-08Z

Editors:   Claude Jacques and Peter Skilling.

DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK01009

Hand Description:

Additional Metadata

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1[ ⏓  ⏓  ⏓  ⏓  ⏑ ]tava _
sutā dvāravatīpateḥ
mūrttim asthāpayad devī _
[śail]īn tāthāgatīm imām· |


1 [ ⏓  ⏓  ⏓  ⏓  ⏑ ]tava _ • This pāda is not known to Claude Jacques.1 sutā dvāravatīpateḥ • This pāda is not known to Claude Jacques.1 [śail]īn[1+ śr]īn CJ

Translation into French by Jacques 1969

La princesse a fait installer cette statue de Śrī, qui est adepte du Tathāgata.

Translation into French by Jacques 1969

[...] daughter of the Lord of Dvāravatī [...] the queen set up this [stone] image of the Tathāgata.


Edited by Claude Jacques (1969: page 69) with a French translation, reedited by Peter Skilling (2019: pages 65–81) with an English translation.


Skilling, Peter. 2019. “Dvāravatī in Inscriptions and Manuscripts.” Defining Dvāravatī, 65–81. Bangkok: Silkworm Books.
Pages 65–81. [siglum PS]
Jacques, Claude. 1969. “Etudes d’epigraphie cambodgienne, II: Inscriptions diverses récemment découvertes en Thaïlande; III: Quatre fragments d’inscriptions récemment découvertes au Cambodge.” BEFEO 56: 57–69. [].
Page 69. [siglum CJ]