Current Version: draft, 2024-05-31Z
Editor: Natasja Bosma.
DHARMA Identifier: INSDaksinaKosala00019
Hand Description:
Alternative identifier: Year 2"
Corresponding Artefact: CONARTDaksinaKosala00017
Layout: engraved-49 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
⎘ plate 1v 1v1spiralR svasti{ḥ}
tasya putras tatpādānudhyātaḥ pa-
1v9ramamāheśvaraḥ paramabrahmaṇyaḥ paramagurudevatādhidaivataviśeṣa⟨ḥ⟩-
1v10śrīmā¡ṁ!⟨n⟩ śrīmatyāṁ devyāṁ droṇabhaṭṭārikāyām utpannaḥ śrīmahārājanā-
tatas tasya putras tatpādā-
2r2nudhyātaḥ paramamāheśvaraḥ parama◯bra⟨h⟩maṇyaḥ paramagurudevatādhidaivata-
2r3viśeṣaḥ śrīmatyāṁ devyām indrabhaṭṭārikāyām ¿a?⟨u⟩tpannaḥ śrīmahārājabharata⟨ḥ⟩
tataḥ mekalāy¿a?⟨ā⟩ṁ Uttararā(ṣ)ṭre pā¡ṇḍ!⟨ñc⟩aga-
2v10rttāviṣaye varddhamānakedashPlain grāmakūṭadroṇāgrakanāyakadevavārikagaṇḍaka-
2v11pramukhā¡ṁ!⟨n⟩ sarvā{ṁ}n eva yathāprativāsinaḥ samājñāpayati
viditam astu-
2v12ma¡haiya!⟨hya⟩pādair ayaṁ grā¡sā!⟨maḥ⟩ s¿ā?⟨o⟩dra⟨ṅ⟩g¿ā?⟨a⟩ḥ soparikaraḥ Acāṭabhaṭaprave¡śī!⟨śyaḥ⟩ sani-
2v13dhiḥ sopanidhi{ḥ}ś coradaṇḍavarj¡ataṁ!⟨itaś⟩ ◯catuḥs¿i?⟨ī⟩māparyyanta Ācandrārkakṣit¿a?⟨i⟩-
⎘ plate 3r 3r1tārakānirodhena māt¿a?⟨ā⟩pitror ātmana◯ś ca puṇyābhivṛ⟨d⟩dhaye vatsasagotraśrīmā-
3r2ddhy¿i?⟨a⟩ndinalohitasarasv¿a?⟨ā⟩min¡aḥ!⟨e⟩ pra◯tipādit¡e!⟨a I⟩ty
avagamya yathocitabhāgabho-
3r3genājñāśravaṇavidheyair bhavitavyam iti svayam ājñāpanā ye cāsmadva¡ṅ!⟨ṁ⟩śe samutpa-
3r4dyante rājāna{ḥ}s tair apīyaṁ dattir anumodanīyānupālanīyā ca ya{ḥ}ś caimāṁ datti⟨ṁ⟩
vilopam ā-
3r5p¿a?⟨ā⟩dayiṣyati sa pañcabhir mahā⟨pā⟩takaiḥ saṁyukta⟨ḥ⟩ sy¿a?⟨ā⟩d iti
3r9samāptaṁ cedaṁ śāsanaṁ pravarddhamāna{dashPlain}vijayarājyasaṁvatsare 2 bh¿a?⟨ā⟩drapadakṛṣṇatra-
3r10yodaśyāṁ puṣyanakṣatreṇa likhita{ṁ}ñ cedaṁ śāsanaṁ rāhasikeśānaputreṇa śiveno-
3r11tkīrṇañ ca suvarṇṇakāreśvaraputreṇa mihirake¡n!⟨ṇ⟩etidashPlain
1v1 svasti{ḥ} ◇ svasti{ḥ} BCC; svasti{ḥ} VVM; svastidotDouble AMS
1v4 °mūrttiḥ ◇ °mūrtt¿ī?⟨i⟩ḥ BCC; °mūrtt¿ī?⟨i⟩ḥ VVM; °mūrtti{ṁ}ḥ AMS
1v5 putro° ◇ puttro° BCC; putro° VVM; putro° AMS
1v7 °praśaṁ{n}sī ◇ °praśaṁ{n}sī BCC; °praśaṁ{n}s¿i?⟨ī⟩ VVM; °praśaṁ{n}sī AMS
1v8 putras ◇ puttras BCC; putras VVM; putras AMS
1v10 droṇabhaṭṭārikāyām ◇ droṇabhaṭṭārikāyām BCC; droṇabhaṭṭārikāyām VVM; droṇabhaṭṭārikāyam AMS
1v11 °mārggā ◇ °mārggā BCC; °mārgā VVM; °mārggā AMS — 1v11 dharitr¡iṁ!⟨ī⟩ ◇ dharittr¡iṁ!⟨ī⟩ BCC; dharitr¡iṁ!⟨ī⟩ VVM; dhar¿ī?⟨i⟩t⟨t⟩rī AMS
2r1 putras ◇ puttras BCC; puttras VVM; putras AMS
2r3 ¿a?⟨u⟩tpannaḥ ◇ utpannaḥ BCC; ¿a?⟨u⟩tpannaḥ VVM; ¿a?⟨u⟩tpannaḥ AMS
2r4–2r5 pu/tra⟨ḥ⟩ ◇ pu/ttra⟨ḥ⟩ BCC; pu/ttra⟨ḥ⟩ VVM; pu/ttra⟨ḥ⟩ AMS
2r5 °putryā ◇ °puttryā BCC; °putryā VVM; °putryā AMS
2r6 tejo° ◇ tejo° BCC; ttejo° VVM; ttejo° AMS
2r10 vyāk¿ri?⟨ṛ⟩ṣya ◇ vyāk¿ri?⟨ṛ⟩ṣya BCC; vyāk¿ri?⟨ṛ⟩ṣya VVM; vyak¿ri?⟨ṛ⟩ṣya AMS — 2r10–2r11 vidhaceṣṭ¿a?⟨i⟩tasya nṛ/pateḥ ◇ vidhaceṣṭ¿a?⟨i⟩tasya nṛ/pataḥ BCC; vidhaceṣṭ¿a?⟨i⟩tasya nṛ/pateḥ VVM; vidhaceṣṭ¿a?⟨i⟩tasya nṛ/pateḥ AMS • Chhabra 1947-1948 suggests to emend to vidhaceṣṭitaṁ sa nṛpatiḥ.
2r11 ādadhātu • Chhabra 1947-1948 suggests to emend to ādadhāti.
2r12 °pradāḥ • Chhabra 1947-1948 suggests to emend to °pradām.
2v1 °niya¡tu!⟨ma⟩° ◇ °n¿ī?⟨i⟩ya¡tu!⟨ma⟩° BCC; °niya¡tu!⟨ma⟩° VVM; °niya¡tu!⟨ma⟩° AMS
2v2 °prav¿a?⟨ā⟩haṁ ◇ °prav¿a?⟨ā⟩haṁ BCC; °pravāhaṁ VVM; °prav¿a?⟨ā⟩haṁ AMS
2v3 āgatā ◇ āgatā BCC; āgatā VVM; agatā AMS
2v4–2v5 °¡dharmā-E!⟨dharmādhi⟩ /kāra° ◇ °¡dharmmā-E!⟨dharmmārtha⟩/kā¡r!⟨m⟩a° BCC; °¡dharmā-E!⟨dharmārtha⟩/kā¡r!⟨m⟩a° VVM; °¡dharmāra!⟨dharmmādhi⟩/kāra° AMS
2v5 ¡pu!⟨pra⟩pautrair ◇ ¡pu!⟨pra⟩pautrair BCC; prapautrair VVM; ¡pu!⟨pra⟩pautrair AMS
2v6 °sāma{ṁ}nta° ◇ °sāma{ṁ}nta° BCC; °sāma{ṁ}nta° VVM; °sāmanta° AMS
2v7–2v8 so / ya¡ṇ!⟨ñ⟩ ca ◇ so / yañ ca BCC; so / ya¡ṇ ya!⟨ñ ca⟩ VVM; so / yañ ca AMS • The intended character is ñca, but ṇca is written here (the correct form is used, for example, in line 3r5). In another
record of the same king (Dk00020), somasya is used instead so yañ ca. It is possible that this was the intended text here as well.
2v8 k¿ā?⟨ī⟩rty¿e?⟨a⟩te ◇ k¿ā?⟨ī⟩rty¿e?⟨a⟩te BCC; kīrty¿e?⟨a⟩te VVM; k¿ā?⟨ī⟩rty¿e?⟨a⟩te AMS
2v9 n¿e?⟨a⟩rendraḥ ◇ n¿e?⟨a⟩rendraḥ BCC; narendraḥ VVM; n¿e?⟨a⟩rendraḥ AMS — 2v9 pā¡ṇḍ!⟨ñc⟩a° ◇ pāñca° BCC; pā(ñc)a° VVM; pāñca° AMS • The character ṇḍa is written here (in the same form as it appears in lines 2r11, 2v10, and 2v13), but
ñca seems to be the intended character because Pañcagarttā is a more sensible name of
a district than Pāṇḍagarttā.
2v10 grāmakūṭa° ◇ grāmak¿u?⟨ū⟩ṭa° BCC; grāmakūṭa° VVM; grāmakūṭa° AMS
2v12 s¿ā?⟨o⟩dra⟨ṅ⟩g¿ā?⟨a⟩ḥ ◇ s¿ā?⟨o⟩dra⟨ṅ⟩gaḥ BCC; s¿ā?⟨o⟩dra⟨ṅ⟩g¿ā?⟨a⟩ḥ VVM; s¿ā?⟨o⟩dra⟨ṅ⟩g¿ā?⟨a⟩ḥ AMS
2v13 coradaṇḍa° ◇ coradaṇḍa° BCC; ¡v!⟨c⟩oradaṇḍa° VVM; coradaṇḍa° AMS
3r6 sagarādibhiḥ ◇ sagarādibhiḥ BCC; sāgarādibhiḥ VVM; sagarādibhiḥ AMS
3r8 narādh¿a?⟨i⟩pa ◇ narādhipa BCC; narādh¿a?⟨i⟩pa VVM; narādh¿a?⟨i⟩pa AMS
3r10 °nakṣatreṇa ◇ °nakṣattreṇa BCC; °nakṣatreṇa VVM; °nakṣatreṇa AMS
Success! Hail!
1v8-1v11His (i.e. Vatsarāja’s) son — who was favoured by him (i.e. his respected father), who was entirely devoted to Śiva, who was the foremost patron of brahmins, the distinguished one who was entirely devoted to his teacher/elders and deities – was the illustrious mahārāja Nāgabala, born from the illustrious queen Droṇabhaṭṭārikā.
2r1-2r3After him, his (i.e. Nāgabala’s) son – who was favoured by him (i.e. his respected father), who was entirely devoted to Śiva, who was the foremost patron of brahmins, the distinguished one who was entirely devoted to his teacher/elders and deities – was the illustrious mahārāja Bharata, born from the illustrious queen Indrabhaṭṭārikā.
2v9-2v11He (i.e., Śūrabala Udīrṇavaira) issues [the following command] to all the residents of the village of Varddhamānaka situated in the Pañchagarttā viṣaya of the Uttara rāṣṭra of Mekalā, headed by village headman (grāmakūṭa), tax officer (droṇāgraka), military officer (nāyaka), superintendent of the temple (devavārika), and minting officer (gaṇḍaka):
2v11-3r2Let it be known to you that for the increase of religious merit of father, mother, and ourselves, this village extending to its four boundaries has been granted by the highly honoured king to the Mādhyandina Yajurvedin Lohitasarasvāmin of the Vatsa gotra. [The grant of the village comes] along with [the right to] tax on permanent and temporary tenants, [the right] not to be entered by irregular or regular troops, and [the right to] hidden treasures and deposits, with the exception of the fines imposed on thieves, and is to be enjoyed as long as the moon, the sun, the earth, and the stars will endure.
3r2-3r5Knowing this, [you] should be obedient to the orders received [from the donee and render] the proper [shares of] periodical offerings and produce. This grant [was issued] by my own order and those kings who will be born in our family should also protect it and consent to it! And whoever will cause the obstruction of [the enjoyment of] this gift, he will bring upon himself [the guilt of] the five great sins!
3r9-3r11This charter has been completed in the year two of the increasingly victorious reign (i.e., of Śūrabala Udīrṇavaira), on the thirteenth [day] of the dark [fortnight] of the month of Bhādrapada, when the nakṣatra was Puṣya; and this charter has been written by Śiva, son of the private secretary (rāhasika) Īśāna; and has been engraved by Mihiraka, son of the goldsmith (suvarṇakāra) Īśvara.
There is no trace of any emblem or legend on the seal that belongs to this charter, but it is possible that these were originally present and have been worn away over time.
The phrase ekaiva at the end of line 2r13 refers to bharatabalanṛpasyottamā rājapatnī in line 2v3, who is introduced in the two verses following ekaiva.
First edited by Chhabra 1947-1948 from the original plates; published again by Mirashi 1963 and Shastri 1995: 73–79; re-edited here by Natasja Bosma based on the published photographs.