Current Version: draft, 2025-01-30Z
Editor: Dániel Balogh.
DHARMA Identifier: INSVengiCalukya00061
Hand Description:
Original punctuation marks.
Other palaeographic observations. Anusvāra
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⎘ plate 1v 1svasti[.] śrīm¿ā?⟨a⟩tā⟨ṁ⟩ sakala-bhuvana-saṁst¿u?⟨ū⟩yamāna-mānavya-sagotr¿a?⟨ā⟩-
2ṇāṁ ¡hariti!-putr¿a?⟨ā⟩ṇā⟨ṁ⟩ māt¡ri!⟨r̥⟩-gaṇa-paripālit¿aṇa?⟨ānā⟩M sv¿a?⟨ā⟩mi-ma-
3h¿a?⟨ā⟩sena-p¿a?⟨ā⟩d¿a?⟨ā⟩nudhy¿a?⟨ā⟩tānāM bhagavan-n¿a?⟨ā⟩r¿a?⟨ā⟩ya(ṇa)-prasāda-samāsādita-
4-vara-⟨varāha⟩-lāñchanekṣaṇa-kṣaṇa-vaśīkr̥t¡aṇaM śeṣa!-maṇḍa-
5lānāM ¿ma?⟨A⟩śvamedhāvabhr̥¿t?⟨th⟩a-sn¿a?⟨ā⟩na-pavitr¿i?⟨ī⟩kr̥ta-vapuṣā-
6M caḷukyān¿a?⟨ā⟩M kulam alaṁkariṣṇo⟨ḥ⟩ śrī-viṣṇuvarddhana-mah¿a?⟨ā⟩rāj{y}asya A-
⎘ plate 2r 8sya pautr¿āya?⟨aḥ⟩ tad-anuśapita-pitr̥guṇavva sampannasya śrī-sa-
9rvva-lokāśraya-mah¿a?⟨ā⟩r¿a?⟨ā⟩jasya putra⟨ḥ⟩ ya⟨ḥ⟩ śakra Iv¿a?⟨ā⟩pratihata-śā-
10sano ravir iva tejasv¿i?⟨ī⟩ mataya Iva mano-nandana-kara⟨ḥ⟩ nārāyaṇa
11Iva śrīm¿a?⟨ā⟩N śrī-viṣṇuvarddhana-mah¿a?⟨ā⟩rāja⟨ḥ⟩ parama-
12-brahmaṇya⟨ḥ⟩ ⟨ājñāpayati⟩
ya¿dhe?⟨thā⟩ viditam astu vo [’]smābhi⟨ḥ⟩ vaṁgīpura-v¿a?⟨ā⟩-
13stavy¿a?⟨ā⟩ya ¡khaṇva!⟨kāṇva⟩-¿dh?⟨g⟩otr¿a?⟨ā⟩ya ¡tahitriya!⟨taittirīyāya⟩ nandiśarmmaṇa⟨ḥ⟩ putr¿a?⟨ā⟩ya (du)-
14[4*]ṇa⟨ḥ⟩ ¡pauvutrāya!⟨pautrāya⟩ nandi¿s?⟨ś⟩a⟨r⟩mmaṇ¿a?⟨e⟩ [’]sm¿a?⟨ā⟩bh¿e?⟨i⟩⟨r⟩ nn¿a?⟨ā⟩tav¿a?⟨ā⟩ -
⎘ plate 2v 15¿ḍh?⟨ḍ⟩hi-viṣaye koṇḍakaṟipḻola n¿a?⟨ā⟩ma {ma} grāma[3*]
16¿Akneyantisi?⟨Āgneyyān⟩ diśi p¿u?⟨ū⟩⟨r⟩vva¿d?⟨t⟩a⟨ḥ⟩ kṟokiyūru kaṟāru (panta) s¿i?⟨ī⟩-
17m¿a?⟨ā⟩[.] dakṣiṇata[ḥ] ¿sila?⟨śilā⟩ sīm¿a?⟨ā⟩[.] pa¿c?⟨ś⟩c¿a?⟨i⟩mata[ḥ] ¿sila?⟨śilā⟩ sīm¿a?⟨ā⟩[.] Ut⟨t⟩arata[ḥ]-
18koṇḍakaṟipḻola padakaṁkūru panta sīm¿aḥ?⟨ā⟩[.] Ete-
19ṣ¿a?⟨ā⟩ṁ madhye ¿tva?⟨dvā⟩daśa-kodrava-khaṇḍik¿a?⟨ā⟩v¿a?⟨ā⟩pa-kṣetra⟨ḥ⟩ pravarddhamā-
20na-vijaya-rājya-saṁvatsare pañca varṣe prava(rddhamā)-
21ne candra-grahaṇa-nimitte sodaka-pūrvvaṁ (mātā-pitro)-
⎘ plate 3r 22r ātmanaś ca ¿ś?⟨s⟩va-puṇy¿a?⟨ā⟩v¿a?⟨ā⟩ptaye {ta} datta¡ḥ!⟨ṁ⟩[.] Uktañ ca bhagavatā vyāse-
1-12The grandson of His Majesty King (mahārāja) Viṣṇuvardhana (II), who attained sovereignty through his triad of virtues in which he was quite beyond other kings↓1 and who was eager to adorn the lineage of the majestic Caḷukyas—who are of the Mānavya gotra which is praised by the entire world, who are sons of Hariti,↓2 who are protected by the band of Mothers, who were deliberately appointed (to kingship) by Lord Mahāsena, to whom ⟨all kings⟩↓3 instantaneously submit at the [mere] sight of the superior Boar emblem they have acquired by the grace of the divine Nārāyaṇa, and whose bodies have been hallowed through washing in the purificatory ablutions (avabhr̥tha) of the Aśvamedha sacrifice; the son of His Majesty King (mahārāja) Vijayasiddhi (Maṅgi Yuvarāja), ¿who surpasses the virtues of his father, and who is endowed with [the three] power[s]?:↓4 His Majesty the supremely pious King (mahārāja) Viṣṇuvardhana (III)—whose command is as incontrovertible as that of Śakra, who blazes like the sun, who gladdens the mind like ¿the moon?↓5 and who is as majestic as Nārāyaṇa {possesses Śrī}—⟨commands as follows⟩
12-23To wit: let it be known to you that to Nandiśarman, a resident of Vaṁgīpura of the ¿Kāṇva?↓6 gotra and the Taittirīya [school], son of Nandiśarman and grandson of Du[...]n,↓7 we have given [in] the southeastern direction [of] the village named Koṇḍakaṟipḻola in Nātavāḍi district (viṣaya)—To the east, the border is ¿the road between? Kṟokiyūru and Kaṟāru.↓8 To the south, the border is ¿a cliff?. To the west, the border is ¿a cliff?. To the north, the border is ¿the road between? Koṇḍakaṟipḻola and Padakaṁkūru—in the midst of these [boundaries], a field (sufficient) for sowing twelve khaṇḍikās of kodrava seed in order to acquire merit (puṇya) for our mother and father and ourselves, in the year that is the fifth year of our progressive victorious reign, on the occasion of an eclipse of the moon ¿being in progress?,↓9 [the donation being] sanctified by (a libation of) water. The reverend Vyāsa too has said:
13-14The name partly lost here may have been durgganandiśarmmaṇaḥ. This name occurs in the Uccāti grant of Jayasiṁha I found together with the present grant (and perhaps originally issued to members of a single family), and the name Dugamaḍiśarman in the Cendaṟa grant of Jayasiṁha II (also found together) may be a variant or corruption of the same name, as also observed by NR. The donee of the latter grant is Dugamaḍiśarman of Vaṅgipaṟu and of the Kāṇva gotra (though an Āpastamba), son of Maḍiśarman and grandson of Dugamaḍiśarman. Assuming that the present donee is Nandiśarman, son of Durganandiśarman and grandson of Nandiśarman (see also the apparatus note to putraya in this line), it is tempting to speculate that the present donee is the son of the donee of the Cendaṟa grant.
Reported in ARIE 1997-1998: page 18, appendix A/1997–98, № 4 without discussion of details. Edited from the original plates by N. Ramesan (1988: № C), without facsimiles and without translation. The present edition by Dániel Balogh thus follows the published edition, silently correcting only obvious typos and offering suggestions for improvement in the apparatus.
↑1. I do not know what triad of virtues (guṇa-traya) may have been intended here. Finding no similar phrase in related grants, I suspect
that this may be a scribal omission (see the apparatus to line 7). With the emendation
I suggest there, the meaning would be “whose virtues were quite beyond other kings
and who attained sovereignty through the triad of his powers.”
↑2. The phrase “who attained kingship by the grace of Kauśikī’s boon” is practically universal
at this point and was probably omitted here out of neglect.
↑3. See the apparatus to line 4 for the tentative restoration that I translate here.
↑4. See the apparatus to line 8 for the tentative restoration that I translate here.
↑5. See the apparatus to line 10.
↑6. See the apparatus to line 13.
↑7. The name partly lost here may have been Durganandiśarman, and father and grandfather
may have been mixed up by the scribe. See also the commentary and the apparatus to
lines 13 and 14.
↑8. Here and below in connection to Koṇḍakaṟipḻola and Padakaṁkūru, I assume without complete
confidence that panta is a form of Sanskrit patha or pathin. The same form occurs in the Nutulapaṟu grant of Maṅgi Yuvarāja in association of a (probable) village name. The form panthaḥ is used with a village name (explicitly specified as a village) in the Pamiḍimukkala plates (set 2) of Viṣṇuvardhana II and the Peddāpurappāḍu plates (set 3) of Viṣṇuvardhana II, where it is distinguished from a rathyā-mārgaḥ.
↑9. See the apparatus to line 20 for my doubts concerning the reading of this phrase.