Stray Pokhra Plate of the Kings of Śarabhapura, undated


Current Version:  draft, 2024-05-31Z

Editor:   Natasja Bosma.

DHARMA Identifier: INSDaksinaKosala00017

Hand Description:

Additional Metadata

Alternative identifier: undated"




  1. Secondary language is late_Brahmi, script and

Corresponding Artefact: ARTDaksinaKosala000002

Layout: engraved-12 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.


⎘ plate 2r 2r1śitārākiraṇapratihataghorāndhakāraṁ jagad avatiṣṭh¿ā?⟨a⟩te tā⟨va⟩d upabhogya-
2r2s sanidhis sopanidhir acāṭabhaṭaprāveśyas sarvvakaravisarjjitaḥ sabā-
2r3lavṛddhada◯ṇḍacakkreṇa puṇyābhivṛddhaye vājasaneyabh¿a?⟨ā⟩radvājasa-
2r4gotrad¿i?⟨ī⟩kṣi◯tānantasvāminaḥ Atisṛṣṭak¿ā?⟨o⟩ bhūtvā tā¡mbra!⟨mra⟩śāsane-
2r5nāsmābhir anumoditaḥ

te yūyam evam upalabhyāsyājñāśravaṇavidhe-
2r6yā bhūtvā yathocitaṁ bhogabhāgam upanayantas sukhaṁ prativ¿i?⟨a⟩tsyatha
⎘ plate 2v 2v1bhaviṣyataś ca bhūmipān anudarśayatidashDoubledot

I. Vasantatilakā
d⟦o⟧⟨⟨ā⟩⟩nād viśiṣṭam anupāla2v2najaṁ purāṇā
dharmmeṣu niścitadh¿ī?⟨i⟩yaḫ pravadanti dharmmaṁdashDouble
tasmā⟨d⟩ dvijāya{ḥ} 2v3suviśu◯ddhakulaśrutāya
dattāṁ bhuvaṁ bhavatu vo mat¿ī?⟨i⟩r eva goptu⟨ṁ⟩dashDouble

2v4tad bhavadbhir apy ¿a?⟨e⟩ṣā dattir anupālayitavyā vyāsagītāṁś cātra ślokān udā-

II. Indravajrā
Agner apatyaṁ prathamaṁ suvarṇṇa⟨ṁ⟩dashDouble
bhūr vvaiṣṇavī sūryyasutā2v6ś ca gāvaḥ
dattās trayas tena bhavanti lokā{ḥ}
yaẖ kāñcanaṁ gāṁ ca mahī⟨ṁ⟩ ca


2r1 avatiṣṭh¿ā?⟨a⟩teavatiṣṭhate MGD; avatiṣṭh¿ā?⟨a⟩te AMS
2r2 sanidhismanidhis MGD; sanidhis AMS2r2 sopanidhirmopanidhir MGD; sopanidhir AMS
2r3 °vṛddha°°bṛddha° MGD; °vṛddha° AMS2r3 °cakkreṇa°cakreṇa MGD; °cakkreṇa AMS
2r4 °d¿i?⟨ī⟩kṣi◯tā°°dīkṣi◯tā° MGD; °d¿i?⟨ī⟩kṣi◯tā° AMS2r4 Atisṛṣṭak¿ā?⟨o⟩Atisṛṣṭako MGD; Atisṛṣṭak¿ā?⟨o⟩ AMS2r4 bhūtvābhūttvā MGD; bhūtvā AMS2r4 ¡mbra!⟨mra⟩°tāmmra° MGD; tā¡mbra!⟨mra⟩° AMS
2r6 bhūtvābhūttvā MGD; bhūtvā AMS2r6 prativ¿i?⟨a⟩tsyathaprativatsyatha MGD; prativ¿i?⟨a⟩tsyatha AMS
2v1 dashDoubledot • Dikshit 1957 interprets this punctuation symbol as a visarga2v1 d⟦o⟧⟨⟨ā⟩⟩nādd⟦o⟧⟨⟨ā⟩⟩<<dā corr. ex o>>nād MGD; dānād AMS
2v2 °dh¿ī?⟨i⟩yaḫ°dhiyaḫ MGD; °dh(i)yaḫ AMS2v2 dvijāya{ḥ}dvijāya MGD; dvijāya{ḥ} AMS
2v3 mat¿ī?⟨i⟩rmatir MGD; mat¿ī?⟨i⟩r AMS2v3 goptu⟨ṁ⟩dashDoublegopta¡ḥ!⟨M⟩ MGD; gopt¿a?⟨u⟩⟨M⟩dashDouble AMS
2v4 ¿a?⟨e⟩ṣāeṣā MGD; ¿a?⟨e⟩ṣā AMS
2v5 suvarṇṇa⟨ṁ⟩dashDoublesuvarṇṇa¡ḥ!⟨M⟩ MGD; suvarṇṇa⟨ṁ⟩dashDouble AMS2v5 bhūrbhur MGD; bhūr AMS2v5 vvaiṣṇavīvvaiṣṇave MGD; vvaiṣṇavī AMS
2v6 cava MGD; ca AMS

Translation by Natasja Bosma

2r1-2r5[[Let it be known to you that this village]] has been granted on behalf of Daṇḍacakra and members of his family [and] confirmed by us, for the increase of religious merit of dīkṣita Anantasvāmin, belonging to the Bhāradvāja gotra and to the Vājasaneya [school]. [The grant of the village] is to be enjoyed as long as the world will endure, [the world] of which the darkness of the night is removed by the rays of the [[sun, moon]] and stars; [comes along with the right to] hidden treasures and deposits; is not to be entered by irregular or regular troops; and is exempt from all taxes.

2r5-2v1Having taken note of that, you should be obedient to the command received from him (i.e., the donee) and render the [proper shares of] periodical offerings and produce, while living happily [in this village]. And [the king] instructs the future rulers:

The ancients, reflecting on virtue, proclaim that the religious merit arising from the protection [of a grant] is more excellent than [that which arises] from the giving [itself]; therefore, your intent should indeed be to protect the earth that has been granted to a Brahmin of perfectly pure family and religious learning.

2v4-2v5This gift is to be protected by you as well! And in this respect they quote the [following] stanzas sung by Vyāsa:

Gold is the first child of Agni, land is born of Viṣṇu, and cows are the offspring of Sūrya: [Therefore], whoever [[would give]] gold, a cow, and land would give the three worlds.


This is the second copperplate of a charter and, therefore, does not contain any information about the issuing king or the date. The stray plate was found in the possession of an inhabitant of Rājim, but originally the plate was unearthed in Pokhra as part of a complete set of copperplates. The other two plates and the ring were melted (Dikshit 1957).


First edited by Dikshit 1957 from the original plates; published again by Shastri 1995: 59–61; re-edited here by Natasja Bosma based on the published photographs.


Dikshit, Moreshwar G. 1957. “A New Copper Plate Grant from Chattisgarh.” IHQ 33: 84–85.
[siglum MGD]
Shastri, Ajay Mitra. 1995. Inscriptions of the Śarabhapurīyas, Pāṇḍuvaṁśins and Somavaṁśins, Part II: Inscriptions. New Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Motilal Bandarsidass.
59–61. [siglum AMS]


Bosma, Natasja. 2018. Dakṣiṇa Kosala: A Rich Centre of Early Śaivism. Groningen: Barkhuis. [].