Current Version: draft, 2024-12-17Z
Editor: Amandine Wattelier-Bricout.
DHARMA Identifier: INSSomavamsin00011
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Layout: -49 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
⎘ plate 1v 1Om svasti| śrimad-ārāma🧭-samāvāsi¿n?⟨t⟩aḥ śrīmato vijaya-kaṭakāt| parama-bhaṭṭā-
4mahārājādhirāja-śrī-mahābhavagupta👤-devaḥ kuśalī| ko¡ś!⟨s⟩ala🧭-deśe povā🧭-vi¡ś!⟨ṣ⟩ayīya-
5-raṇḍā🧭-grāme| tathā Alāṇḍalā🧭-grāme| ¡v!⟨b⟩rāhmaṇān saṁpūjya tad-vi¡ś!⟨ṣ⟩ayīyān yathākālā-
6dhyāsinaḥ samāhartṛ-sannidhātṛ-niyuktakādhikār¿ī?⟨i⟩ka-dāṇḍapāśika-cāṭa-
7-bhaṭ{ṭ}a-piśuna-ve⟨t⟩rikāvarodhajana-rāṇaka-⟨rājaputra⟩-rājavallabhādī¿na?⟨N⟩ sarvvāN sa-
8mājñāpayati| viditam astu bhavatāṁ yathāsmābhir ayaṁ grāmaḥ ¡ṣ!⟨s⟩anidhiḥ so-
9panidhis sa-daśāparādhas sarvva¡v!⟨b⟩ādhāvivarjjitas sarvvopari{ka}karādāna-sahitaś catuḥ-
10-sīmāparyantas sā⟨mra⟩-madhukas sagartoṣa⟨ra⟩s sa-jala-sthala-sahitaḥ pratiniṣiddha-cāṭa-bhaṭ{ṭ}a-pra-
11veśaḥ| ṭ{ṭ}akārī🧭-vinirggatāya| ko¡ś!⟨s⟩ale🧭 turvvunā🧭-vāstavyāya| bharadvāja-gotrāya| ¡v!⟨b⟩ā-
12rhaspaty-āṅgirasa-pravarāya| vāja¿sena?⟨saneya⟩-śākhadhyāyine bhaṭṭa-śrī-mahattama-sādhāraṇā👤-
13ya| bhaṭṭa-śrī-śobhana👤-sutāya| saliladhārā-purassaram ā-candra-tārakārkka-kṣiti-sama -
⎘ plate 2r 14kālopabhogyāya| mātā-pitror ātmanaś ca puṇya-yaśobhivṛddhaye tām{v}ra-śāsanenākarī-
15kṛtya pratipāditam ity avagatya samucita-bhoga-bhāga-kara-hiraṇyādibhir pratyāyam
16dbhir bhavadhiḥ sukhena prativastavyam iti| bhāvibhiś ca bhūpatibhir ddattir iyam
asmadīyā dharmma-
17-gauravād asmad-anurodhāc ca sva-dattir ivānupalanīyā| tathā coktan dharmaśāstre|
35lagna-māṇikya-mayūkha-vrātābhira¡ṇ!⟨ñ⟩jitāṅ¿gi?⟨ghri⟩-kamala-yugalaḥ pracaṇḍa-dorddaṇḍa-maṇḍa-
44-mahābhavagupta👤-deva-pāda-padma-pravarddhamāna-vijaya-rājye eka-triṅśatt¿i?⟨a⟩me s¿ā?⟨a⟩mvatsa-
45re| mārgga śudi tithau trayodaśyāṁ yatrāṅkenāpi samvat 31 mārgga
46śudi 13 likhitam idaṁ triphalī-tām{v}ra-śāsana⟨ṁ⟩ mahāsāndhivigra-
47hī-rāṇaka-malladatta👤-prati¡v!⟨b⟩addha-kāyastha-śrī-māhūkena👤 priyaṅkarā-
Utkirnita mādhavena👤 vāsu👤¿ṣū?⟨su⟩teneti|
9 sarvvopari{ka}karādāna-sahitaś ◇ sarvvoparikakarādāna-sahitaś S
1-7Hail! From his glorious and victorious camp situated at Ārāma, the divine king, the prosperous (kuśalī) lord (śrī) Paramabhaṭṭāraka and Mahārājādhirāja Mahābhavagupta, lord of Trikaliṅga (tr̥kaliṅgādhipati), the forehead ornament of the Soma dynasty (or lunar race), the great lord (parameśvara), a devout worshipper of Maheśvara (paramamāheśvara), blessed by the lord (śrī) Paramabhaṭṭāraka and Mahārājādhirāja Śivaguptadeva, worshipped the Brāhmaṇas in the village Raṇḍā situated in the part of Povā, as well as in the village Alāṇḍalā, (both) in the Kosala region (deśa) and informed all the householders dwelling there [and] seated in due time upon this division beginning with the samāhartr̥ (tax collector), the saṁnidhātr̥ (the receiver of stolen goods), the niyuktaka (subordinate officers), the adhikārika (superintendents), the dāṇḍapāśika (the policemen), the valorous soldiers (cāṭa-bhaṭṭa), the informer (piśuna-vetrika)m the inmates of the royal harem, the subordinates, sons and favorites of the king (rāṇaka-rājaputra-rājavallabhā) as follows:
7-11Be it known by you that this village by us has been given (pratipādita, line 15) with its treasures (nidhi) and its deposits (upanidhi), with the power to punish and realise fines for the ten offences (sa-daśāparādha), without any restrictions (sarvabādhāvivarjita), with the seizing of all the minor taxes (sarvvoparikarādāna), with its four boundary-marks (catuḥ-sīmāparyanta), with mango and madhuka trees (sāmra-madhuka), with its pits and barren lands (sagartoṣara), together with land and waters (sa-jala-sthala), preserved from the entrance of soldiers (cāṭa-bhaṭṭa),
11-16to the learned lord (bhaṭṭaśrī), the great Sādhāraṇā, after having immigrating from Ṭakārī, residing in Turvunā in Kosala, who belonged to the Bharadvāja gotra with the pravaras of Bārhaspatya and Āṅgirasa, student of the Vājasaneyi śākhā, learned son (bhaṭṭaputra) of Lord Śobhana, after pouring water, [as permanent endowment] to be enjoyed in perpetuity as long as the moon, the sun and the stars [will last], in order to increase the merit and the fame of our two parents as well as our own ones, after having edicted this by a copperplate.
16-18After having considered this (iti), thanks to our acquisition, the enjoyments, the parts, the taxes, the gold etc… should easily remain appropriate and the future kings must protect this gift of Us out of the respect of Dharma and out of Our consideration as it was their own gift.
19-34Thus it is said in the Dharmaśāstra:
34-36His pair of lotus-feet adorned by the rays (emanating from) the jewels set in the garland adorning the crowns of all the kings and the circle of the earth is decorated by the pearls falling from the maddened elephants of his enemies, who are struck by his mighty arms.
42-48On the thirteenth day of the bright fortnight of the month Mārgaśīrṣa of the thirty-first year of the increasingly victorious reign of the Lord (śrī) Paramabhaṭṭāraka and Mahārājādhirāja Mahābhavagupta, lord of Trikaliṅga (tr̥kaliṅgādhipati), the forehead ornament of the Soma dynasty (or lunar race), the great lord (parameśvara), a devout worshipper of Maheśvara (paramamāheśvara), i.e. Saṁvat 31 month Mārgaśīrṣa day 13, this charter co; prising three plates of copper was written by the clerk (kāyastha) Māhūka, son of Priyaṅkarāditya, who is attached to the mahāsāndhivigraha Rāṇaka Malladatta.
49Written by Mādhava, son of Vāsu.
Orthographical peculiarities: the use of v for b; the use of the velar nasal ṅ instead of the anusvāra.
Object: grant of two villages to a Brahmin by the reigning king.
It was edited for the first time in 1876, in the Indian Antiquary, by Babu Rangalala Banerjea (see Beames and Banerjea 1876). It was reedited then by Fleet 1894–1895: s.v. B, pages 347–351. The actual place of preservation is unknown
This verse corresponds to the verse numbered 85 among the Stanzas on Bhūmidāna listed
by Sircar (see Sircar 1965: appendix II, pages 170–200).