Current Version: draft, 2024-09-02Z
Editor: Dániel Balogh.
DHARMA Identifier: INSVengiCalukya00100
Hand Description:
Halantas. Final M is a raised and reduced complex form with a curly vertical attachment. Final N (e.g. l7) is likewise raised and reduced, but fully shaped, with the curly vertical attachment. Final T (l14) is also the reduced but fullly complex form with a sinuous vertical attachment.
Original punctuation marks are verticals of varying length; the short ones may be aligned to the top or middle. The various vertical marks do not seem to be distinguished in function, but multiples of a mark are used at some major junctures.
Other palaeographic observations. The writing is neat and calligraphic, with many curlicues that are uncommon in related grants. Anusvāra is a fairly large circle above and to the right of the consonant to which it belongs. Rare jha occurs in line 21.
No metadata were provided in the table for this inscription
⎘ plate 1v 1svasti[.] śrīmatāṁ sakala-bhuvana-sa⟨ṁ⟩stūyamāna-mānavya-sagotrāṇāṁ hārīti-putrāṇāṁ
2kauśikī-vara-prasāda-labdha-rājyānāṁ mātr̥-gaṇa-paripālitānāM svāmi-mahās(e)-
3na-pādānuddhyātānāṁ bhagavan-nārāyaṇa-prasāda-samāsādita-vara-varāha-lāñchane-
4kṣaṇa-kṣaṇa-vaśīkr̥tā◯rāti-maṇḍalānām aśvamedhāvabhr̥(tha-snāna)-⟦[?9×]⟧⟨⟨(pavitrī?)[?4×](trīkr̥ta?)⟩⟩-
5-vapuṣāṁ cālu◯kyānā(ṁ ku)lam alaṁkariṣ(ṇ)os saty(āśraya-va)llabh(e)ndrasy¿ā?⟨a⟩ bhrātā ku-
6bja-viṣṇuvarddhaṇo ◯ [’]ṣṭādaśa varṣāṇi| tat-suto jayasiṁhas trayastriṁśataM| tad-anu-
7jendrarāja-nandano viṣṇuvarddhano nava[.] tad-ātmajo maṁgi-yuvarājaḥ pañcaviṁśati(ṁ)[.]
8nujo jayasiṁhas trayodaśa[.] tad-anujaḥ kokkiliṣ ṣa⟦(sā)⟧⟨⟨ṇ mā⟩⟩sāN[.] ta(d-agrajo
vi)ṣṇurājo [’]nu-
9jaṁ kokkilim uccāṭya saptatriṁśataM| tat-tanujo vijayāditya-bhaṭṭāraka EkānnaviṁśatiM(|)
10¿tattākali? viṣṇurājaḥ ṣaṭtriṁśataM[.] tat-sūnu(r) vvijayādity(o) dakṣiṇa-gaṁga-pakṣa-kṣaya-karo
[’](ṣṭa) -
⎘ plate 2r 11śata-narendreśvarāṇāṁ karttā catvāriṁśataM[.] tat-tanayaḥ kali-viṣṇuvarddhano [’]ddhyarddha-varṣaM[.]
Atha ca
sa vijayādityaś catuś-ca-
15tvāriṁśataṁ veṁgī◯-deśam anuvarṣam avarddhayaT[.] tad-anujanmano yuvarāja-
16sya vikramākrā◯nta-sakala-dharā-cakrasya vikramāditya-bhūpateḥ priya-ta-
Atha ca
sa sakala-ripu-
23-sarasiruha-yugalas sarvva-lokāśraya-śrī-cālukya-bhīma-mahārājādhirāja-parame-
24śvaraḥ parama-bra◯hmaṇyo rāṣṭrakūṭa-pramukhān kuṭuṁbinas samāhūyettham ā-
vi◯ditam astu vo [’]smābhiḥ mama priyātmaj¡o! ṣoḍaśa-vā¡ri(ṣ)!⟨rṣ⟩ikaḥ[.]
26yas tu
34sya dīnānātha-bandhor bandhu-vatsalasya| Iṟimaṟtigaṇḍāpara-nāmnaś śubha-dhāmna⟨ḥ⟩
35p¿a?⟨ā⟩ral{l}aukikaṁ kāryyaṁ kr̥tv¿a?⟨ā⟩ ni⟦mita⟧⟨⟨tya-śrā⟩⟩ddha-nimitta⟨ṁ⟩ caturddaśa-vidyāsthāna-pā-
36rāvāra-pāragebhyaḥ vismr̥ta-viriṁcānana-vana-vanaja-sarasvaty-eka-nivāsā -
⎘ plate 3v 37yamāna-mānanīyānanebhyaḥ sapta-soma-saṁsthārādhita-svāhāpati-sanni-
38dhānebhyaḥ sva-karmmānuṣ¿ṭ?⟨ṭh⟩āna-niṣ¿ṭ?⟨ṭh⟩a-praṣ¿ṭ?⟨ṭh⟩ebhyaḥ Āpastamba-sūtra-(pā)tr(e)bhyaḥ k¡o!⟨au⟩ṇḍi-
39¿d?⟨ny⟩a-gotrebhyaḥ Adhyapa| janneya| savitareya| tāḻava| śarmmabhyaḥ| harita-go-
40trebhyaḥ padmeya| ◯ paṇḍyama| revama| cāmikuṟṟa| doṇiya| cāmyaṇa-śa-
41rmmabhyaḥ| bhāra◯dvāja-gotrebhyaḥ śrīdhara| kuṟutama| triko(ṭi)| poteya
42doṇeya-śarmmabhyaḥ| vatsa-gotrebhyaḥ mādhava| cakrapāṇi| dantyama-śarmmabhyaḥ
43kāśyapa-gotrebhyaḥ| Apcatā(ta| pa)rameya| parama| janniya-śarmmabhyaḥ| kau-
44śika-gotrābhy¿a?⟨ā⟩M| mahīdhara| keśava-śarmmabhy(āM|) katu-gotrābhyāM| komaradi|
⎘ plate 4r 45raviyaṇa-śarmmabhyāM| gautama-gotrābhyāM vāmana| bhadraṇa-śarmmabhyā(M|)
46pūtimāṣa-gotrāya dārapaśarmmaṇe| pau¡r!⟨ru⟩kutsa-gotrāya Appaśarmma-
47ṇe| vādhrya¿st?⟨śv⟩a-gotrāya tūrkkaśarmmaṇe| gārgeya-gotrāya keśavaśarmmaṇe|
48nānā-gotrebhyaḥ ◯ dāmodara| nāgameya| doṇeya| doṇeya| ⟦he⟧⟨⟨ma⟩⟩heśvara|
49devata| Amara◯-sarmmabhyaḥ| yājñavalk¡i!⟨ya⟩-sūtrāya kauṇḍinya-gotrāya
50trikoṭiśarmmaṇe| hiraṇyakeśi-sūtrāya vatsa-gotrāya māvya¿s?⟨ś⟩armmaṇe||
51prāvacana-sūtrāya kauśika-gotrāya nīlamaśarmmaṇe| parāśara-go-
52trāya govamaśarmmaṇe| kauśika-gotrāya muruga(śarmma)ṇe| y(ā) -
⎘ plate 4v 53jñavalk¡i!⟨ya⟩-sūtrāya kāśyapa-gotrāya māciśarmmaṇe| bhāradvāja-go-
54trāya puruṣottamaśarmmaṇe| ¿saparyyaṁ? sarvva-kara-parihāreṇo(daka-p)ū-
55rvvam uttara-kaṇḍeṟuvāḍi-viṣaye vedatulūru nāma grāmo datta(ḥ)
56sya sīm¿a?⟨ā⟩no ◯ vakṣyante[.] pūrvvataḥ kalvapāgu nāma ⟨⟨bra⟩⟩hma-⟨⟨grā⟩⟩ma-
57s (s)īmā| Āgne◯yataḥ kodakāṭūru nāma grāmas sīmā| dakṣiṇa-
58taḥ mrā(n)koṇḍa nāmāgrahāras sīmā[.] paścimataḥ māroḍuṁbal(l)i nāma deva-
59-bhogo grāmas sīmā| vāyavy¿ā?⟨a⟩taḥ tarigoṭlu nāma brahma-(bhogo grāma)s (s)ī-
60mā| Uttaratas sevennu nāma grāmas sīmā| Īśānataḥ (ma)durp(p)al(l)ī nāma
⎘ plate 5r 61brahma-grāma{ḥ}s sīmā| Iṇḍupugarugu nāmāgrahāraś ca
Asya mahāgrahāra-
62syopari na kenacid bādhā karaṇīyā[.] yaḥ karoti sa paṁca-mahā-pātaka-saṁyukto bha-
63vati[.] vyāsenāpy uktaM
Āj⟨ñ⟩ap⟨t⟩ir asya kaḍeya-rājaḥ
1-11Greetings! Satyāśraya Vallabhendra (Pulakeśin II) was eager to adorn the lineage of the majestic Caḷukyas—who are of the Mānavya gotra which is praised by the entire world, who are sons of Hāriti, who attained kingship by the grace of Kauśikī’s boon, who are protected by the band of Mothers, who were deliberately appointed (to kingship) by Lord Mahāsena, to whom the realms of adversaries instantaneously submit at the [mere] sight of the superior Boar emblem they have acquired by the grace of the divine Nārāyaṇa, and whose bodies have been hallowed through washing in the purificatory ablutions (avabhr̥tha) of the Aśvamedha sacrifice. His brother Kubja Viṣṇuvardhana [reigned] for eighteen years. His son Jayasiṁha (I), for thirty-three. His younger brother Indrarāja’s son Viṣṇuvardhana (II), for nine. His son Maṅgi Yuvarāja, for twenty-five. His son Jayasiṁha (II), for thirteen. His younger brother Kokkili, for six months. After dethroning the younger brother Kokkili, his elder brother Viṣṇurāja (Viṣṇuvardhana III), for thirty-seven. His son Vijayāditya (I) Bhaṭṭāraka, for nineteen. His son↓1 Viṣṇurāja (Viṣṇuvardhana IV), for thirty-six years. His son Vijayāditya (II), the annihilator of the faction [supported by] the Sounthern Gaṅgas and the builder of a hundred and eight Narendreśvara [temples], [reigned] for forty [years]. His son Kali Viṣṇuvardhana (V), for a year and a half. His son—
14-17—that Vijayāditya (III) strengthened the land of Veṅgī year after year for forty-four [years]. His younger brother was the Heir Apparent Prince (bhūpati) Vikramāditya who conquered the entire circle of the earth by his valour (vikrama). His dear son—
21-25—that shelter of all the world (sarva-lokāśraya), His Majesty Cālukya-Bhīma (I), the supremely pious Supreme Lord (parameśvara) of Emperors (mahārājādhirāja), whose pair of lotus feet are engilded by the pollen of a mass of beam clusters from gems fitted to the surfaces of the crowns of all enemy kings, convokes and commands all householders (kuṭumbin)—including foremost the territorial overseers (rāṣṭrakūṭa)—as follows:
25-26Let it be known to you that…↓2 My beloved sixteen-year-old son, who—
33-55Having performed the last rites (pāralaukikaṁ kāryam) for that friend of the destitute and the helpless, that cherisher of his dependents, that storehouse of auspiciousness whose other name was Iṟimaṟtigaṇḍa, for the purpose of perpetual offerings (nitya-śrāddha) we have given↓4—¿with due ceremony?↓5 sanctified by (a libation of) water and with a remission of all taxes—the village named Vedatulūru in Uttara-Kaṇḍeṟuvāḍi district (viṣaya) to [Brahmins] versed in the length and breadth of the fourteen repositories of knowledge (vidyā-sthāna), in whose estimable mouths Sarasvatī—neglecting the wild lotus that is the mouth of the Creator—sets up her sole abode, who stay in the presence of Svāhā’s Lord (fire) gratified through the seven Soma sacrifices (sapta-soma-saṁsthā), and who are foremost in devotion to the performance of their duties, [namely]
55-61Its boundaries shall [now] be enumerated. To the east, the boundary is the Brahmanical village named Kalvapāgu. To the southeast, the boundary is the village named Kodakāṭūru. To the south, the boundary is the Brahmanical holding (agrahāra) named Mrānkoṇḍa. To the west, the boundary is the village named Māroḍuṁballi, which is the property of a god (deva-bhoga). To the northwest, the boundary is the village named Tarigoṭlu, which is Brahmanical property (brahma-bhoga). To the north, the boundary is the village named Sevennu. To the northeast, the boundary is the Brahmanical village named Madurppallī, as well as the Brahmanical holding (agrahāra) named Iṇḍupugarugu.
61-63Let no-one pose an obstacle [to the enjoyment of rights] over this great Brahmanical holding (mahāgrahāra). He who does so shall be conjoined with the five great sins. Vyāsa too has said:
68The executor of this [ruling] is the Castellan (kaḍeya-rāja).
Reported in ARIE 1913-1914: page 10, appendix A/1913–14, № 1 with discussion on ARIE 1913-1914: pages 84–85, §6. Referred to by several Telugu scholars in secondary literature, but not previously edited to my knowledge. The present edition was created for DHARMA by Dániel Balogh, on the basis of photographs taken by myself in February 2023 at the Government Museum, Chennai.
↑1. I translate the probable intended meaning, but the text is erroneous here; see the
apparatus to line 10.
↑2. The word asmābhiḥ in line 25 belongs with the participle dattaḥ in line 55. Most of the text from here to that point is a single highly complex sentence,
except that the description of the son in lines 25-33 is a parenthetical addition
that does not integrate with the syntax of the framework sentence.
↑3. I translate the conjecture suggested in the apparatus note to line 26.
↑4. The “we” of this sentence is in line 25, while “given” is in line 55.
↑5. I translate my conjectural emendation; see the apparatus to line 54.