Bāgali Kallēśvara Temple Inscription of the Reign of Taila II 2, Śaka 903


Current Version:  draft, 2025-02-27Z

Editors:   Sastry R. Shama and Rao N. Lakshminarayan.

DHARMA Identifier: INSKalyanaCalukya00003

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2903 neya khara-saṁvatsaraṁ pravartise tadvari-
3ṣābhyantarade māgha suddha paṁcamī maṁgaḷavāra-
4d’ andu śrī-pr̥thvī-vallabha-mahārājādhirāja-paramēśvara-
5n ellaram-aruḷaṁ teri-viḷāsaṁ madha-gaja-mallan āne-veḍaṁ-
6ga-śrī-kannara-dēvana māḍida maryyāde Eleya pēṟige E-
7raḍu paṅa-vaḍḍaṁ suṁka-samucchaya naḍevudu

kōgaḻiy’ aynū-
8ṟuvan-āditya-varmm’ arasar āḷuttavire suṁkad’ anyāya peṟcida-
9ḍe bāḷguḷiy’ayvadiṁbaruṁ siddhaseṭṭi sōbhanayya mallayya-
10seṭṭi aṇnamman intavar pramukhavāgi taṁbuliga sāsirvvaruṁ A-
11ynūrvvaruṁ pōgi śrīpr̥thvī-vallabha-mahārājādhirāja-pa-
12ramēśvara-parama-bhaṭṭārakaṁ satyāśraya-kuḷa-tilaka-cāḷu-
13kyābharaṅaṁ srīmad-āhavamalla-dēvara śrīpādagaḷge śāṣṭāṁga-
14m eṟagi poḍevaṭṭu binnapaṁ-geydaḍe kannaradēvana marryādeya-
15l’ āda suṁkada marryādeyuṁ tappade naḍayim-endu biṭṭan-int’ ī
16sthitiyaṁ tappi koṇḍutaṁ vāṇarāsiyuṁ kavileyuṁ kurukṣētramu-
17man-aḻida paṁca-mahā-pātakaṁ |

I. Śālinī
sāmānyōyaṁ 18dharmasētu⟨ḥ⟩ nr̥pāṇāṁ
kālē kālē pālinīyō bhavadbhiḥ|
sarvvānē19tān-bhāginaḥ pārtthivēṁdrānu
bhūyō bhūyo yācatē rāmabhadraḥ |

II. Anuṣṭubh
20sva-dattaṁ para-dattaṁ vā
yō harēti vasundharā⟨ṁ⟩|
viṣṭāyāṁ 21jāyatē kr̥miḥ |

yayvadiṁbaruṁ sāsirvvaru(ṁ)v’ irdu bārikēcaṁge koṭṭaru|

22kkalalu hāga talevoṟege bēḷe |

candōja māḍida ⟨|⟩


line S

Translation by Samana Gururaja


1-7A multitude of years having elapsed since the time of king Śaka, the boundary made by the auspicious Kannaradēva — the lord of the earth, king of kings, supreme lord, he who blesses everyone, teri-viḷāsaṃ, the one who wrestles intoxicated elephants, the one with the grace of an elephant — during the khara samvatsara of 903, in the very middle of the year, on Tuesday during the bright fortnight of Magha, [stated that] for the distribution of the [betel] leaves there was to proceed the collection of two ¿units? (vaḍḍa) of money (paṇa)

7-17When the five hundred [mahājanas] of Kōgali and king Ādityavarma were ruling, as soon as the violation of the boundary increased, the five hundred of Bāḷguḷi, the thousand ¿[leaders]? of the betel leaf merchants — with members such as Siddhaseṭṭi, Sōbhanayya, Mallayyaseṭṭi and Aṇnaman promiment among them — and the five hundred, went to Āhavamalla Dēva — lord of the earth, king of kings, supreme lord, most venerated, the ornament to the family of Satyāśraya, ornament to the Cāḷukyas — and having prostrated themselves before his auspicious feet, stretching their abdomens forward, as soon as they made a respectful petition, he declared that the boundaries that were set for the collection of the toll under the jurisdiction of Kannaradēva would proceed. Having said this, he who defaults on this state of affairs (sthiti) will incur the five great sins of destroying Varanāsi, brown cows, and Kurukṣētra.

This [grant] which is a bridge of dharma for kings, from time to time is to be protected/maintained by you, all the kings who are partaking of it, [as] requested again and again by Rāmabhadra.

Whether given by oneself or another, he who robs/destroys that which is another’s, for sixty thousand years he will be born as a worm in excrement

21the five hundred and the thousand being present, they gave this to Bārikēca

21-22¿pulses for the quarter headload of the farmers?

22made by Candōja



Shama Sastry, R. & N. Lakshminarayan Rao. 1939. South-Indian Inscriptions (Texts). Volume IX, Part I: Kannada Inscriptions from the Madras Presidency. South Indian Inscriptions, 9.1. Delhi: Manager of Publications.
Pages 46–47. [siglum S]
