Current Version: draft, 2025-01-30Z
Editor: Dániel Balogh.
DHARMA Identifier: INSVengiCalukya00055
Hand Description:
Halantas: small, tick-mark shaped characters that I interpret as final M are used (l3, l19) apparently as "wildcard" final consonants. The definite final M in l20 phalaM is just a curved stroke like an opening parenthesis, while the definite final T in l22 [va]seT is a full-sized and only slightly simplified ta without a headmark.
Other palaeographic observations. The text is on the whole very clumsily written, with many characters awkwardly executed. In addition to many inconsistently misshapen characters, there are some systematically unusual forms such as the Central Indian-style la (e.g. l10, vallabha) and especially the cursive lo (l10, l29); and multiple instances of a glyph that must have been meant for ddhya, but looks clearly like ndhya (unambiguous instances in l1, l5 and l9); the initial A with a highly simplified body that on the whole looks like gra (and was misread as such three times in line 18 by its previous editor). However, "proper" initial Ā occurs in line 21, and "proper" A in line 28.
No metadata were provided in the table for this inscription
1svasti śrīmat-piṣṭapurā⟨T⟩[.] svām¿(ī)?⟨i⟩-m¿ā?⟨a⟩hāsena-pādānu(d)dhyātānā⟨ṁ⟩
2◯h¿a?⟨ā⟩rītī-putrāṇā⟨ṁ⟩ mānavya-sagotrāṇā⟨ṁ⟩ kura-
3mara◯-sv¿a?⟨ā⟩mi-vara-la¿(ph)?⟨b⟩(dha)-r¿a?⟨ā⟩jyānā⟨ṁ⟩ ¡śrīmaM-c(aḷkī)!nā⟨ṁ⟩ Aśvame-
4dha-yājinā¿vā?⟨m a⟩nvaya-mahodadh¿o?⟨eḥ⟩ Amr̥ta ¡yi!⟨I⟩va bhūta-trāṇā-
⎘ plate 1v 5 ya sambhūta⟨ḥ⟩ kī(r)t(t)iva(r)mmā[.] tasya putras t¿i?⟨a⟩t-pādānu(d)dhyāta⟨ḥ⟩ śakti-traya-sa-
6mpādi◯ta-mahā-dhanaugha-vi¿c?⟨bh⟩avo jagati sa¿th?⟨t⟩-kī(r)ty-abhilak¿s?⟨ṣ⟩ito nānā-
7-yuddha◯-vijay¿i?⟨ī⟩ p¡ri!⟨r̥⟩¿d?⟨th⟩i¿ś?⟨v⟩īpati-makuṭa-maṇi-⟨ma⟩yūkha-dhauta-pā-
8dāravin¿t?⟨d⟩a-¿j?⟨y⟩ugala⟨ḥ⟩ śrīmā¿na?⟨N⟩ makaradhvajo viṣṇur ivāparo viṣṇu-
9vardhana-m¿ā?⟨a⟩hār¿a?⟨ā⟩j¿(e)?⟨aḥ⟩[.] tasya putras tat-p¿a?⟨ā⟩dānu(d)dhyāto ¿maho(śva)?-
⎘ plate 2r 10 ¿losaddhipayyatha-ma(d)dhya? siṅgha ¡yi!⟨I⟩va vikr¿a?⟨ā⟩nta⟨ḥ⟩ śrī-ja⟨ya⟩siṅgha-valla-
11bha-mahār¿a?⟨ā⟩j¡ā!⟨o⟩ mātā-pitr̥-¡puṇya-vividuye!⟨puṇyābhivr̥ddhaye⟩ Intra⟨⟨pu⟩⟩ra-v¿a?⟨ā⟩stavyā-
12ya bhū◯tisv¿a?⟨ā⟩mi-catu(r)v(v)eda-p¿o?⟨au⟩trāya ¿(pa)dagā(d)dhyāyino? bodasvā-
13mi-pu◯trāya k¿o?⟨au⟩tsa-sagotr¿a?⟨ā⟩ya dvivedāya svāmiśarmmaṇ(e?) kr̥-
14ṣṇa-biṇṇāyā Uttara-taṭe nātāvāḍi-viṣaye viḷetti nāma
⎘ plate 2v 15 grā⟨ma⟩m āgrahārī-kr̥tya sarvva-bādhā-parih¿a?⟨ā⟩reṇa Uda(ka)-pūrvveṇa
viditam astu sarvva-viṣaya-vāsi(nā?)⟨ṁ⟩ As(m)ad-bhr̥tyānāñ ca[.]
17sa◯rvva(th?)¿a?⟨ā⟩s¿th?⟨m⟩a⟨d⟩-dharmm¿ā?⟨o⟩ rakṣaṇ¿i?⟨ī⟩ya⟨ḥ⟩[.] sarvva-dharmma-śāstra-vid ¿o?⟨ā⟩jñ¿(ā)?⟨a⟩pt¿a?⟨i⟩⟨ḥ⟩-
18Atra śrī-Ammā[.] Api cokta⟨M⟩
1-16Greetings from majestic Piṣṭapura. From the great ocean that is the lineage of the majestic ¿Caḷkis?, who were deliberately appointed (to kingship) by the Lord Mahāsena, who are the sons of Hārītī, who are of the Mānavya gotra, who have attained kingship through the boon of Lord ¿Kuramara?,↓1 who perform the Aśvamedha sacrifice, there arose Kīrtivarman, like nectar (amr̥ta) {arising from the great ocean} for the salvation of living beings. His son, deliberately appointed (as successor) by him, was King (mahārāja) Viṣṇuvardhana, the majestic Crocodile-bannered (love god) (makaradhvaja), [resembling] another Viṣṇu, whose opulence was a great mass of wealth achieved by means of his three powers (śakti-traya), who was recognised in the world for by just reputation, victorious in diverse battles, whose two lotus feet were washed by rays from the gemstones on the crowns of kings. His son, deliberately appointed (as successor) by him, His Majesty King (mahārāja) Jayasiṁha Vallabha, ... ↓2 who is courageous like a lion (siṁha), in order to increase his mother’s and father’s merit, has granted the village named Viḷetti, [located] in Nātavāḍi district (viṣaya) on the northern bank of the (river) Kr̥ṣṇa-biṇṇā, converted into a rent-free holding (agrahāra) by a remission of all burdens, to the grandson of the caturvedin Bhūtisvāmin, the son of Bodasvāmin who was a student of the padaga,↓3 [namely] to the dvivedin Svāmiśarman of the Kautsa gotra, a resident of Intrapura, [the donation being] sanctified by (a libation of) water.
16-18Let [this] be known to all residents of the district and to our (Jayasiṁha’s) retainers (bhr̥tya). Our ruling (dharma) is to be preserved by all means. The executor in this [matter], conversant with all legal treatises (dharma-śāstra), is His Highness Ammā. Moreover, it is said:
Very unusually, both sides of each plate are inscribed. Katti and Padmanabha Sastry (1995: 100) incorrectly report that the verso of the third plate is not inscribed; their edition shows the last four lines of the text as being on 3 recto.
Reported in ARIE 1990-1991: page 23, appendix A/1990–91, № 8 with some further details at ARIE 1990-1991: 3–4. Edited from inked impressions by Madhav N. Katti and C. A. Padmanabha Sastry (1995), without facsimiles and without translation. The present edition by Dániel Balogh is based on photographs taken by myself in 2023 at the ASI Museum, Amaravati, collated with the above edition.↓6
↑1. See the apparatus to line 2.
↑2. I am unable to interpret the text here. It may meant to say something about Jayasiṁha’s
fame extending to the oceans. See the apparatus to line 9.
↑3. I cannot interpret this word. See the apparatus to line 12 for the associated problems.
↑4. Stanzas III and IV are repetitions of stanzas I and II, for no clear reason.
↑5. I am not sure if Kāti is another name of the executor or a description that I fail
to understand.
↑6. Katti and Padmanabha Sastry’s edition contains an inordinate number of typographic
(or other) mistakes. Divergence from my readings is only shown in the apparatus where
it is meaningful and potentially significant.