Amgura Plates of Jayarāja, Year 3


Current Version:  draft, 2024-05-31Z

Editor:   Natasja Bosma.

DHARMA Identifier: INSDaksinaKosala00004

Hand Description:

Additional Metadata

Alternative identifier: Year 3"




  1. Secondary language is late_Brahmi, script and

Corresponding Artefact: CONARTDaksinaKosala00003

Layout: engraved-21 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.



I. Anuṣṭubh
prasanna⟨hṛ⟩dayasyaiva vikkramākkrā⟨ṁ⟩tavidviṣaḥ
śrīmato jayarājasya śāsana⟨ṁ⟩ ripuśāsana⟨ṁ⟩


⎘ plate 1v 1v1spiralLdashPlain svasti śarabhapurāt paramabhāgavato mātāpitṛpādānu-
1v2ddhyāta¡ś!⟨ḥ⟩ śr¿i?⟨ī⟩mahājayarāja⟨ḥ⟩ sāmparājabhukti¿i?⟨ī⟩yarājyagrāme pra-
1v3ti◯vāsinas samājñāpayati

viditam astu vo yathāsmā-
1v4bhir ayaṁ grāmo vājasaneyakauśikasagotrabrāhmaṇaviṣṇusvā-
1v5mine mātāpitror ātmanaś ca puṇyābhivṛddhaye Udakapūrvva⟨ṁ⟩ tāmra-
⎘ plate 2r 2r1śāsanenātisṛṣṭas

te yūyam ev¡o!⟨am u⟩palabhyāsyājñāśravaṇavidheyā bhū-
2r2tvā yathocitaṁ bhogabhāgam upaneṣyatha bhaviṣyataś ca bhūmipālā-
2r3n bo◯dhayati bhavadbhir apy asyā datte⟨ḥ⟩ pratipālanaṁ karttavya-
2r4m ataś ca vyāsagītān api ślokān udāhara¡ṁtti!⟨nti⟩dashPlain

I. Anuṣṭubh
bahubhir vvasudhā 2r5dattā rājabhis sagarādibhiḥ
yasya yasya yadā bhūmis tasya tasya ⎘ plate 2v 2v1tadā phalaṁ

II. Anuṣṭubh
svadattā⟨ṁ⟩ paradattāṁ vā yatnād rakṣa yudhiṣṭhira
ma2v2hī⟨ṁ⟩ mahīmatā⟨ṁ⟩ śreṣṭha dānāc chreyo ’nupālanaṁdashPlain

III. Anuṣṭubh
ṣaṣṭivarṣa2v3sa◯hasrāṇi svargge vasati bhūmida⟨ḥ⟩
Ācche¡p!⟨t⟩tā cā2v4numa¡ṁttā!⟨ntā⟩ ca tāny eva narake vaseT

IV. Indravajrā
Agner apatyaṁ prathama⟨ṁ⟩ 2v5suvarṇṇa(ṁ)
bhūr vvaiṣṇavī sūryyasutāś ca gāva⟨ḥ⟩
lokās traya⎘ plate 3r 3r1s tena bhava¡ṁtti!⟨nti⟩ dattāḥ
yaẖ kāñcana⟨ṁ⟩ gāñ ca mahīñ ca dadyā3r2¡d!⟨T⟩


dūtakam adhikaraṇa⟨ṁ⟩ svamukhājñayā pravarddhamānavi-
3r3ja◯ya¡sāvva!⟨saṁva⟩tsara 3 māgha 7 U¡kti!⟨tkī⟩rṇṇa⟨ṁ⟩ suvarṇṇā-




1v2 śr¿i?⟨ī⟩°śr¿i?⟨ī⟩° SST; śrī° AMS1v2 °bhukti¿i?⟨ī⟩ya°°bhuktīya° SST; °bhuktīya° AMS
2r4 vyāsagītān apivyāsagītā⟨ṁś⟩ cāpi SST; vyāsagītān api AMS
2v2 ṣaṣṭi°ṣaṣṭim SST; ṣaṣṭim AMS
2v3–2v4 cā/numa¡ṁttā!⟨ntā⟩cā/numantā SST; cā/numantā AMS
3r1 bhava¡ṁtti!⟨nti⟩bhava¡ṁntti!⟨nti⟩ SST; bhava¡ṁtti!⟨nti⟩ AMS3r1 dattāḥdattāḥ|| SST; dattāḥ|| AMS

Translation by Natasja Bosma


The enemy-chastising charter belongs to the illustrious Jayarāja, who was the heart of Prasanna and whose enemies were overcome by his valour.


1v1-1v3Success! Hail! From Śarabhapura, the illustrious great Jayarāja who is entirely devoted to Viṣṇu and favoured by his father and mother issues [the following command] to the landholders settled in [the village of] Rājyagrāma situated in the Sāmparāja bhukti:

1v3-2r1Let it be known to you that by means of [this] copperplate charter, after an offering of water, this village has been granted by us for the increase of religious merit of father, mother, and ourselves, to the Brahmin Viṣṇusvāmin, belonging to the Kauśika gotra and to the Vājasaneya [school].

2r1-2r4Having taken note of that, you should be obedient to the command received from him (i.e., the donee) and render the [proper shares of] periodical offerings and produce. And [the king] instructs the future rulers: The protection of this grant should also be taken care of by you! And hence, they also quote the [following] stanzas sung by Vyāsa:

The earth has been granted by many kings, beginning with Sagara; whoever possesses the land at any time, to him belong the fruits at that time!

O Yudhiṣṭhira, zealously protect the land which was given by yourself or by others! O best of kings, protection is superior to giving!

A giver of land dwells in heaven for sixty thousand years; he who confiscates it or allows [another to confiscate it] will dwell for the same period in hell!

Gold is the first child of Agni, land is born of Viṣṇu, and cows are the offspring of Sūrya: [Therefore], whoever would give gold, a cow, and land would give the three worlds.

2r1-2r4The [local] council [will act as] the executor of the grant. By the order from the king’s own mouth, [the copperplate charter] has been engraved by the goldsmith Acalasiṅgha [on the day] 7 [of] the month of Māgha [in] the increasingly victorious year 3 [of Jayarāja’s reign].


First edited by Sircar and Singh Deo 1976 and Tripathy 1977 from (impressions of) the original plates; published again by Shastri 1995: 14–16; re-edited here by Natasja Bosma based on the published photographs (edition of the seal based on Tripathy).


Sircar, Dines Chandra & Jitamitra Prasad Singh Deo. 1976. “Amgura Plates of Jayarāja of Śarabhapura, Regnal Year 3.” IMB 11: 57–59.
[siglum SSD]
Shastri, Ajay Mitra. 1995. Inscriptions of the Śarabhapurīyas, Pāṇḍuvaṁśins and Somavaṁśins, Part II: Inscriptions. New Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Motilal Bandarsidass.
14–16. [siglum AMS]
Tripathy, Smt.S. 1977. “Amgura Plates of Maha-Jayaraja, Year 3.” JESI 4: 70–73.
[siglum SST]


Bosma, Natasja. 2018. Dakṣiṇa Kosala: A Rich Centre of Early Śaivism. Groningen: Barkhuis. [].
15, 19, 232.