Current Version: draft, 2025-01-15Z
Editor: Dániel Balogh.
DHARMA Identifier: INSVengiCalukya00034
Hand Description:
Halantas. Final N is a raised and reduced na shape with a sinuous tail like a repha, e.g. l9 māsāN, l15 mAsAn. Final M is a small raised circle with a sinuous stroke at the top right, e.g. l7 triṁśataM (which may also have a curved left arm in addition to the top stroke), l8 viṁśatiM etc. Final T is the shape and size of a regular ta, but with a repha-like sinuous vertical stroke instead of a headmark (identical to ta according to Kielhorn, but this is inaccurate), e.g. l7 layaT; l17 apalayaT.
Original punctuation marks are straight verticals with a small hook or a wedge-like headmark at the top.
Other palaeographic observations. Anusvāra is normally at headline height to the right of the character to which it belongs. It can also occur above the next character, as in l17 meḻāṁbā. The Ārumbāka grant of Bādapa likewise puts anusvāra on top of the next character in (vernacular?) names ending in āṁbā, but not in other circumstances. As Kielhorn points out, the vowel marker for o is sometimes cursive, very similar to and not clearly distinguishable from that for au. The non-cursive o of two separate strokes also occurs. Cursive o-s are marked in the text by an XML comment but not otherwise indicated in the edition. They probably differ from au in having a slightly shorter tail, compare kau in l2 and ko in l8. Initial I in l22 Ittham looks strange to me; Kielhorn calls it a "later form" .
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⎘ plate 1v 1floretQuatrefoil svasti[.] śrīmatāṁ sakala-bhuvana-saṁstūyamāna-mānavya-sagotrā(ṇ)āṁ hārī-
2ti-putrāṇāṁ kauśi(k)ī-vara-prasāda-labdha-rājyānāṁ mātr̥⟨ga⟩ṇa-paripālitānāṁ sv(ā)-
3mi-mahāsena-pādānudhyātānāṁ bha{va}gavan-nārāyaṇa-prasāda-samā(sā)dita-vara-
4-varāh¿ā?⟨a⟩-lā◯ṁ¿c?⟨ch⟩anekṣaṇa-kṣaṇa-vaśīkr̥tārāti-maṇḍalānām a(śvamedh)āva-
5bhr̥tha-snāna◯-¡pavitrita!-vapuṣāṁ cālukyānāṁ kulam ala(ṁkari)ṣṇos sa-
6tyāśraya-vallabhendrasya bhrātā kubja-viṣṇuvarddhano [’]ṣṭādaśa varṣ(ā)ṇi (veṁgī-maṇḍa)lam
7layaT| tad-ātmajo jayasiṁhas trayastriṁśataM| tad-anujendra[rāja]-nandano viṣṇu⟨varddha⟩no
8nava| tat-sūnu⟨r⟩ mmaṁgi-yuvarājaḥ pañcaviṁśatiM| tat-(pu)tr(o ja)[ya](siṁ)has trayastri(ṁ)-
⎘ plate 2r 9śata(M)| tat-sutaḥ ko kkili⟨ḥ⟩ ṣaṇ māsāN| tasya jyeṣṭho bhrātā vi(ṣṇu)[va]r[ddha]nas
tam uccā-
10ṭya saptatriṁśataM| tat-putro vijayāditya-bhaṭṭ(ā)rakaḥ aṣṭādaśa| tat-putro vi-
11ṣṇuvarddhanaṣ ¿v?⟨ṣ⟩aṭtriṁśataM| tat-s¿ū?⟨u⟩taḥ vijayāditya-narendr¿e?⟨a⟩-mr̥ga(rā)jas sāṣṭ¿ā?⟨a⟩ca-
12tvāriṁśataM⟨|⟩ ◯ tat-putraḥ kali-viṣṇuvarddhano [’]ddhyarddha-varṣa(M)| ta(t-s)utaḥ
13ka-vijayā◯ditya-mahārājaś catuścatvāriṁśa(taM)| tad-anuja-yu-
14varāja-vikramāditya-bhūbhr̥d-ātmajaś cālukya-bhīmas triṁśataM| (tat-putro v)ijayādi-
15tya⟨ḥ⟩ ṣaṇ māsāN| tasy¿a?⟨ā⟩gra-sūnur ¿ā?⟨a⟩mma⟨rā⟩jas sapta va(rṣāṇ)i| tat-suta⟨ṁ⟩ vijayādityaṁ kr̥ta-(kaṇṭh)i-
16kā-paṭṭa-bandhābhiṣekaM| bālam uccāṭya tāḷādhipo māsam ekaM| cā(lukya-bhī)ma-tanayo
⎘ plate 2v 17vikramāditya-rāja Ek¿a?⟨ā⟩daśa m¿a?⟨ā⟩sān bhuvam ap¿a?⟨ā⟩layaT|
sa sarvvalokāśra-
21ya-śrī-viṣṇu◯va⟨r⟩ddhana-mahārāj¿a?⟨ā⟩dhirāja-parameśvaraḥ parama-brahmaṇyo m¿a?⟨ā⟩tā-
22-pitr̥-p¿a?⟨ā⟩d¿a?⟨ā⟩nudhy¿a?⟨ā⟩taḥ ◯ gudravāra-viṣaya-nivāsino rāṣṭrakūṭa-pramukhān kuṭu⟨ṁ⟩binaḥ Ittha-
23m ājñ¿a?⟨ā⟩payati|
ta(smai) Āku-
30lamannaṇḍu-nā◯ma-grāma-paṣcima-diśi{ḥ} dāmodara-krama(k)(o?)[1×](panna?) [?3×] (kṣe)traṁ
31tat-pautra Evā◯ya(m) iti sa⟨r⟩vva-kara-parihareṇodaka-pūrvvaṁ kr̥tv¿a?⟨o⟩ttarā(yaṇa-nimitte)
32[’]smābhir ddattam iti viditam astu vaḥ|
Asyāvadhayaḥ[.] pūrvvataḥ pedda-koḍu| dakṣi(ṇataḥ) (ko?)-
33ḍu| paścimataḥ kraṁkaṭavvā-sīmā| Uttaratas ¡sa Eva!⟨saiva⟩| Asyopari na kenacid bādhā karttavyā|
1-17Greetings. Satyāśraya Vallabhendra (Pulakeśin II) was eager to adorn the lineage of the majestic Cālukyas—who are of the Mānavya gotra which is praised by the entire world, who are sons of Hārīti, who attained kingship by the grace of Kauśikī’s boon, who are protected by the band of Mothers, who were deliberately appointed (to kingship) by Lord Mahāsena, to whom enemy territories instantaneously submit at the [mere] sight of the superior Boar emblem they have acquired by the grace of the divine Nārāyaṇa, and whose bodies have been hallowed through washing in the purificatory ablutions (avabhr̥tha) of the Aśvamedha sacrifice. His brother Kubja Viṣṇuvardhana protected (pāl-) the country of Veṅgī for eighteen years. His son Jayasiṁha (I), for thirty-three. His younger brother Indrarāja’s (Indra Bhaṭṭāraka’s) son Viṣṇuvardhana (II), for nine. His son Maṅgi Yuvarāja, for twenty-five. His son Jayasiṁha (II), for thirty-three.↓1 His son↓2 Kokkili, for six months. After dethroning him, his eldest brother Viṣṇuvardhana (III), for thirty-seven. His son Vijayāditya (I) Bhaṭṭāraka, for eighteen. His son Viṣṇuvardhana (IV), for thirty-six. His son Vijayāditya (II) Narendramr̥garāja, for eight and forty. His son Kali-Viṣṇuvardhana (V), for a year and a half. His son King (mahārāja) Guṇaka Vijayāditya (III) for forty-four. The son of his younger brother the heir-apparent (yuvarāja) Prince (bhūbhr̥t) Vikramāditya, King (bhūpāla) Cālukya-Bhīma, for thirty. His son Vijayāditya (IV), for six months. His firstborn son Ammarāja (I), for seven years. After dethroning his son the child Vijayāditya (V) who had been consecrated for kingship with the locket (kaṇṭhikā) and turban (paṭṭa-bandha), Tāḷādhipa, for one month. Next, having slain him in battle, Cālukya-Bhīma’s son King (rājan) Vikramāditya (II) protected (pāl-) the earth for eleven months.
20-23That shelter of all the world (sarva-lokāśraya), the supremely pious Supreme Lord (parameśvara) of Emperors (mahārājādhirāja), His Majesty Viṣṇuvardhana (Bhīma II), who was deliberately appointed (as heir) by his mother and father, commands the householders (kuṭumbin)—including foremost the territorial overseers (rāṣṭrakūṭa)—who reside in Gudravāra district (viṣaya) as follows:
29-32Let it be known to you that on the occasion of the winter solstice we have given to him the field [formerly belonging to]↓5 the krama reciter Dāmodara, to the west of the village named Ākulamannaṇḍu, converted into a rent-free holding (↓6) by a remission of all taxes, [the donation being] sanctified by (a libation of) water, on the grounds that he (Viddamayya) is in fact his (Dāmodara’s) (maternal) grandson.
32-33Its boundaries [are as follows]. To the east, the great ¿canal? (koḍu)↓7. To the south, a ¿canal? (koḍu). To the west, the border of (the village) Kraṁkaṭavvā. To the north, the same. Let no-one pose an obstacle (to his enjoyment of his rights) over it.
1-17Prospérité ! Kubja Viṣṇuvardhana, frère de Satyāśraya Vallabhendra, ornement de la lignée des Calukya, illustres, du même gotra que les descendants de Manu, honorés dans l’univers entier, fils de Hāriti, qui obtinrent leur royaume grâce à l’excellente faveur de Kauśikī, protégés par la troupes des Mères, méditant aux pieds du seigneur Mahāsena, dont le cercle des ennemis fut soumis en un instant à la vue du signe illustre de l’excellent sanglier, faveur octroyée par le bienheureux Nārāyaṇa, dont les corps furent purifiés par le bain purificatoire de l’aśvamedha, règna pendant dix-huit années sur le royaume de Veṁgī ; son fils, Jayasiṁha, pendant trente-trois années ; le fils de son frère cadet Indrarāja, Viṣṇuvardhana, pendant neuf [années] ; le fils de celui-ci, Maṁgi Yuvarāja, pendant vingt-cinq [années] ; son fils, Jayasiṁha, pendant trente-trois [années] ; son fils, Kokkili, pendant six mois ; le frère aîné de celui-ci, Viṣṇuvardhana, ayant chassé ce dernier, pendant trente-sept [années] ; son fils Vijayāditya-Bhaṭṭāraka pendant dix-huit [années] ; le fils de celui-ci, Viṣṇuvardhana, pendant trente-six [années]; son fils Vijayāditya Narendra Mr̥garāja pendant quarante-huit [années] ; le fils de celui-ci, Kali Viṣṇuvarddhana, pendant un an et demi ; son fils, le grand roi Guṇaka Vijayāditya, pendant quarante-quatre [années] ; le fils du frère cadet de ce dernier, prince héritier, le roi Vikramāditya, Cālukya Bhīma, pendant trentre [années] ; son fils Vijayāditya pendant six mois ; le fils aîné de celui-ci, Ammarāja, pendant sept ans ; ayant chassé le fils de ce dernier, Vijayāditya, alors qu’il était enfant, qu’il portait le collier et avait été couronné, Tāhādhipa [régna] pendant un mois ; le fils de Cālukya Bhīma, le roi Vikramāditya, protégea la terre pendant onze mois ;
20-23Lui, refuge de tous les hommes, l’illustre roi suprême des grands rois, Viṣṇuvardhana, excellent seigneur, excellent dévôt, méditant aux pieds de sa mère et de son père, ordonne ceci aux chefs de famille habitant le viṣaya de Gudravāra, rāṣṭrakūṭa en tête :
29-32Qu’il soit connu de vous que nous donnons à ce dernier, récitant de Dāmodara, * * *↓12, car il est son petit-fils, un terrain à l’ouest du village nommé Ākulamannaṇḍu, exempté de toute taxe, après avoir fait une libation d’eau, pendant l’ascension du soleil vers le Nord.↓13
32-33Les limites de celui-ci sont : à l’est un large ruisseau,↓14 au sud un ruisseau,↓15 à l’ouest la limite de Kraṁkaṭavvā, au nord la même. Aucune charge ne doit lui être imposée.
Concerning sāṣṭācatvāriṁśataM in line 11, Kielhorn lists variants in related inscriptions known to him. I duplicate his note here; it may be worth tracing these and listing them by inscription title. The reading is °rājas sā° in IA 13 p249 l11 and this may have been intended in SII I p47 l18. The reading is °rājaś cā° in IA 7 p16 l12, IA 12 p92 l14, IA 14 p52 l41, EI 4 p306 l40, EI 5 p140 l10. It is °rājaḥ Aṣṭa° in IA 13 p213 l15, which is one of the earliest inscriptions that give 48 years as the duration of this king’s reign; and in IA 19 p429, IA 14 p56 l13.
Some details of this grant were cited by John Faithfull Fleet (1891: page 270, № N) before its publication. Edited from Sir Walter Elliot’s inked impressions by Franz Kielhorn (1898-1899: pages 134–139, № E), with an abstract of the contents and with partial facsimiles.↓16 Subsequently noticed in ARIE 1962-1963: page 49, appendix A/1962–63, № 20. The present edition by Dániel Balogh is based on a collation of the above editions with Kielhorn’s facsimiles where available, and with inked rubbings in Sir Walter Elliot’s collection.↓17.
↑1. Jayasiṁha II ruled for thirteen, not thirty-three years, which is the duration of
Jayasiṁha I’s reign.
↑2. Correctly: his younger brother by a different mother.
↑3. I understand vāra to mean an official or a body of officials, as suggested by Kielhorn in a note to
his translation (1898-1899: page 138, note 7) as well as by Subrahmanya Aiyer (1935-1936: 27–28) and Sircar (1966: s.v. pañcavāra).
↑4. Due to a lacuna of two characters, the interpretation of the first hemistich is not
entirely certain, but its purport must have been something much like that translated
↑5. Due to a lacuna, the interpretation of the text is again uncertain here.
↑6. agrahāra
↑7. According to Kielhorn’s note, kōḍu means “rivulet, branch of a river” in Telugu, but in Kannaḍa, “peak or top of a hill.”
↑8. Strophe difficile reposant sur un arthāntara, les deux sujets sont identiques mais l’un est dépourvu de la qualité que l’autre
possède. Dans les pāda a et b, il y a une paronomase : rājñām, rājante, rājasu, tandis que dans les pāda c et d il y a une synonymie, padma et kumuda, provoquant un virodha-śleṣa. En effet, cette synonymie engendre une contradiction. Celle-ci peut être résolue
au moyen de deux hypothèses : - soit padma et kumuda désignent deux variétés de lotus, l’une étant plus lumineuse que l’autre, mais ceci
semble difficile à attester ; - soit padmākara est un virodha-śleṣa, se décomposant ainsi : padmā-kara, la main de Padmā. Nous retenons cette deuxième hypothèse qui est plus pertinente.
↑9. D. C. Sircar, 1966, p. 176 : petit territoire regroupant plusieurs villages.
↑10. Le texte est très altéré mais nous pouvons en déduire le sens général en le rapprochant
de la str. 30 de l’insc. n°34 : yasya śrī-bhavanājira[ṁ] dvija-pada-prakṣālanāṁbu(ṁ)-sphutam nityaṁ karddamatāṇ nayaty
atitarāṁ yenoddhr̥taṁ svaṁ kulam[+|] pāda a et b, str. 30, insc. 34.
↑11. D. C. Sircar, 1966, p. 420 : comités d’assemblée locale.
↑12. Le texte étant illisible, il est difficile de préciser la fonction de ce composé dans
la phrase.
↑13. Cette expression désigne la « remontée » du soleil vers le Nord entre le solstice
d’hiver et celui de l’été, même expression dans l’insc. n°26.
↑14. Traduction de l’éditeur.
↑15. Traduction de l’éditeur.
↑16. The reprinted Epigraphia Indica only has images for pages 1v and 2v (wrongly labelled as 2r).
↑17. Scans of these impressions were obtained by Emmanuel Francis from the Edinburgh University
Library, the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the British Museum. I presently
have no image of the seal. Photos of the original plates and seal will probably be
obtained from the BL, which will then need to be collated.