Bāgali Kallēśvara Temple Inscription of the Reign of Taila II 1, Śaka 909


Current Version:  draft, 2025-02-27Z

Editors:   Sastry R. Shama and Rao N. Lakshminarayan.

DHARMA Identifier: INSKalyanaCalukya00002

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saka-nr̥pa-kāḷātīta-samvatsara-śataṁga 909-neya sarvvajit-saṁva-
2tsara pravarttise śrī-prithvī-vallabha-mahārājādhirāja-paramēśvara-parama-bha-
3ṭṭāraka-śrīmat・ Āhavamalla-dēvana rājyam uttarōttarābhivr̥ddhi-varddhamā-
4naṁ saluttire

Āhavamalla-dēva-pāda-padmōpajīvi svasti samadhigata-
5paṁca-mahāśabda-mahā-sāmanta Āytavarmma kisukāḷ-eḻpattumaṁ
6kōgaḻi aynūṟumaṁ nidhi-ni¿(bh)?⟨dh⟩āna-nikṣēpa-sahitaṁ duṣṭa-nigraha-
7viśiṣta-pratipāḷanaṁ-geyd’ āḷuttire

bāḷguḷiy’ ayvadiṁbaruṁ
8duggimayyana pratiṣṭeya āditya-dēvargge maṅalaporiyoḷ-koṭṭa
9 tōṇṭada kamma aṟuvattu|

ā tōṇṭava koṇindara kannayya tanna makkaḷ-makkaḷ-ba
10ra salahid’ uṇba varṣaṁ-prati-varṣa Ānēya ponn’ āṟu gadyāṇamuṁ dharaṇa-
11ponna āditya-devargge ikkuva|

vaisākha suddha tadige āditya-vārad’ andu ko-
12ṭṭa śāsana Idaṁ

kāḍ’ ūḍid’ avargge prayāgeyoḷ sāsirbbar pārvvargge kurukṣē-
13tradoḷ-sāsirbbar-ttapasviyargge Uṇal-koṭṭa bāṇā¿na?⟨rā⟩siyoḷ-kavileya U-
14bhaya-mukha-dānaṁ-geydu phalav’ eyduguṁ|

sva-dattaṁ para-dattaṁ vā
yō harēti 15vasundharāṁ|
viṣṭāyāṁ jāyatē kr̥miḥ|

16maga haṁsa māḍida|


line S

Translation by Samana Gururaja


1-4A multitude of years having elapsed since the time of king Śaka, during the Sarvajit samvatsara of the year 909, when the kingdom of Āhavamalla — lord of the earth, king of kings supreme lord, most venerable — was growing and attaining new heights,

4-7a dweller at Āhavamalladeva’s lotus feet -- benediction -- Mahāsāmanta Āytavarmma who had attained rights to the five great titles, having punished the wicked and protected the orderly, was ruling the Kisukāḍu 70 and the Kōgali 500 with rights to the hidden treasures of the land

7-9The grove in Manalapuri which the 52 [mahājanas] of Bāḷguḷi had given to the deity Āditya, established by Duggimayya, consisted of 60 kamma.

9-11So that his children and their children may ¿continue to be protected and fed?, every year upon the year, Koṇindara Kannayya of that grove placed ¿the elephant’s gold and six gadyāna of ornamental gold? for the deity Āditya.

11-12This order was given on Sunday, during the bright fortnight of Vaisākha.

12-14Those who protect and support it [will receive] the five fruits of giving food to a thousand brahmins at Prayāga, and a thousand ascetics at Kurukṣētra, and making a ¿double-sided donation? of brown cows at Vāranāsi.

Whether given by oneself or another, he who robs/destroys that which is another’s, for sixty thousand years will be born as a worm in excrement

16Made by Candōja’s son, Hamsa.



Shama Sastry, R. & N. Lakshminarayan Rao. 1939. South-Indian Inscriptions (Texts). Volume IX, Part I: Kannada Inscriptions from the Madras Presidency. South Indian Inscriptions, 9.1. Delhi: Manager of Publications.
Page 46. [siglum S]
