Current Version: draft, 2024-05-31Z
Editor: Natasja Bosma.
DHARMA Identifier: INSDaksinaKosala00018
Hand Description:
Alternative identifier: Year 11"
Corresponding Artefact: CONARTDaksinaKosala00016
Layout: engraved-31 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
maṇḍakāt para⟨ma⟩māheśvar¿ā?⟨o⟩ mātāpitṛpādānudhyātaḥ śrī-
⎘ plate 2r 2r1sām¿ā?⟨a⟩nta-Indrarājaḥ {c}cheṇḍaparaṅgaviṣayaprati¡vaddhaḥ!⟨baddhe⟩ Ākāśarāṣṭre gula-
2r2grāmakedashConvex sā⟦lekhyā⟧⟨⟨lagrāmā⟩⟩mantamarake ◯ ⟦buḍayyake⟧ grāmak¿u?⟨ū⟩ṭadroṇāg¡ī!⟨ra⟩ka-
2r3gaṇḍak¿ā?⟨a⟩nāyakadevavārik¿a?⟨ā⟩⟨n⟩ sarvvā¡m!⟨n⟩ eva pramukhā⟨n⟩ yathā prativāsina¡ṁ!⟨ḥ⟩ samājñā-
viditam astu bhavatā⟨ṁ⟩ yathāsmābhir aya⟨ṁ⟩ grāma⟨ḥ⟩ sodraṅgaḥ s¿a?⟨o⟩parikaraḥ-
2r5Acāṭabhaṭapraveś¡ī!⟨aḥ⟩ sanidhiḥ sopanidhi{ḥ}ś coradaṇḍa¡yalitaḥ!⟨varjitaḥ⟩ catuḥ¡ś!⟨s⟩ī-
2r6mādhānaparyanta Ācandr¿a?⟨ā⟩rkakṣititārakānirodh¡ena!⟨aṁ⟩ mātāpitror ātmanaś ca pu¡n!⟨ṇ⟩yā-
2r7bhivṛddhayecomma ś¿a?⟨ā⟩ṇḍilyagotravājasaneyamā{d}dhyandinanāgasvāmipu¡v!⟨tr⟩a-
⎘ plate 2v 2v1bhavasvāmin¡asya!⟨e⟩ pratipādit¡e!⟨a I⟩ty
avagamyadashConvex yathocitabhogam upana-
2v2yantaḥ Ājñāśravanavidheyair bhūtvā sukhaṁ prativ¿ā?⟨a⟩stavyam iti svayam ā-
2v3jñāpanādashConvex ye cāsmadva¡ṅ!⟨ṁ⟩śe sam¿ū?⟨u⟩tpadyante rājāna{ḥ}s tair ap¡anīya!⟨īyaṁ⟩ dattir anu-
2v4pālanīyā¡t!⟨n⟩umodanīyā cacomma yaś cem¿o?⟨āṁ⟩ datti⟨ṁ⟩ vilopam āpādayiṣyati sa-
2v5pañcabhir mahāpātakaiḥ saha saṁyukta¡ṁ!⟨ḥ⟩ sy¿a?⟨ā⟩T
likhitañ ca rājapu¡ttā!⟨tra⟩deve⟨na⟩
3r7Utkīrṇa⟨ṁ⟩ suvarṇak¿a?⟨ā⟩r¡a-Is!⟨eś⟩varaputre⟨⟨ṇa⟩⟩ droṇākena samāptañ c¿a?⟨e⟩da⟨ṁ⟩ śāsana⟨ṁ⟩ jy¿a?⟨ā⟩ṣṭapra⟨⟨tha⟩⟩-
⎘ plate 3v 3v1mapakṣa U{ra}ttarabhādrapad¿a?⟨e⟩comma Aṅgār¿ā?⟨a⟩vār¿a?⟨e⟩ {d}divasa Ekādaś¿a?⟨e⟩comma prava⟨r⟩ddhamāna-
3v2vijayarājyasamvat¡p!⟨s⟩araḥ 11
The illustrious Indrarāja.
Success! Hail!
1v7-2r4From Maṇḍaka, the illustrious sāmanta Indrarāja, who is entirely devoted to Viṣṇu and is favoured by his father and mother, issues [the following command] to all the residents and chief persons of [the settlements] Sālagrāma and Amantamaraka (or Mantamaraka) in the village of Gulagrāmaka situated in the Ākāśa rāṣṭra and forming part of the Cheṇḍaparaṅga viṣaya, (the chief persons) including the superintendent of the temple (devavārika), the military officer (nāyaka), minting officer (gaṇḍaka), tax officer (droṇāgraka), and village headman (grāmakūṭa):
2r4-2v1Let it be known to you that for the increase of religious merit of father, mother, and ourselves, this village extending to its four boundaries has been granted by us to Bhavasvāmin, son of Nāgasvāmin of the Śāṇḍilya gotra and the Vājasaneya-Mādhyandina [school]. [The grant of the village comes] along with [the right to] tax on permanent and temporary tenants, [the right] not to be entered by irregular or regular troops, and [the right to] hidden treasures and deposits, with the exception of the fines imposed on thieves, and is to be enjoyed as long as the moon, the sun, the earth, and the stars will endure.
2v1-2v5Knowing this, [you] should be obedient to the orders received [from the donee] and render the proper [shares of] periodical offerings, while living happily [in this village]. This grant [was issued] by my own order and those kings who will be born in our family should also consent to it and protect it! And whoever will cause the obstruction of [the enjoyment of] this gift, he will bring upon himself [the guilt of] the five great sins!
3r6-3v2This charter has been written by the rājaputra Deva; has been engraved by Droṇāka, son of the goldsmith Īśvara; and has been completed in the first fortnight of the month of Jyeṣṭa, in the Uttarabhādrapada nakṣatra, on a Tuesday, the eleventh day, in the year 11 of the increasingly victorious reign (of Indrarāja, presumably).
There is uncertainty about the reading of the year. The inscription ends with two slightly curved horizontal strokes, together expressing the number eleven. The second stroke could also be taken as a punctuation mark. In the latter case, the charter would have been issued in the first regnal year. Since the stroke deviates from the other punctuation marks in the charter, the year eleven is accepted here.
First edited by Sircar and Sankaranarayanan 1959-1960 from the original plates; published again by Shastri 1995: 86–92; re-edited here by Natasja Bosma based on the published photographs (edition of the seal based on Sircar and Sankaranarayanan).