Current Version: draft, 2023-11-08Z
Editors: Kunthea Chhom, Claude Jacques, Eric Bourdonneau and Salomé Pichon.
DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK00183-3
Hand Description:
There doesn’t seem to be a clear difference between the numbers 4 and 5. The choice of one or another is based of the totals mentionned in the inscription.
No metadata were provided in the table for this inscription
1sruk· sthalā vāp· pañ si (ma)ndi(ra)| gho 7 gvā-
2l· 1 tai 10 si rat· 2 tai rat· 2 si pau 2 tai
3pau 2 phsaṁ 206|
sruk· sthalā vāp pañ so-
4t· si kaṁpañ· gho 102 gvāl· 3 tai 203 la-
5p· 6 si rat· 7 tai rat· 3 si pau 3 tai pau 3
6phsaṁ 60| ta lvan· gho 7 tai 4 tai rat· 1 si
7pau 1 phsaṁ 103|
sruk· thmo yol· si kañcū
8gho 102 gvāl· 6 tai 105 lap· 1 si rat· 1 tai
9rat· 1 phsaṁ 20⟨10⟩7| lvan· gho 2 gvāl· 1 tai 2 phsa(ṁ)
sruk· thmo yol· sot· si Amr̥ta gho
11104 gvāl· 4 tai 104 lap· 9 si rat· 2 tai rat· 1
12si pau 2 si A 1 phsaṁ 407| lvan· gho 1 tai 1 si rat·
131 phsaṁ 3 (|)
sruk· vrai (jā)r(·) si kansāt· gho 209 gvā-
14l· 9 tai 205 lap· 10 si rat· 3 tai rat· 2 si
15pau 2 tai pau 2 phsaṁ 802 (|) lvan· (gho) 3 gvāl·
161 tai 2 phsaṁ 6(|)
s(r)uk(· caṁna)t· si kaṁ(pañ· gho)6
17gvāl· 1 tai 5 lap· 1 tai pau 1 tai A 3 phsaṁ 107 (|)
18lvan· gho 2 tai 9 [3×] (|)
(sr)uk· [2×]rālaya
19si (padmā) [3×] (gvā)[l· 2×] (tai) [1×] (lap·) [1×] si
20rat· 1 tai pau 2 phsaṁ [2×] (|) lvan· gho 2 tai
211 phsaṁ 3 |
sruk· (tra)vāṅ· [3×] gho 6 gvāl· [1×]
22tai 9 lap· 2 si rat· [1×] tai rat· 1 si pau [3×]
23A 1 tai A 1 phsaṁ 207 | lvan· gho [6×]
sruk· [4×] si [7×] (gvā)-
25l· 5 tai [1×] 2 la(p·) [1×] (si rat·) [8×]
26phsaṁ 605| lvan· gho 5 tai 2 phsaṁ 7|
sruk· (chān·)
27si pavitra gho 104 gvāl· 6 tai 202 lap· 4 si ra-
28t· 2 tai rat· 1 si pau 2 tai pau 1 gho A 5 tai A
29[1×] (phsaṁ) [2×] lvan· gho 4 tai 2 si pau 1 tai pau 1 phsaṁ 8 |
1 sthalā • Bourdonneau et al: (s)dhalā — 1 (ma)ndi(ra) • Bourdonneau et al: (pa)nḍi(s·)
2 si pau ◇ si po J
3 pau ◇ po J
4 sthalā • Bourdonneau et al: sṭhalā
5 si pau ◇ si po J — 5 tai pau ◇ tai po J
7 kañcū ◇ kañjā J
8 105 • Bourdonneau et al: 104 • The numbers 4 and 5 are very similar and can easily be mixed up. However, the total
line 9 is of 37, requiring the presence of a 5. The same remark applies to the following
apparatus entries.
11 104 ◇ 102 C — 11 4 tai 104 ◇ 5 tai 105 C
12 si pau ◇ si po J
13 vrai (jā)r(·) ◇ vrai bara C • Bourdonneau et al: vrai bara — 13 209 ◇ 109 J
14 205 ◇ 104 J • Bourdonneau et al: 204
15 802 ◇ 602 J
16 (gho)6 ◇ (gho)1 C; gho1 J
17 tai 5 ◇ tai 3 C; tai 2 J — 17 tai A 3 phsaṁ 107 ◇ tai A 3 phsaṁ 10 C; tai A 2 phsaṁ 9 J • Bourdonneau et al: tai A 2 phsaṁ 107
18 tai 9 ◇ tai [...] C; tai [...] J • Bourdonneau et al: tai [...] — 18 (sr)uk· [2×]rālaya ◇ sruk· (sa)rālaya J
19 si (padmā) [3×] (gvā)[l· 2×] (tai) [1×] (lap·) [1×] si ◇ si [...] si C; si (padmā) gho [1×] tai [...] tai [...] lap· [...] si J • Bourdonneau et al: (si) pa[7*] (tai) [1*] (lap·) [1*] (si)
20 phsaṁ [2×] ◇ phsaṁ 102 J
21 sruk· (tra)vāṅ· [3×] ◇ sruk· (tra)vāṅ· (puṁsarga) J — 21 gvāl· [1×] ◇ gvāl· 4 C
22 si rat· [1×] ◇ si rat· 1 J — 22 si pau [3×] ◇ si po 1 (gho) J
23 A 1 ◇ [...] 1 C — 23 tai A 1 phsaṁ 207 ◇ tiṇṇa phsaṁ 201 J
24 sruk· [4×] si [7×] ◇ [...]g[...]o[...]au [...] J
25 5 tai [1×] 2 la(p·) [1×] (si rat·) [8×] ◇ [1*] tai [...] C; 5 tai 102 la(p·) [1*] si (rat·) [8×] J • Bourdonneau et al: 5 tai [1*] 2 (lap·) [...]
26 605 ◇ 604 J — 26 (chān·) ◇ (chmān·) J
27 202 ◇ 203 C; 203 J
28 gho A 5 ◇ gho A [1*] C; gho A 2 J
29 [1×] (phsaṁ) [2×] lvan· ◇ [...]| lvan· C; [1*] (phsaṁ) [1*] 1 lvan· J
1-3Sruk Sthalā Vāp Pañ (A) - Si Mandira, 7 male slaves (gho), an animal keeper (gvāl), 10 female slaves (tai), 2 boys at the age of running, 2 girls at the age of running, 2 baby boys, 2 baby girls; total 26.
3-7Sruk Sthalā Vāp Pañ (B) - Si Kaṁpañ, 12 male slaves (gho), 3 animal keepers (gvāl), 23 female slaves (tai), 6 male slaves (lap), 7 boys at the age of running (si rat), 3 girls at the age of running (tai rat), 3 baby boys (si pau), 3 baby girls (tai pau); total 60. Among the lvan people, there are 7 male slaves (gho), 4 female slaves (tai), a girl at the age running (tai rat), a baby boy (si pau); total 13.
7-10Sruk Thmo Yol (A) - Si Kañcū, 12 male slaves (gho), 6 animal keepers (gvāl), 15 female slaves (tai), 2 male slaves (lap), a boy at the age of running (si rat), a girl at the age of running (tai rat); total 27. Among the lvan, there are 2 male slaves (gho), an animal keeper (gvāl), 2 female slaves (tai); total 5.
10-13Sruk Thmo Yol (B) - Si Amr̥ta, 12 male slaves (gho), 5 animal keepers (gvāl), 15 female slaves (tai), 9 male slaves (lap), 2 boys at the age of running (si rat), a girl at the age of running (tai rat), 2 baby boys (si pau), a si a; total 47. Among the lvan, there are a male slave (gho), a female slave (tai) and a boy at the age of running (si rat); total 3.
13-16Sruk Vrai Bara - Si Kansāt, 29 male slaves (gho), 9 animal keepers (gvāl), 25 female slaves (tai), 1O male slaves (lap), 3 boys at the age of running (si rat), 2 girls at the age of running (tai rat), 2 baby boys (si pau), 2 baby girls (tai pau); total 82. Among the lvan, there are 3 male slaves (gho), an animal keeper (gvāl), 2 female slaves (tai); total 6.
16-18Sruk Caṁnat - Si Kaṁpañ, a male slave (gho), an animal keeper (gvāl), 3 female slaves (tai), a male slave (lap), a baby girl (tai pau), 3 tai a; total 10. Among the lvan, there are 2 male slaves (gho), __ female slave[s] (tai).
18-21Sruk __rālaya - Si _____, ---------------------------------------, a boy at the age of running (si rat), 2 baby girls (tai pau); total __. Among the lvan, there are 2 male slaves (gho), a female slave (tai); total 3.
21-24Sruk Travāṅ - -----------, 6 male slaves (gho), 4 animal keepers (gvāl), 9 female slaves (tai), 2 male slaves (lap), _ boy[s] at the age of running (si rat), a girl at the age of running (tai rat), _ baby boys (si pau), ---------------, a tai a; total 27. Among the lvan, there are __ male slave[s] (gho), ----------------- 2.
24-26Sruk ----------------, Si ___, ---------, _ animal keeper[s] (gvāl), _ female slave[s] (tai) ---------------------------------------------; total 65. Among the lvan, there are 5 male slaves (gho), 2 female slaves (tai); total 7.
26-29Sruk Chān - Si Pavitra, 14 male slaves (gho), 6 animal keepers (gvāl), 23 female slaves (tai), 4 male slaves (lap), 2 boys at the age of running (si rat), a girl at the age of running (tai rat), 2 baby boys (si pau), a baby girl (tai pau), _ gho a, _ tai a, -------------. Among the lvan, there are 4 male slaves (gho), 2 female slaves (tai), a baby boy (si pau), a baby girl (tai pau): total 8.
First edited in English by Kunthea Chhom with translation (2011: pages 83–85). Then re-edited in French by Claude Jacques without translation (2014: page 188). Re-edited again in French by Eric Bourdonneau et al, although the re-edition wasn’t published. Re-edited here by Salomé Pichon based on EFEO estampage n. 840-O.