Current Version: draft, 2023-11-08Z
Editors: George Cœdès and Kunthea Chhom.
DHARMA Identifier: INSCIK00021
Hand Description:
According to Auguste Barth (1885: page 22), the inscription was damaged. It might be of the same hand as the inscription of Han Chey K. 81.
No metadata were provided in the table for this inscription
Item N 1[12+] śakaparigraha Uttaraphalguṇīnakṣatra vudhavāra ta gui dvādaśī ket caitra kurāk
[8+] sre trap A[2+]
2[9+] kamratāṅ Añ śrītrailokyasārasvāmi tmo pi vnāk ta gui kirīṭa 10 3 Āy ta gui phala
[10+] ku [2+]
3[17+] tmo pi vnāk ta gui 20 10 I kaṭaka caṁlak saṁruk I tmo pi vnāk ta gui 40 10 4
kaṭa [9+]
4[3+] 10 I tmo pi vnāk ta gui śrīvatsa I [10+] saṁruk I tmo pi vnāk ta gui karap nābhī
10 tmo pi vnāk ta gui vnāk knop 10 3 [12+]
5[6+] prak I cakra mās I karap pr̥thivī mās I karap saṁruk I Udaravandha prak I kaṅ
jeṅ mās [2+] I pkā jmeḥ mās 7 prak 2 ta ro [6+]
6[7+] 80 10 4 [2+]n pkā jmeḥ prak [1+] saramābhu 3 valvel [1+]
4 guptā ◇ gupāt AB — 4 bhidhanyā ◇ tidhanyā AB
1-6En Śaka [...], mansion lunaire Uttaraphalguṇī, mercredi, douzième jour de la lune croissante de Caitra, Kūrak [...] rizière [...] K. A. Śrī Trailokyasārasvāmi. Pierres pour orner le diadème (kirīṭa) : 13 ; pour orner le phala [...] pierres pour orner cela : 31 ; 1 bracelet (kaṭaka) gravé en repoussé ; pierre pour l’orner : 54 ; bracelet [...] 11 ; pierre pour orner le (śrīvatsa) : 1 [...] repoussé ; pierres pour orner le revêtement du nombril : 10 ; pierres pour orner l’ornement de ceinture : 13 ; 1 [...] d’argent ; 1 disque d’or ; 1 revêtement de la terre en or ; 1 revêtement repoussé ; 1 sautoir d’argent ; [...] anneaux de cheville en or ; 7 fleurs de jmeḥ en or, 2 en argent ; [...] 94 [...] ; [...] fleurs de (jmeḥ) en argent ; 3 (saramābhū) ; [...] porte cierge.
The column a of the stanza XV in atirucirā meter corresponds to the columns a and b of the rest of the Sanskrit portion in anuṣṭubh and triṣṭubh meters; the column b of the stanza XV corresponds to the columns c and d of the rest.
The estampage BN 286 (33) is not available for checking. However, the Planche 13 of Barth’s edition allows us to check the Sanskrit portion of the inscription.
Regarding the stanzas I-IV, Auguste Barth comments as follows: the stanzas I-IV provide only some terms which are not really related to one another. Śrī Śrīdharā is a proper name or a part of a name which appears in the stanza IV. What can be understood from the next stanza is that besides the invocation, the stanzas I-IV mention two kings.
The Sanskrit portion is first edited by Auguste Barth (1885: pages 21–26) with a French translation; re-edited here by Kunthea Chhom from Planche 13. The Khmer portion is edited by George Cœdès (1937-1966: volume 5, pages 5–6) with a French translation.