Hunavalli Kalleśvara Temple Hero Stone II of the reign of Taila II, Śaka 903


Current Version:  draft, 2024-12-19Z

Editor:   Rice, B.L..

DHARMA Identifier: INSKalyanaCalukya00012

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2kaṁ cāḷukyā-vaṁśōdbhavaṁ śrīmat·-nūrmmaḍi-tailapa-dēvana rājyam-uttarō-
3ttarābhivr̥ddhige saluttire |

jiḍurāḷge Eḻpattakaṁ biṭṭagaṁ nār-ggaṁvuṇḍu geyye

4¡saka!⟨śaka⟩ varṣa 903 neya pramādi-saṁvatsaraṁ pravarttise ¡jēṣṭa!⟨jyēṣṭa⟩ bahuḷa paṁca-
5me ¡saṇivāra!⟨śanivāra⟩dandu mādeyūra sānti-varmmaṁ bariyūran iṟiye baḷagāṟara kō-
6karaṁ punupaḷḷiyal’ iḻdu pu vana-
7yyalaṁ paridu mārbbalaman taḷt’ iṟidu svarggālayakke sandaṁ |

I. Anuṣṭubh
jitēna labhyatē la8kṣmī
¡mr̥tēnābhi!⟨mr̥tēnāpi⟩ surāṁganaḥ|
kācintā maraṇē raṇē|

9kōkarana tāy arasabbeyum ātana maydunaṁ punuvalavaḷḷiya gāvuṇḍan a-
10ggasar ēḷavaritamma bāvaṁge parōkṣavinayaṁ geydu kallaṁ nirisidaṁ maṁgaḷaṁ

II. Anuṣṭubh
11¡sarvvarī!⟨śarvarī⟩ ¡dīpakō!⟨dīpakaś⟩ candraḥ
prabhātē ravi-dīpakaḥ
traiḷōkya-dīpakō dharmma
12suputra kuḷa dīpakaḥ|

mādhavayyaṁ baredaṁ nāgaṁ besegeydaṁ|


line B1921

Translation by Rice 1904

1=3Ōm. Be it well. When (with Chalukya titles), Nūrmmaḍi-Tailapa-Dēva’s kingdom was extending on all sides:

3— and Biṭṭiga was nāṟ-ggāvuṇḍa of the Jiḍuraḷge Seventy; —

4-7 (on the date specified), when Mādeyūr Sāntivarmma raided Bariyūr; the bangle-seller Kōkara being in Punuvaḷḷi, attacked ... , drove back the enemy and went to the abode of svargga.

By the victor is gained spoil and c.

9-10His mother and other relatives (named) set up this stone.

Verse in praise of a good son.

12Mādhavayya wrote it; Nāga did the work.



Rice, Benjamin Lewis. 1904. Inscriptions in the Shimoga District (Part II). Epigraphia Carnatica 8. Bangalore: Mysore Government Central Press.
Pages 234–235. [siglum B1921]