Current Version: draft, 2024-05-31Z
Editor: Natasja Bosma.
DHARMA Identifier: INSDaksinaKosala00031
Hand Description:
Alternative identifier: Year 19"
Corresponding Artefact: CONARTDaksinaKosala00028
Layout: engraved-30 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
⎘ plate 1v 1v1spiralR svasty aśeṣakṣit(ī)śavidyābhyāsaviśeṣāsāditamahanī-
1v2yavinayasa⟨m⟩patsa⟨ṁ⟩pāditasakalavijigīṣuguṇo guṇava-
1v3tsamāśraya⟨ḥ⟩ prakṛṣṭataraśauryyaprajñāprabhāvasaṁbhāvitamahābhyu-
1v4daya⟨ḥ⟩ kārtti◯keya Iva kṛttivāsaso rājña⟨ḥ⟩ śrīharṣadevasya s¿u?⟨ū⟩-
1v5nuḥ somava¡ṅ!⟨ṁ⟩śasaṁbhavaḥ paramamāheśvaro mātāpitṛpādānudhyāta⟨ḥ⟩-
1v6(śrī)mahāśivaguptarājaḥ kuśalīddandaHooked devabhogīyapillāsunyagrā-
1v7m¿a?⟨e⟩ tāmraśāsanena brāhmaṇāṁ saṁp¿u?⟨ū⟩jya prativāsinaḥ samājñāpa-
⎘ plate 2r 2r1yati
viditam astu bhavatāṁ yathāsmābhir ayaṁ grāma⟨ḥ⟩ sanidh¿ī?⟨i⟩ḥ sopanidh¿ī?⟨i⟩ḥ-
2r2¿Ā?⟨A⟩cāṭabhaṭapraveśa⟨ḥ⟩ sarvvakarādānasameto mātāpittror ātmanaś ca-
2r3puṇyābhi¡b!⟨v⟩ṛddhaye lāṭaviṣayavāstavyavājasaneyabhāradvājasa-
2r4gottrāya ◯bāḍābhaṭṭāyaudakapūrvv¿ā?⟨a⟩⟨ṁ⟩ ¿A?⟨Ā⟩ṣāḍhāmāvāsyāṁ sūryyoparā-
2r5ge pratipādita Ity
avagamya bhavadbhiḥ samucitaṁ bhogabhāgam upana-
2r6yadbhiḥ sukhaṁ prativasta¡b!⟨v⟩yam itiddandaHooked bhāvinaś ca bhūmipālān ud⟨d⟩i¡ṣ!⟨ś⟩yeda-
2r7m abhidh¿i?⟨ī⟩yate
Api ca
2v4sagītā⟨ṁ⟩¡ṣ!⟨ś⟩ cā◯t{t}ra ślokān udāharanti
pravarddhamānavijayarājye sam¡b!⟨v⟩atsare ṣa-
3r5ṣṭhe 6dandaPlain Āṣāḍhadivasu 10 5dandaPlain Āviḥ prakurvvatā śilpaṁ puṇyaṁ
3r6cākṣayam itsatā stambhāyyasūnunotkīrṅa⟨ṁ⟩ kṛṣṇāyyanaiva śāsanaṁddandaHooked
The charter of Śivagupta, son of the illustrious king Harṣagupta, who is possessed of good qualities, endures as long as the existence of the earth.
1v1-2r1Success! Hail! The illustrious and great king Śivagupta who has been born in the Lunar Dynasty as the son of a king, the illustrious Harṣadeva, like Kārttikeya is of Kṛttivāsas (i.e., Śiva); who is entirely devoted to Maheśvara; who is favoured by his father and mother; and who is in good health: He has acquired all the qualities of a conqueror through the perfection of praiseworthy discipline, effected in particular by implementing all the “political sciences”; he is a refuge for the virtuous; and his great prosperity has been brought about by his superior valour, intelligence, and strength! After having saluted the Brahmins in the village of Pillāsunya situated in the Deva bhoga, [the king] issues [the following command] to the residents of the village by means of [this] copperplate charter:
2r1-2r5Let it be known to you that, after an offering of water, this village has been granted [by us] for the increase of religious merit of father, mother, and ourselves, to Bāḍābhaṭṭa who belonged to the Vājasaneya-Bhāradvāja gotra and was a resident of the Lāṭa viṣaya. [The grant of the village took place] on the occasion of a solar eclipse in the night of the new moon in the month of Āṣāḍha [and] comes along with [the right to] hidden treasures and deposits; the exemption from being entered by irregular or regular troops; and [the right to collect] all taxes [payable to the king].
2r5-2r7Having taken note of that, you should render the proper [shares of] periodical offerings and produce, while living happily [in this village]. And this is said for the instruction of the future kings:
And also:
2v3-2v4And in this respect they quote the [following] stanzas sung by Vyāsa:
3r4-3r6In the sixth year of the increasingly victorious reign [of Śivagupta], [in numbers] 6, on the day 15 of the month of Āṣāḍha, the [copperplate] charter has been engraved by Kṛṣṇāyya, son of Stambhāyya, ¿[thus] making [the grant] public and wishing it to be skillful, auspicious, and everlasting.?
First edited by Singh 2009 from the original plates; re-edited here by Natasja Bosma based on the published photographs.