Current Version: draft, 2025-01-09Z
Editor: Buduraju Radhakrishna.
DHARMA Identifier: INSTelugu00057
Hand Description:
Alternative identifier:
Origin: Written in 746-757.
Classification: donative
Languages: Telugu
Corresponding Artefact: ARTTelugu000050 inscription on On a slab lying in the verandah in front of the Agastyēśvara temple at Chilamkūru
Layout: 24 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
3tya bē(r)bhabhā-
7trunṟu Icci-
8na kṣētraṁbu
9dēniki sakṣi
11saḷki raṭṭa-
16gīyu sakṣi
17vakraṁbu vaccu-
18vāru nāyu va-
19nṟu vāraṇāsi
21vēyu dēva drō-
22guḷu vē kavila-
23ḷānu ḻacci-
24vanṟu pondu
1 bu(pe) ◇ [1*]bu(pe) RP
2 ◇ (vi)kramā(di)/tya (bē)[1*]/tya[1*]rāju RP
9 dēniki sakṣi ◇ [2*]sa RP
10–11 12 pu(ṟa)nullu / saḷki raṭṭa/kuḍiyu ◇ pu[3*] / saṭiraṭṭa/kuḍiki[1*] RP
13 mukakāḷḷu ◇ mukara[1*] RP
15–16 (vaḍa) / gīyu sakṣi ◇ (vada) / giyusa[1*] RP
18–19 nāyu va/nṟu ◇ nāya[1*]/nda RP
21 ◇ (vēyi) dēva[1*] / (guḷu) RP
22 ◇ [2*] / [1*]nu RP
24 pondu ◇ (pendu) RP
The dots in Ramayya Pantulu’s edition that represent lost akṣaras have been interpreted as one akṣara per dot although the number of dots seems to be a little bit random. The Annual Report offers a partial different reading in its statement that it is a [g]ift of land by the eldest son of Vikramāditya Be[mpa]nādh-rājaARIE 1904-1905, page 15, № 403, appendix A/1904: .
The inscription was noted in the Annual Report and first edited by J. Ramayya Pantulu. K. M. Sastri while relying on Ramayya Pantulu’s edition republished the inscription with a summary: Refers to a gift of land by the eldest dear son of Vikramāditya and contains an imprecationSastri 1969, page 336. The inscription was re-edited by Buduraju Radhakrishna.