Sīmā stone inscription from Vat Si That Pramancha (K. 981)


Current Version:  draft, 2023-11-08Z

Editor:   George Cœdès.

DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK00981

Hand Description:

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I. Anuṣṭubh
1[ ⏓  ⏓  ⏓  ⏓  ⏑  – ] māyo
yatir vviprādi-pūjitaḥ
śilām imām asau saimīṁ
sthāpayām āsa bhikṣubhiḥ

II. Anuṣṭubh
1[ ⏓  ⏓  ⏓  ⏓  ⏑  –  – ]ne
śuci-saṁvatsare śake
daśame caitra-śukle bhūt
sīmeyaṁ saṅgha-sammatā

Translation into French by Cœdès 1937-1966

[...] cet ascète honoré par les brahmanes a érigé cette pierre tenant l’office de borne, avec les bhikṣu.

En śaka [...] dans l’année Śuśi dixième jour de la lune croissante de Caitra, cette borne a été fixée par l’Assemblée.


The word saima, saimī, does not appear in the lexicons, but its derivation from sīmā, and hence its meaning, are both certain (1937-1966: volume 7, page 160, note 1).

śuśi is possibly a synonym of śukla, name of the 3rd year of the sexagenarian cycle. In this case, we would have a choice between the years 611, 671, 731... (1937-1966: volume 7, page 160, note 2).


First edited by George Cœdès with a French translation (1937-1966: volume 7, pages 159–160). Re-edited here by Chloé Chollet based on EFEO estampage n. 1382.


Cœdès, George. 1937–1966. Inscriptions du Cambodge I-VIII. Collection de textes et documents sur l’Indochine 3. Hanoi; Paris: Imprimerie d’Extrême-Orient [vol. I]; EFEO.
Volume 7, pages 159–160. [siglum GC]