Rock inscription from Tham Lekh cave (K. 723)


Current Version:  draft, 2023-11-08Z

Editors:   George Cœdès and Dominic Goodall.

DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK00723

Hand Description:

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1samādhaye sarvvatamodhanāṇā-
2m iyaṁ guhā vaktraguheti nāmnā
3sā niṣṭhitā vaktraśivena śaktyā
4vibhāti bhaddreśvaraśailapārśve |

5kaṁ ti chdyās· guhā kaṁ ti ruḥ pnāṅ· doṣa


1 sarvvatamosarvvatapo GC • Dominic Goodall noticed that the word sarvvatamo is readable on the estampage, but it had to be corrected as sarvvatapo (Goodall 2015: page 21, note 25).

Translation into French by Cœdès 1937-1966

Pour la méditation de tous ceux qui sont riches d’ascétisme, cette grotte nommée , aménagée par , resplendit par la puissance [de cet ascète] sur le flanc du mont Bhadreśvara.

5Défense d’encombrer la grotte, défense de démolir la cloison : [ce serait] une faute.

Translation by Goodall 2015

For the meditation of all ascetics, this cave, by name, created, to the best of his ability (śaktyā), by , is resplendent on the side of the Bhareśvara mountain.


First edited by George Cœdès with a French translation (1937-1966: volume 5, pages 12–13); re-edited by Dominic Goodall with an English translation of the Sanskrit stanza (2015: page 21).


Cœdès, George. 1937–1966. Inscriptions du Cambodge I-VIII. Collection de textes et documents sur l’Indochine 3. Hanoi; Paris: Imprimerie d’Extrême-Orient [vol. I]; EFEO.
Volume 5, pages 12–13. [siglum GC]
Goodall, Dominic. 2015. “On K. 1049, a Tenth-Century Cave-Inscription from Battambang, and on the Sectarian Obedience of the Śaiva Ascetics of Non-Royal Cave-Inscriptions in Cambodia.” UJKS 13: 3–34. [].
Page 21. [siglum DG]
No identifier given for VaktraśivaNo identifier given for VaktraśivaNo identifier given for VaktraguhāNo identifier given for Vaktraguhā