South and North doorjambs of East door of the Southern tower of the first row of Prasat Lolei (K. 327), 815 Śaka


Current Version:  draft, 2023-11-08Z

Editors:   Dominique Soutif and Kunthea Chhom.

DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK00327

Hand Description:

Additional Metadata

No metadata were provided in the table for this inscription


Item S S1| | śrī siddhi svasti jaya |

I. Upajāti
śrīmān yaśovarmmanarendracandra _-
s sa candracandrāṣṭaśakā S2ptarājyaḥ _
Asmin dharārāmanarādi sarvvaṁ _
svasthāpiteśe tad idaṁ vyatā S3rīt |

II. Upajāti
sa cāgra-yāyī dadatāṁ samastāṁ _-
s tān bhāvinaḥ kambuja-bhū-patīndrān· _
punaḥ S4punar yyācata Ity ayaṁ va _-
s svadharmma-setuḥ paripālanīyaḥ |

III. Upajāti
Avaimi ye sthāsnu-S5yaśaś-śarīrā _
jihāsavo ’sūn api dharmma-hetoḥ _
bhavanta Uccaiśśirasāṁ variṣṭhā _
S6devasvam iccheyur apīdr̥śās te |

IV. Upajāti
prāyas sthite goptari sanmukhā ye _
chiS7dre sura-dravya-harās tu santi _
Idan tato rakṣata sad-yuge ’pi _
rāhur jjahāraiva S8sudhāṁ surābhaḥ |

V. Upajāti
yathā ca rāhu-pramukhān vijitya _
rarakṣa devān amr̥tañ ca viṣnuḥ _
S9tathā bhavanto ’pi nihatya caurā _-
n suraṁ surasvaṁ paripālayantu |

VI. Upajāti
jñātañ ca satyaṁ mr̥tiS10r eva yācñā _
rājño viśeṣeṇa tathāpi sāstu _
dharmmasya hetor mmaraṇaṁ hi śaS11staṁ _
satām atas tyāgina Eva yāce |

VII. Upajāti
kumāra-mantri-pramukhaiś ca punya _-
n nivedanāS12dyena tad eva rakṣyam· _
yuṣmāsu bhāraḥ paripālanādi _-
s snigdheṣu vidvatsu kr̥to S13hi rājñā | | |

S13815 śaka pañcamī roc· Āṣādha vyar· Antvaṅ· dikka sracti A-
S14rddharātra Āy· vnek· Ādityavāra Uttarabhadranakṣatra nu dhūlī jeṅ vraḥ kamra-
S15teṅ· Añ· śrī yaśovarmmadeva ta svey· vraḥ rājya gi 811 śaka sthāpanā
S16vraḥ kamrateṅ· Añ· śrī mahīpatīśvara vraḥ jaṁnvan· qnak· paṁre toy· knetta
S17taṁrvac· tai cpoṅ· I rmmāṁ tai ratnadevī I tai sandot· I tai sumalla I caṁryyāṅ· tai vru
S18vinai I tai cke I tai duruṁ I tai sthāyī I tai vit· I tai dharaṇī I tai panheṁ I tai can-
S19roḥ I tai rev· I tai rAt· I tai yuk· I tai hat· I tai śrīmaya I tai vrau I
S20tai pduṁ I tai sdak I tai chlāṁ I tai laṁñāṁ I tai mano I tai nan· I tai Aṅ·Oṅ· I tai
S21jvik· I tmoṅ· tai smuk· I tai śrī I tai śrī sot· I chmap· cheṅ· tai dī I ga-
S22ndharvva tai pansvaṁ I sī thnaḥ I caṁryyāṅ· stutī tai sukha I tai srapāc· tmiṅ· kinnara
S23tai thkep· I ⟨tai⟩ tilottamā I tai lai I tmiṅ· vīṇa tai kr̥ta I tai Udyāna I
S24tai himan· I tmiṅ· lāv· tai prajāpatī I tmiṅ· chko tai can·cān· I | kloñ·
S25sruk sī jnuṁ I varī sī pandan· I pamek· sī panlas· I cmāṁ pjuḥ sī Akṣarabhāva I pī-
S26le sī kanso I cmāṁ mās· prak· sī kañjoṅ· I Ābhaṣa sī śryālaya I tai ka-
S27nsaṁ I tai śuddha I smañ· sī thke I mālākāra sī kañjā I gvāl· kanteṅ· I tai kañcū I
S28tai subhadra I qmuḥ dik· sroṅ· gvāl· śrī kalpit· I gvāl· thgan· I gvāl· kan·hey· I
S29chattradhāra sī vrau I sī kaṁpañ· I sī kinnara I sī cpoṅ· I sī jīva I gvāl· jīva I lmāṁ vraḥ
S30pītai sī sneha I sī cumbala I caṁryyaṅ· śikharā sī kansat· I gvāl· dhīra I gandharvva sī
S31śrī I cmāṁ vraḥ vleṅ· sī keśava I cmāṁ kanloṅ· sī kaṁpit· I pratīhāra sī cke danden· I
S32pamos· sī kañjā I mahānasa sī qgat· I sī kansok· I sī katta citta I sī kansat· I pattra-
S33kāra sī kañcan· I tai kaṁvrau I tai kan·As· I cmāṁ dvār· sī krau I turyya sī pnos· I gvāl· ka-
S34nteṅ· I gvāl· candāla I gvāl· kmau I gvāl· kamala I vannāra sī daiva cmāṁ śālā sī vaca-
S35nānubandha I rmmes· raṅko tai kan·As· I tai kaṁpit· I mahāvrīhi tai kañjaṁ I tai ka-
S36nsū I tai vvaṁ Añ· tarkka I tai karmma Añ· dai I tai hiraṇya I tai rat· supāra I tai kralā I tai
S37Et pi rlik· I tai kaṁpat· I tai kañcī I tai rat· śrī I tai laṅgāy· I tai rat· kaṁbuṅ· I cmāṁ
S38hajaya sī candrabhāva I sī kanteṅ· I tai kan·rat· I lap· ptal· I dmuk· varṣā tai śucī I
S39sī pau siddivara I tai rat· kan·dvac· I lap· kañjā I tai kaṁvai I tai kan·As· I tai rat·
S40kmau I lap· cke I tai kanses· I sī pau kanruk· I tai rat· jaṁAr· I tai cpoṅ· I tai vra-
S41hey· I tai thke I tai pnos· I sī pau siddhivara I sī rat· kañcū I tai kañcun· I tai ka-
S42ndai I tai pau paṁnaṅ· I tai rat· kantik· I tai saṁAp· I tai AṁAp· I tai Amr̥taviṣa I sī pau kan·Añ· I tai
S43rat· raṁnoc· I tai hoṅ· I tai rat· kaṁvrau I lap· cpoṅ· I tai nau I sī pau skār· I sī
S44rat· kñuṁ I tai cke I lap· kan·dvac· I cmāṁ cpar· dvaṅ· sī panlas· I tai Aṅ·Oṅ· I tai thkyāp· I sī
S45rat· kañcū I tai kaṁprvat· I tai pau kñuṁ vraḥ I sī rat· qgat· I tai Anaṅga I gvāl·
S46klāṅ· I tai kañjaṁ I sī pau jaṅver· I sī rat· kañjaṁ I tai pandan· I tai pau taṅker· I
S47gvāl· saṁAp· I tai kanteṅ· I lap· paṁnaṅ· I tai kanteṅ· sot· I tai pau I tai kanduḥ I
S48cmāṁ tpal· sī kansū I sī kanso I gvāl· kañjey· I qnak· paṁre kloñ· vnaṁ sī kanle-
S49ṅ· I tai kaṁvai I tai pau kansū I tai pit so I tai pau kansen· I lap· pandan· I gvāl·
S50pravāt· I gvāl· kaṁpañ· I qnak· paṁre paṁnvas· smiṅ· gvāl· Oṅ· I gvāl· tveñ· I gvāl·
S51kaOc· I tai ktoṅ· I gvāl· kdeñ· I tai kalī I gvāl· trai I lap· kathā dibva I cra-
S52lo qnak· paṁre tai thkep· I tai pau pharoda I sī rat· kaṁvraḥ I tai kanteṅ· I gvāl· paṁ-
S53[1+] I tai pandan· I tai pau paṁnaṅ· I tai rat· kanduḥ I gvāl· kanteṅ· I gvāl· jīva I gvāl· kan·
S54[2+] I [gvā]l· kse I gvāl· sugaṇa I gvāl· pumān· I tai yoṅ· I | piṇda sī 20108
S55[tai] 80102 [gvāl·] 20 7 lap· 8 sī rat· 6 tai rat· 10 sī pau 6 tai pau 8 psaṁ 10080105 |

Item N
N1| śrī siddhi svasti jaya |

I. Śārdūlavikrīḍita
N1vāṇaikāṣṭa-śake śuceś śitiN2dine ṣaṣṭhe jhaṣārddhaṁ vidhau _
siṅhañ candra-sute vr̥ṣaṁ sabhr̥guN3je lagne kulīraṁ ravau _
cāpan deva-gurau tulāṁ saravije N4bhaume gate sthāpitā _
gaurīśa-pratimās samaṁ svaracitās tāś śrīN5yaśovarmmaṇā | | |

N5qnak· paṁre toy· rṇnocca rmmāṁ tai vrau I tai varṇā I tai khit· [5+]
N6pan·las· I tai hrimā I tai bhuṁ I tai draṅal· I tai vap· I tai sa [5+]
N7yāṇī I tai thIṅ· I tai yaśodharā I tai Aśoka I tai gan· I [4+]
N8tai garbhā I tai Utpala I tai sīla I tai sbok· I tai siddhiśrī I tai dnaṅ· [4+]
N9t· I tai sṅi I tmoṅ· tai cradit· I tai kaṁpat· I tai sāk· I sī kaṁpur· I cmap· che[ṅ· 4+]
N10r· I caṁryyāṅ· stutī tai kañcan· I tmiṅ· kinnara tai mu tai bharau I tai saṁqap· I tai [3+]
N11tmiṅ· vīṇa tai śucī I tai smaṅ· I tai kanrat· I tmiṅ· trisarī tai Aśo(ka)ka I [tmi-]
N12ṅ· lāv· tai surabhī I kloñ· sruk sī dhīra I varī sī taṅker· I pamek· sī kaṁ(p)[.]
N13cmāṁ pjuḥ sī jīva I pīle sī tguṇ· I cmāṁ mās· prak· sī panheṁ I Ābhaṣa sī cke I tai A-
N14k· I tai saṁAp· I smañ· sī kaṁvan· I mālākāra sī naṁvī I sī pnos· I tai kañjaṁ I tai [ka-]
N15nrau I qmuḥ dik· sroṅ· gvāl· kaṁpit· I gvāl· rhin· I chattradhāra sī cke I sī leṅ· (ma)
N16sī mānnudharmma I sī kaṇtha I gvāl· kaṁvrau I gvāl· pandan· I lmāṁ vraḥ pītai sī [2+]
N17n· I gvāl· kaṁprvat· I caṁryyāṅ śikharā gvāl· kan·Añ· I gvāl· kaṁvraḥ I gandharvva sī śrī I
N18cmāṁ vraḥ vleṅ· sī kaṁpañ· I cmāṁ kanloṅ· sī kanteṅ· I pratīhāra sī kse I pa[mo-]
N19s· gvāl· pnos· I mahānasa sī kan·As· I sī namī I sī sukr̥ta I sī kñuṁ I pattrakāra sī qga-
N20t I tai pnos· I tai panlas· I cmāṁ dvār· sī Āvada I turyya sī kansen· I gvāl· ratnadā-
N21sa I gvāl· sahāya I gvāl· ñeṅ· I gvāl· sravay· I vannāra sī vnur· I cmāṁ śālā
N22sī dāk· I rmmes· raṅko tai vraḥ qme I tai kmau I mahāvrīhi tai kaṁpat· I tai kansu I
N23tai dāṅ· I tai pau viṣuva I tai kaṁvai I sī pau kaṁpit· I sī rat· pandan· I tai kanle-
N24ṅ· I tai vuyeṅ· I tai suvarṇna I tai subhadrā I cmāṁ hajaya sī kañjya sī A-
N25nrok· I tai taṅkū I lap· vraḥ duḥkha I dmuk· varṣā tai panheṁ I tai Aṁdeṅ· I tai ka-
N26nleṅ· I sī pau kan·As· I sī rat· kaṁpas· I tai Anartha I tai rat· cneṁ I tai saṁAp· I
N27tai pau I tai rat· kaṁpit· I tai vṅe vrai I tai pau jmas· I tai rat· magha I tai klāṅ· I
N28sī pau śilā I tai kanso I tai kañ·yas· I tai tkep· I tai vrahey· I tai
N29pau cneṁ I sī rat· dharāditya I tai pandan· I tai kreṅ· I tai prāṇa I sī pau śrī I
N30sī rat· panlas· I tai panlas· I tai kanteṅ· I tai kaṁpas· I lap· kaṁvai I tai pragunta I
N31tai Aṅ·Oṅ·I tai pau kñuṁ I sī rat· kañjaṁ I lap· cvāy· I gvāl· saṁAp· I tai śilā I
N32tai svasti I sī rat· taṅker· I tai śilā sot· I tai rat· kantur· I tai tleṁ I sī pau I
N33tai kaṁvrau I tai devalakṣmī I sī pau cnāṅ· I cmāṁ cpar· dvaṅ· tgo I sī cpoṅ· I sī
N34rat· kaliha I tai qgat· I gvāl· kaṁvai I lap· Aṅ·Oṅ· I tai kan·hyaṅ· I sī rat· ka-
N35nso I gvāl· kanleṅ· I tai mālatī I tai pau śucī I tai rat· tleṁ I tai kaṁpat· I tai nava-
N36[n]īta I gvāl· kñuṁ I sī kansat· I tai śrī I tai kareṅ· I tai pragunta I tai kanrat· I cmāṁ
N37[tpal·] sī kr̥tajñuguṇa I gvāl· Anrok· I lap· tkep· I qnak· paṁre paṁnvas· smiṅ·
N38[2+] vāṅ· I gvāl· drāṅ· I gvāl· dharmmadāsa I gvāl· guy· I gvāl· ñeṅ· I gvāl· kan·Ū
N39[2+] jāy· I gvāl· saṁghat· I gvāl· kurāṅ· I gvāl· jāṅ· I cralo qnak· paṁre
N40[2+] ntvan· I gvāl· saṁAp· I gvāl· jver· I gvāl· kaṁpur· I gvāl· subhāk· I tai kanso I
N41(|?)[piṇda sī] 20105 tai 808 gvāl· 2010II lap· 5 sī rat· 8 tai rat· 5 sī pau 6 tai
N42[pau·] 6 [psaṁ] 100805 |

II. Upajāti
N42Asyāsumanto haraṇaṁ haranti _
ye te narendrād iha yātanārhāḥ
N43yamād amutrāpi ca pālayanti _
ye yāntu te dhāma śivaṁ śivasya |


S13 pañcamīpañcami SP
S23 ⟨tai⟩ • La restitution est évidente au vu des listes équivalentes.
S25 sī panlas·si panlas· SP
S28 thgan·chgan· SP
S31 pratīhārapratihāra SP
S37 Et pi rlik·Et pi lak· SP
S52 pharodapharoṅa SP
S54 20108108 SP
S55 10080105405 SP
N15 rhin·hin· SP
N18 pratīhārapratihāra SP
N19 namīnavamī SP
N21 ñeṅ·ñeṅ· SP • Même correction ligne 38.
N41 20105195 SPN41 80868 SPN41 2010II32 SP
N42 100805165 SP

Translation by BhattacharyaGolzio 2009

S1Fortune! Success! Hail! Victory!

The moon amongst the kings, Śrī Yaśovarman, who became king in the Śaka year denoted by moon [1], moon [1] eight [811], gave all this, lands, gardens, men, etc., to Īśa established by himself.

And he, the foremost among givers, implorers all those future kings of kings of the Kambujas again and again: ’You should protect this bridge of merit for yourself!’

You, who have a permanent body of glory, who are ready to sacrifice even your lives for the sake of merit, and are the best of those who carry their heads high, could you, being like this, covet the property of the gods? I understand this.

Defend this against people who usually appear to be good in the presence of guardians, but who plunder the property of the gods in case there is a breach. Even in the good age (sadyuge) Rāhu in the guise of a god stole the nectar of immortality!

And, as Viṣṇu, having subdued Rāhu and others, protected the gods and the nectar of immortality, so you should protect the god and the property of the god, having killed the plunderers.

And I know, indeed, that entreaty is but death, especially for a king. Nevertheless, let it be; for dying for the sake of merit is right for the good. So I implore (you) who are liberal indeed.

And this meritorious deed should be protected by princes, ministers, etc., through ordinances and so on, for the burden of protecting, etc., is laid by the king upon you, who are devoted and wise.

N1Fortune! Success! Hail! Victory!

In the Śaka year denoted by arrow [5], one [1] and eight [8], on the sixth white (or black, śiti) day of the month of Śuci, the moon in the middle of Pisces, the son of the moon (Mercury) in Leo, the horoscope together with the son of Bhṛgu (Venus) in Taurus, the sin in Cancer, the Guru of the gods (Jupiter) in Sagittarius, the son of the Earth (Mars) together with the son of the sun (Saturn) in Libra, the images of Śiva and Gaurī, made by himself, were erected together by Śrī Yaśovarman.

Men who take away the offerings for him, should be punished here by the king and in the other world by Yama; but those who protect them, may they go to the auspicious abode of Śiva.


The Sanskrit part is first edited by Abel Bergaigne (1893: page 319); reedited by Kamaleswar Bhattacharya (2009: pages 69–71, 73, 75, 79) with an English translation of the preliminary benedictory formula and the 9 verses. The Khmer part is first edited by Saveros Pou (2001: page 71); reedited by Dominique Soutif (2009: pages 480–483) without translation.


Bhattacharya, Kamaleswar. 2009. A Selection of Sanskrit Inscriptions from Cambodia. Phnom Penh: Center for Khmer Studies. [].
Pages 69–71, 73, 75, 79. [siglum KB]
Soutif, Dominique. 2009. “Organisation rituelle et profane du temple khmer du viième au xiiième siècle.” PhD Thesis, Paris III - Sorbonne nouvelle. [].
Pages 480–483. [siglum DS]
Pou, Saveros. 2001. Nouvelles inscriptions du Cambodge, volumes II et III. Paris: École française d’Extrême-Orient. [].
Page 71. [siglum SP]
Bergaigne, Abel. 1893. Inscriptions sanscrites de Campā et du Cambodge. Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque nationale 27, 1re partie, [2e fascicule]. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. [].
Page 319. [siglum AB]