Current Version: draft, 2023-11-08Z
Editors: George Cœdès and Kunthea Chhom.
DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK00388
Hand Description:
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b9neḥ gui ru puṇya Upādhyāya śrīrājabhikṣu
b10tel(·) sthāpaka Āy(·) srau brā man· sanme
b11ni [1+] tal(·) bra kyāk· śrīvr̥ddheśvara Indravarmma ca-
b12kkrāvartti | nu braḥ kaṁmratāṅ· Añ(·) śrī
b13soryavarmma ta kuruṅṅa (ñuṁ) Āy· mr̥ doṅ·
b14vraḥ kaṁmratāṅ· Añ· śrī cakkrāvarti ti Ā-
b15y· taṁraṅ· steṅ· kaṁmratāṅṅa [A]ñ· śrīvikkra-
b16marudra ti Āy· sro brā | neḥ gui Aṁno[y·]
b17[5+] ri dravya ti man· O[y·]
b18ta vraḥ daṁneppra jeṅ(·) den· tek· ta
b19[2+]dra raṅgaḥ tek· Āstharana
Item C
C1[1+]yā I parddamāna kalaśa śaṅkha dro[2+] la-
C2ṅgau I carā dhūpa (|) [2+] kaṅśa [1×]ārnna I taṁpoṅṅa | daṁ-
C3riṅ· moy· slā teṁ 20 sre ber· sanrey(·) dau
C4ta gui tnalla lvoḥ jassa Aṁrāt ti jeṅ· vihāra [1+]
C5[1+] 100 tmur· tap· dneṁ snāṅ· yār· [5+]
C6lāniyya neḥ gui kyuṁ vraḥ vodhigana kantai gui kon(·)
C7piy(·) vodhipriya kantai gui kon· ber(·) | kaḥ [1+]
C8[1+] kantai gui kon· ber· | hr̥dayarakṣa kantai gui kon(·)
C9[2+]śīlagana kantai gui kon· piyya kdat· kantai
C10gui kon· moyya kjaiy· kantai gui moyya dvār· ka-
C11ntai gui moyya | manudharma | vidyāgupta | ya [4+]
C12kanyeṅ· | vodhiśīla | bhadra [1+] paḥ vodhigupta | vo-
C13dhipāla | māṅ· tma[1+] vodhisambhoga | balaya [1+]
C14canhoy· mās· canhoy· prāk· | taṁmrr̥ moy·
C15neḥ gui Aṁnoy· [Upā]ddhyāya kaṁmrateṅ· Añ· śrī rā-
C16jabhikṣu ta vraḥ [...]
d10stuk· svāy·
d11vāyavya nā [1+] paścima [1+]
d12[1+] caratire [1+] bhūt· [Ī-]
d13śane tu srau patitaḥ da-
d14kṣiṇato yas tavan upā-
d15dhyāyaḥ | pūrvve tu travāṅ parasa
d16nair̥taye yaḥ punaḥ chpar· [1+]au
d17saḥ ete dhvānaḥ vivudhaiḥ srau
d18vrā deve viśanti vijñeyaḥ |
Item b b12 braḥ ◇ vraḥ GC
b13 (ñuṁ) ◇ [1+] GC
b14 śrī cakkrāvarti ◇ śrīcakkrāvarti GC
b15 y· taṁraṅ· • The virāma which is applied on the y in the beginning of the line and the ṅ of the word taṁraṅ is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320B does not contain these words.
b16 Āy· • The virāma on the y is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320B does not contain this word.
Item C C14 moy· • The virāma on the y of the word moy is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320C does not contain this word.
C15 Aṁnoy· • The virāma on the y is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320C does not contain this words. — C15 kaṁmrateṅ· Añ· • The virāma on the the ṅ and the ñ is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320C does not contain these words.
Item d d15 / • George Cœdès does not mark the line "d15".
d16 chpar· • The virāma on the r of the word chpar is a presumption; the estampage EFEO n1320d does not contain this word.
b9-b16Voici l’œuvre pie de l’upādhyāya Śrī Rājabhikṣu, fondateur [du temple] à Srau Brā, offerte à parts égales aux Bra Kyak Śrī Vr̥ddheśvara, Indravarma Cakravarti et V. K. A. Śrī Soryavarma régnant à Mr̥, ainsi qu’à V. K. A. Śrī Cakravarti à Taṁraṅ, Steṅ K. A. Vikramarudra à Sro Brā.
b16-b19Voici les dons [...]. Les biens qui sont donnés au dieu, à commencer par un chandelier de fer [...] raṅgaḥ de fer, un lit de repos,
C1-C5vardhamāna, flacon, conque [...] en cuivre, carā à encens, [...] bâton ; une plantation de 20 aréquiers, deux sanrey de rizière allant [...] la route jusqu’à [...] au pied du vihāra ; 100 [...] ; dix paires de bœufs ; [...].
C6-C13Voici les esclaves du dieu (suit une liste de noms d’esclaves avec ceux de leurs femmes, kantai gui, et le nombre de leurs enfants, kon) ;
C14canhoy d’or, canhoy d’argent, 1 éléphant.
C15-C19Voici les dons du maître K. A. Śrī Rājabhikṣu au dieu (la suite est ruinée).
d10-d18(Limites de la terre de Stuk Svay dans un contexte sanskrit défiant toute traduction.)
The passage from stuk svay to the end of the face d which is understood to be a prose here can also be an unidentified stanza.
Edited by George Cœdès (1937-1966: volume 6, pages 74–77) with a French translation; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom from estampage EFEO n.1320.