Current Version: draft, 2023-11-08Z
Editor: George Cœdès.
DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK00379
Hand Description:
No metadata were provided in the table for this inscription
10purvve bhūriliṅgapuraśavdāt dakṣiṇe [5+]
11paścime candrapurajā [1+] āt uttare traya
12Oṁ namaś śivāya
Line 2: G. Cœdès notes that the character before the word śīrṇṇānaṁ looks like an ñ.
Line 4: G. Cœdès notes that the first syllable of the word pīḍayanti looks more like hi.
First edited by George Cœdès without any translation (1937-1966: volume 6, page 213).