Current Version: draft, 2025-01-21Z
Editor: Dániel Balogh.
DHARMA Identifier: INSVengiCalukya00056
Hand Description:
Halantas. Final M is much the same shape as regular ma, including a headmark (which may, however, be detached from the body and/or be bent into an U shape unlike the tilde-shaped headmark), and is only slightly reduced in size. The juxtaposition in l17 bhagavatām arhatāM shows that the two glyphs do differ. PS reads its instances as ma, emending to anusvāra. A more typical, more simplified form without a headmark also occurs, e.g. l25 phalaM. Final T is also almost full-sized, but lacks a headmark.
Original punctuation marks. The closing symbol is probably meant to be a concentric circle, but may also be a clockwise spiral. It looks somewhat like the character la, but is definitely not alphabetic.
Other palaeographic observations. An alternative, flatter shape of l (much the same as the subscript form used in lla) is used in li when there is no headroom, e.g. l13 kali, l23 cānupālitā, l27 paripālitaḥ.
No metadata were provided in the table for this inscription
⎘ plate 1v 1svasti vijayavāṭa-skandhāvārāT[.] śrīmatā⟨ṁ⟩ sakala-jagad-a-
2bhiṣṭūyamāna-⟨māna⟩vya-sagotrāṇāM hāritī-putrāṇāM svāmi-
3-¿ṣ?⟨m⟩ahāsena-pādānudhyātānāM kauśikī-vara-prasāda-labdha-rā-
4jyānāM ◯ bhaga⟨va⟩n-nārāyaṇa-prasāda-samās(ā)[d](i)ta-vara-va-
5rāha◯-lāñchanānāM Aśvamedhāvabhr̥tha-snāna-pavi(tr)ī(kr̥)ta-
6-vapuṣāM calukyānāṁ kula-jaladhi-samuditendu⟨ḥ⟩ naya-(vi)naya-
7vikramārjita-cāru-bhūri-kīrttiḥ śrī-viṣṇuvarddhana-mahārāja⟨ḥ⟩[.]
⎘ plate 2r 8 (ta)syā(t)majaḥ śrī-jayasiṁha-vallabha-mahārājaḥ[.] tat-priyānujasya
9tyāg¿o?⟨au⟩dāryya-gāṁbhīryya-kānty-ādi-guṇa-gaṇ[ā]laṁkr̥ta-śarīrasya sva-
11(ṭṭāra)◯kasya priya-tanayaḥ svāsi-dhārā-namita-ripu-nr̥pati-
13galaḥ parama-brahmaṇyo mātā-(pi)tr̥-pādānuddhyātaḥ kali-
14-timira-nirasano¡d!⟨dd⟩yotita-pra¡(ḷ)!⟨l⟩ayādityaḥ śrī-(v)iṣa-
⎘ plate 2v 15 masiddhi-mahārājaḥ vr̥kṣa-mūla-yāpanīya-gaṇa-t(i)laka-
16sya bhagavataḥ kanakanandy-¿a?⟨ā⟩cā(r)yyasya dharmmopadeś¿a?⟨e⟩na ka-
17sumi◯-sthitāya jinālayāya bhagavatām arhatāM ba-
18li◯-vaiśvadeva-navakarmma-saraṇārtthaM sva-dharmm(ā)bhivr̥ddha[ye]
19potupa-viṣaye Elī-nadyāḫ pūrvv¿a?⟨e⟩ (ta?)(ṅgo)manūṟuvu-grāmā⟨T⟩
20dakṣiṇe naḷupūru-grāmāT pa(ści)me Iṇ(ṭha?)ru-¿ś?⟨g⟩rāmāT
21U(tta)re Eṣā(M?) madhye parttipāk(a)-grāma¿T?⟨M⟩ _ da_t⟨t⟩a_(M?)_
⎘ plate 3r 22 ⟨na kenacid bā⟩dhā karaṇīyā[.] Itaḫ paraṁ sa bhūta-rājyai(ḥ) ⟦(r?)i⟧ rājabhiḫ paripā-
23lay¿a?⟨i⟩tavya¿M?⟨ḥ⟩[.] Atra vyāsa-gītāḥ
AyaM dharmmaḥ prathama-(va)rṣa _ paripālitaḥ[.] _
28Āṇati sva-m(u)kha¿ma?⟨M⟩[.] Ubhaya-gaṇa-rakṣitavya(M) circleConcentric
1-21Greetings from the encampment at Vijayavāṭa. From the ocean that is the lineage of the majestic Caḷukyas—who are of the Mānavya gotra which is praised by the entire world, who are sons of Hāritī, who were deliberately appointed (to kingship) by Lord Mahāsena, who attained kingship by the grace of Kauśikī’s boon, who acquired the superior Boar emblem by the grace of the divine Nārāyaṇa, and whose bodies have been hallowed through washing in the purificatory ablutions (avabhr̥tha) of the Aśvamedha sacrifice—had arisen a moon [who was] His Majesty King (mahārāja) Viṣṇuvardhana, who earned his great good reputation by his political acumen (naya), discipline (vinaya) and valour. His son was His Majesty King (mahārāja) Jayasiṁha (I). [His] dear younger brother [was] Indra Bhaṭṭāraka, whose body was adorned by a host of virtues such as selflessness, generosity, profundity and beauty, who had by his own valour conquered the circle of the earth and whose valour equalled Indra’s. [His] dear son, His Majesty the supremely pious King (mahārāja) Viṣamasiddhi (Viṣṇuvardhana II)—who was deliberately appointed (as heir) by his mother and father, whose pair of feet are tinted by the hues of the rays from the many gems fitted to the surfaces of the crowns of enemy kings bowed down by the blade of his sword, a blazing doomsday sun by [his way of] dispelling the darkness of the Kali age—has, according to the religious (dharma-) instruction of His Reverence Master (ācārya) Kanakanandi, a forehead mark on the Vr̥kṣamūla Yāpanīya gaṇa, in order to increase his own merit (dharma), granted the village Parttipāka in Potupa district (viṣaya), to the east of the river Elī, to the south of the village Taṅgomanūṟuvu, to the west of the village Naḷupūru, to the north of the village Iṇṭharu—[thus situated] in the midst of these—to the Jain temple located in Kasumi for the ¿perpetuation? of bali and vaiśvādeva [ceremonies] and renovation for the Reverend Arhats.
21-23Let no-one pose an obstacle [to the enjoyment of their rights over it]. This [ruling] shall be protected by kings whose kingdoms have come into existence hereafter.↓1 In this connection [the following stanzas were] sung by Vyāsa:
27-28This ruling (dharma) was ¿granted?↓3 [in] the first year. The authority (āṇati) is [the king’s] own mouth. ¿It is to be protected by both groups.?↓4
PS gives no physical description and mentions no seal, but one is described in the ARIE report, and was present when I examined the original.
Lines 19-21 (the last three lines on 2v) are a palimpsest over almost completely erased earlier text. The erasure has left the surface of the plates in a much rougher state throughout this zone. Vestiges of former characters are discernible in some spots, the clearest being a vertical stroke with an i marker on top to the right of kṣi in l20, dakṣiṇe; a probable ddha (possibly ṣva) within the first grāmāT in l20. Given the discontinuity at the beginning of 3r, it seems certain that the details of the village have been revised at more length than first inscribed (which may have been only two lines). The hand of these three lines may well be the same as in the rest of the plates.
Reported in ARIE 1990-1991: page 20, appendix A/1990–91, № 1 with some further details at ARIE 1990-1991: 4. Edited from inked impressions by C. A. Padmanabha Sastry (1994: № A), without facsimiles and without translation. The present edition by Dániel Balogh is based on photos taken by myself in February 2023 at the Andhra Sahitya Parishad Museum, Kakinada, collated with Padmanabha Sastry’s edition. That edition contains such an inordinate number of typographic (or other) mistakes, that I cite it in the apparatus only when it differs from my established readings in a way that I consider to be significant.
↑1. This sentence is very awkward in the original. I translate the best sense I can make
of the received text, but something different may have been intended.
↑2. The received text is unintelligible. I translate as normalised from parallels of this
stanza; see the apparatus to lines 25 and 26.
↑3. I translate what I believe was the composer’s intent; see the apparatus to line 27.
↑4. I do not know what groups (gaṇa) are meant here.