Current Version: draft, 2023-11-08Z
Editors: Dominique Soutif, Arlo Griffiths and Kunthea Chhom.
DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK00493
Hand Description:
Tentative conclusion by Arlo Griffiths regarding the paleography of I versus Ī: - no śikhā is used for forming Ī until the Angkorian period - double wavy line seems normally to express short I, and only something clearly different can be Ī, so the reading of K. 30 has to be changed to Iśvara-, and then corrected back to Īśvara- with - the estampage of K. 50 isn’t so clear, but I suspect the form intended was like the one seen more clearly in C. 87 and K. 1322: a kind of ra surrounded by dots (see attached screenshot from Indoskript, which gives ample parallels for this shape that I remember Claude Jacques refused to acknowledge when K. 1322 had just been discovered) - I haven’t found any case that really resembles the wavy line plus curl seen in K. 493, but it is not as clearly distinguished from the doubvle wavy line as any of the specimens of Ī above, so we may assume for now that this form too could express I. The pre-Angkorian initial long Ī either has three horizontal layers, or it has the two dots or circles on either side of a vertical bar or loop. But the two dots with a little spiral below at the beginning of the expression ihāpi in K. 493 is a form of short i.
The shape of subscript -k is particularly liable to be confused with -t: see line 23 Ukka and saṅ kara.
No metadata were provided in the table for this inscription
15[4+sā]nnidhyasya śrīvyomeśvarasya kṣetradvayam asmin·
16[2+ āmrātake]śvare dattam· Asya kṣetra-dvayasya niṣkrayaḥ Arccana-
17[5+]ṣmin· śrīvyomeśvare dattam· Etad api śrīmatā śrījayavarmma-
18[ṇā 4+]ddham· | yad api ca jñānacandreṇopārjjitaṁ tat sarvaṁ śrīmad-āmrātake-
19śvarasy(e/o) [4+]vyam· |
19poñ· bhāvinaya ktiṅ· krapi canmat· I sre Aṁnoy· poñ· ta gui mās· [1+]
20sre phalada [ma](n·) jāhv· ta kurāk· jmeṅ· doṅ· poñ· vidyāśakti sare kanlaḥ jnāhv·
gui kñuṁ kantai II
21caṁdak· I canlek[· yu]gala yau III| nu man· poñ· chāñ· ktiṅṅa sre poñ· tel· poñ· mat(i)śakti
22(ta) paṁre (t)eṁ gui laṅas· Ai ka(ñj)rap· qvac· purandarapura soṅ· ktiṅ· ra gui ge
qnak· vraḥ kanmeṅ· dā(r·)
23[ca]nlek· yugala ta gui Ukka (y)au IIII
nu man· gui saṅ kara ta ge|
sre travaṅ· bhāteja man· jāhv· ta poñ·
24[sre] dharmmapradāna poñ· Ukka man· jāhv· ta kloñ· tāñ· ta poñ· bhāśleṣma man· Oy·
snāṅ· □ni-
25ṣkraya ta vraḥ kamra[tā]ñ· cas· gui (te)l· pok· doṅ· vraḥ kamratāñ· śrī rudramahālaya
26sre teṁ Aṁvil· poñ· candravi□3□ndu ktiṅṅa Argha kñuṁ I sre kaṁluṅ· tnal· man· tāṅ·
Aṁvī pradāna
27sre m(r)atāñ· bhākusuma man· Oy· ta vraḥ ma(ṇ)i Ai ka vraḥ pañ· _ sre man· jāhv· ta
ge qnak· vraḥ cas·
28(t)el· Oy· kni(p)· ta vraḥ kamratāñ· U(kka) O(y)[·] (sa)tra (ka)n·Āk· _ sre poñ· vāṅ·
pradāna cī Añ·
29doṅ· poñ· bhān(u?)prasiddhi _ sre lvāṅ· sa(ṅ)ke pradāna (p)oñ· mati□2□praśānti _ gui
sre poñ·
30chāñ· phoṅ· poñ· cī soṁ gui saṅ· poñ· Oy· □3□ ta mratāñ· medhāvindu ku(m)ārāmātya
31mratāñ· Oy· (gu)i (ta) vraḥ | (s)r(e) mratā[ñ· 1+]ma[1+]□1□vin(du) jeṅ· sruk· tmī
(O)[y]· [ta] vraḥ maṇī
1 yogināṁ prabhavo [bhava]ḥ ◇ yogināṁ prabhavo [ ⏑ – ]ḥ GC • Cœdès suggested that the last akṣara would be kaḥ, but this does not seem evident to us, and our conjectural restitution is inspired
both by K. 253 N, st. I jayaty ambhoja-bhūpendra-durvvodha-prabhavo bhavaḥ and by the repeated use of assonance in this stanza.
5 ’navadyātmā ◇ navādyātmā GC
13 [ya](d a)smin· ◇ [ ⏓ ⏓ ]smin· GC
22 qvac· ◇ qmac· GC
15 [4+sā]nnidhyasya ◇ [5+]nnidhyasya GC
18–19 śrīmad-āmrātake/śvarasy(e/o) [4+]vyam· ◇ śrīmad-āmrātake/śvarasye[4+]vyam· GC • Perhaps restore śrīmad-āmrātakeśvarasyo[pabhokta]vyam·.
24 snāṅi ◇ snāṅ· GC
28 (ka)n·Āk· ◇ kun·Āk· GC
29 bhān(u?)prasiddhi ◇ bhāna prasiddhi GC
30 phoṅ· ◇ hoṅ· GC — 30 kumārāmātya ◇ kumārāmatya GC
15-19[...] two fields of Śrī Vyomeśvara near [...] offered to this Āmrātakeśvara. The purchasing of these two fields [...] homage given to this Śrī Vyomeśvara. This also was [...] by the illustrious Śrī Jayavarman [...] Whatever was acquired by Jñānacandra has to be [...] of the illustrious Āmrātakeśvara.
19-21Poñ Bhāvinaya owed 1 ungelded water buffalo. Paddy-fields offered by the Poñ in its place (ta gui) [amounting to ...] mās (units): the paddy-field (called) Phalada which he purchased from Kurāk Jmeṅ and Poñ Vidyāśakti, measuring a half sare, for the price of two female servants, 1 caṁdak [and] 3 yau of paired cloth for lower garments.
21-23Now (nu man) Poñ Chāñ owed to the Poñ (i.e., Bhāvinaya) the paddy-field, a debt which Poñ Matiśakti, [his] former servant as (gui) a laṅas (?) at Kañjrap Avac [under] Purandarapura, paid off on his behalf (ra gui) [by the following donation]: the personnel of the Young God, also on his behalf (ta gui ukka), received paired cloth for lower garments [to the amount of] 4 yau.
23-31Now the return of interest (? kara) to them was:
1Bonheur !
15-18[...]deux champs de Śrī Vyomeśvara [...] donnés à cet Āmrātakeśvara. Le prix d’achat de ces deux champs [...] donné à ce Śrī Vyomeśvara, cela aussi par le vénérable Śrī Jayavarman [...].Tout ce qui a été acquis par Jñānacandra doit être [...] de Śrī Āmrātakeśvara.
19-20Poñ Bhā Vinaya livre un buffle entier. Rizières données par le Poñ au temple : [...] mās. Rizière Phalada achetée à Kurak Jmeṅ ainsi qu’à Poñ Vidyāśakti, (mesurant) 1/2 sare, au prix de 2 esclaves femmes, 1 caṁdak (?), 3 yau de vêtements doubles.
21-23Et Poñ Chāñ livre la rizière du Poñ que Poñ Matiśakti, ancien serviteur de laṅas (?) à Kaṅjrap Amac (dans) Purandarapura, livre en remboursement aux gens du Jeune Dieu (Vraḥ Kanmeṅ), qui demandent 4 yau de vêtements doubles en sus, à titre de payement de l’impôt. Rizière Travaṅ Bhā Teja, achetée au Poñ.
24-25Les autres rizières données par le Poñ, ont été achetées à Kloñ Tāñ et à Poñ Bhā Śleṣma, et données en payement à l’ancien dieu, qui est réuni au V.K.A. Śrī Rudramahālaya.
26Rizière Teṁ Aṁvil : Poñ Candra livre en payement un esclave. Rizière Kaṁluṅ Tnal, donnée par Tāṅ Aṁvi.
27-28Rizière de Mratāñ Bhā Kusuma donnée au Saint Joyau (Vraḥ Maṇi) à Ka Vraḥ Pañ(?). Rizière achetée aux gens de l’ancien dieu que ... ↓1
28-29Rizière Poñ Vāṅ, don de Cī Añ et de Poñ Bhānaprasiddhi. Rizière Lvāṅ Saṅke, don de Poñ Matipraśānti.
30-31La rizière de Poñ Chāñ que Poñ Cī avait restituée, le Poñ (Chāñ) la donne au Mratāñ Medhāvindu, conseiller des jeunes princes, et ce Mratāñ la donne au dieu. Rizière de Mratāñ ... ↓2 Vindu de Jeṅ Sruk Tmī donnée au Saint Joyau.
Four names with Bhā- are attested in the inscription: Bhāvinaya, Bhāteja, Bhāśleṣma and Bhākusuma. They allude to the Pāśupata sect. According to J. Estève (2009: 476), names with ’Bhā-/Bha-’ appear in 12 inscriptions (7th-11th century): K. 493, K. 438, K. 424, K. 427, K. 107, K. 726, K. 927, K. 154, K. 291, K. 270, K. 843 and K. 366. For a discussion of the name with Bhā-, see Goodall. 2015. “On K. 1049, a tenth-century cave-inscription from Battambang, and on the sectarian obedience of the Śaiva ascetics of non-royal cave-inscriptions in Cambodia." Udaya 13, p. 26-28.
3Pākaśāsana is listed among names of Indra in Puranic Encyclopeda p. 327.
Edited by George Cœdès (1937-1966: volume 2, pages 149–152) with a French translation; re-edited here by Dominique Soutif, Arlo Griffiths & Kunthea Chhom from estampage EFEO n. 250.