Philadelphia Museum of Art Copper-Plates of Nannarāja I, Year 7


Current Version:  draft, 2024-05-31Z

Editor:   Natasja Bosma.

DHARMA Identifier: INSDaksinaKosala00024

Hand Description:

Additional Metadata

Alternative identifier: Year 7"




  1. Secondary language is late_Brahmi, script and

Corresponding Artefact: CONARTDaksinaKosala00021

Layout: engraved-41 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.



I. Anuṣṭubh
sūnor ¡ddh!⟨dh⟩avalatuṅgasya pākaśāsanatejasaḥ
śāsanaṁ nannadevasya sthitam ā brahma¡ṇ!⟨n⟩asthiteḥ


⎘ plate 1v 1v1spiralR svasti śrīpṛthivīpurāT vikramakrāntasamastasāmantamastakamaṇi-
1v2prabhāpallavitapādapadmayugmaḥ padmālayāddhyāsitavipulavakṣastha-
1v3lo harir iva karakamalanyastaśaṅkhacakracihnaś caturudadhivelālavā-
1v4laparimāli◯talal¿ī?⟨i⟩talakṣmīlatāpāśrayadrumo druma Iva dro-
1v5ṇa Iva drupada Iva draupadīsvayaṁ{ṅ}grahapatir iva ca dhanuṣi dharmme vi-
1v6dyāsu ca viśāradaś śāradapayodharānukārī svayaśorāśiviśadīkṛtadiga-
1v7ntaraḥ prajāpatir iva pratyavekṣitaprajākarttavyaḥ parahitakaraṇapra-
⎘ plate 2r 2r1vaṇāntaḥ karaṇasamādhir asitetarapakṣāvasānakṣapākṣapākara Iva
2r2kṣipitārātitimiravi{ṁ}stāras tārābhir iva vidyābhir anvitaḥ s{s}akalakalāka-
2r3lāpaparivāro nivāritakalikala{ṁ}ṅkaprasaras saridadhipatir ivānulla-
2r4ṅghitalokasthi◯tir āloka Iva jīvalokasya paramamāheśvaro mā-
2r5tāpitṛpādānuddhyātaḥ svabhujayugalabalopārj{j}itarājyaśrīḥ śrīmahā-
2r6nannarājaḥ hastirājabhuktīyakavañjikelakesapradhānāṁ prativā-
2r7sinas samājñāpayati viditam astu vo yathāsmābhir ayaṁ grāṃa-
⎘ plate 2v 2v1s sanīdhānopanidhānaḥ prativimuktasa¡vv!⟨rv⟩akarādānaś cāṭabhaṭapra-
2v2veśavivarj{j}ito yāvac candrārkkatārakaṁ mātāpitror ātmanaś ca puṇyābhi-
2v3vṛddhaye Aryyaṅgīyacar¿ā?⟨a⟩koṣṭhakavaiśaṁpāyana¡maṁhārṣe!⟨maharṣaye⟩ khaṇḍasphuṭitasaṃ-
2v4skārakaraṇa◯bal¿ī?⟨i⟩carusat⟨t⟩rapravarttanāya ca tām{b}raśāsanena pratipādita
2v5Ity ata Ājñā śravaṇavidheyā bhūtvā yathocitaṁ bhogabhāgam upanayantaḥ su-
2v6khaṁ prativatsyatha Api ca bhāvibhiś ca mahīpālair ddattir eṣā vi¡g!⟨ś⟩eṣataḥ rakṣaṇī
2v7yā yatodānād viśiṣṭaṁ rakṣaṇe phalaṁ

I. Upajāti
kīrttiḥ parasyeyam iyaṁ mameti
kāryyo ¡t!⟨n⟩a ⎘ plate 3r 3r1dharmmaṁ pratipakṣapātaḥ
bhavanti vaire ’pi hi rūḍḥamūle
dharmmakriyā matsari3r2ṇo na santaḥ

vyāsagītāṁś cātra śloka{ṁ}n udāhara{ṁ}nti

II. Indravajrā
Agner apatya⟨ṁ⟩ prathamaṁ 3r3suvarṇṇaṁ
bhūr vvaiṣṇavī sūryyasutāś ca gāva⟨ḥ⟩
dattās trayas tena bhava{ṁ}nti lokā
3r4yaḥ kā{ṁ}ñcanaṁ gā◯ñ ca mah¿i?⟨ī⟩ñ ca dadyāT

III. Anuṣṭubh
ṣaṣṭivarṣasahasrāṇi svargge moda3r5ti bhūmida⟨ḥ⟩
Ācchettā cānuma{ṁ}ntā ca tāny eva narake vaseT

IV. Anuṣṭubh
bahubhir vvasudhā dattā 3r6rājabhi⟨s⟩ sagarādibhi⟨ḥ⟩
yasya yasya yadā bhūmi⟨s⟩ tasya tasya tadā phalaṁ

V. Anuṣṭubh
svadattāṁ paradattāṁ 3r7v{v}ā ya¡k!⟨t⟩nād rakṣa yudhiṣṭhira
mahī⟨ṁ⟩ mah¿i?⟨ī⟩matāṁ śreṣṭha dānāc chrēyo ’nupālana¡m!⟨M⟩


⎘ plate 3v 3v1pravarddhamānavijayarājyasaṁv{v}atsaru 7 kārttika divasu 30 kurukucipakṣa-
3v2pratigr¿ā?⟨a⟩haṁ U¡ṭa!⟨t⟩kīrṇṇaṁ ¿Ā?⟨A⟩kṣaśālikagolasiṅghasūnunā sottanāgenaddandaHooked




1v1 śrīpṛthivīpurāT • Śrīpṛthivīpura seems to be an unattested variant of Śrīpura (modern Sirpur in Chhattisgarh).
3v1 kurukucipakṣa° • The compound kurukucipakṣam is obscure, and grammatically cannot be construed with the date. It is understood here as "section/division".
3v3 va[1×]lipakṣasahitaḥ • This final phrase yields little meaning, but may be an erratum added by the engraver.

Translation by Natasja Bosma


This grant, lasting as long as the abiding of Brahma, is of Nannadeva, son of the one who is Lofty Among the Pāṇḍavas, possessing Indra-like splendor.


1v1-2r7Siddham! Hail! From Śrīpṛthivīpura, [that king] whose pair of lotus feet are covered in the light from the head-jewels of the entirety of feudatories overcome by [his] valor; the surface of whose broad chest is sat upon by the one whose dwelling is the lotus (Śr); who, like Hari, has as his insignia the conch shell and the discus fixed in his lotus-[like] hands; who is like the [wishing] Tree, which is the tree that is the refuge of the creeper that is the fickle Lakṣmī, garlanded all around by the water trenches that are the four oceans; who is skilled in archery, in dharma, and in sciences like Droṇa, like Drupada, and like the lord of self-choosing of Draupadī (Arjuna); who resembles an autumn cloud, by whom the directions are purified by the heap of his own fame; who is like Prajāpati, who attends to the duties towards his subjects [and] whose concentration of action is inclined to the benefit of others; who is like the moon on the night of the Pakṣāvasāna day (day of the full moon) of the bright fortnight; who, with his retinue complete with all its parts, dispersed the expanse of the darkness [which are] his enemies, [as he was] accompanied by his vidyās which are like the stars; by whom, the growing of the stain, which is the Kali [Yuga], is hindered; who is like the ocean; who is like a light for living beings, with unsurpassed status in the world; who is entirely devoted to Maheśvara (Śiva); who is accepted by the feet of his mother and father, for whom the Good Fortune of a Kingdom was acquired by the strength of the pair of his own arms, the Great Auspicious Nannarāja commands the inhabitants and the officials of Kavañji and Kelakesa of the Hastirāja district:

2r7-2v5Let it be known to you! That, by us, this village, together with its major and minor treasures, including all taxes relinquished, and free from the entrance by irregular and regular soldiers, has been given by means of [this] copper-plate, for the increase of merit of [my] mother and father and myself for as long as the moon and sun and stars—to Vaiśaṃpāyana-mahārṣi, (superintendent) of the granary located in the Aryyaṅga district—and for the support of the work of putting together broken parts and [performing] bali, caru, and sattra.

2v5-2v7Henceforth, (you), having heard the command, and rendering [your] periodical offerings and royal share of the produce as is appropriate, you will dwell happily. Moreover, future kings should protect this gift in particular, since the fruit [arising] in protection is greater than in giving:

One should not make judgements concerning dharma, such as “is this of someone else’s reputation or is it mine?". For, acts of dharma, being not jealous, tend to be firmly fixed even in the case of enmity.

3r2And they quote the (following) stanzas sung by Vyāsa:

Gold is the first child of Agni, land is born of Viṣṇu, and cows are the offspring of Sūrya: [Therefore], whoever would give gold, a cow, and land would give the three worlds

A giver of land rejoices in heaven for sixty thousand years; he who confiscates it or allows [another to confiscate it] will dwell for the same period in hell!

The earth has been granted by many kings, beginning with Sagara; whoever possesses the land at any time, to him belong the fruits at that time!

O Yudhiṣṭhira, zealously protect the land which was given by yourself or by others! O best of kings, protection is superior to giving!

3v1-3v3This order was received in the Kurukuci division and engraved by Sottanāga, son of the goldsmith Golasiṃha, on the thirtieth day of the month of Kārttika in the seventh year of the increasingly victorious reign [of the king]. Along with pakṣa should be va? li.


Edited and translated by Ali and Zhang 2022 from the original plates.


Ali, Daud & Diana Shuheng Zhang. 2022. “A New Inscription of the Pāṇḍuvaṃśins of Dakṣiṇa Kosala: Philadelphia Museum of Art Copper-Plates of Nannarāja I, Year 7.” Indo-Iranian Journal 65: 305–39. [DOI: 10.1163/15728536-06504001].
[siglum AZ]