Current Version: draft, 2024-05-09Z
Editor: Emmanuel Francis.
DHARMA Identifier: INSTamilNadu00022
Summary: Donation of goats for upkeeping a perpetual lamp and of land for a flower garden.
Hand Description:
Left-oriented hook at the bottom of the stroke of ṇ, r, ḷ, ṇ.
No metadata were provided in the table for this inscription
kō-p-parakēcari-panmar-ā¡n!⟨ṉ⟩a Uṭaiyār śrī-rājen¡t!⟨d⟩ra-
3=33-cōḻa-devark=ku yāṇṭu 10 6 -Āvatu
jayaṅ-koṇṭa-cōḻa-maṇṭalattu pa-
4=34ṅkala-nāṭṭu kāma-p-pullūr-āṉa rāja-cūḷāmaṇi-caturvveti-maṅkala-
5=35ttu Uṭaiyār śrī-kayilāyam uṭaiya tiru-k=-kāmai-nak=kar kōyilil dakṣi-
6=36ṇā-m¡u!⟨ū⟩rttikaḷuk=ku senāpati-rajarāja-brahma-mā-rāyar kūli-c-cēva-
7=37kaṉ cēn=taṉ kumaraṉ vaiyyapitta tiru-nan=tā-viḷak=ku Oṉṟuk=ku vaitta
8=38Āṭu toṇṇūṟu
Ivv-āṭu toṇṇūṟuṅ kai-k=-koṇṭu can¡t!⟨d⟩rāt=tita-
9=39-(vaṟ) tiru-nan=tā-viḷuk=ku Oṉrum Erippat’ āṉōm Ivv-ūr śiva-brāhmaṇar
10=40bhāradvāja-nārāyaṇa-p-paṭṭaṇum Ivaṉ ta⟨m⟩pimārum uḷḷiṭṭa śiva-brāhmaṇar-ō-
11=41m Irāja-cūḷāmaṇi-c-caruppēti-maṅkalattu sabhaiyōm
12=42śrī-kayilāyam uṭai(ya) tiruk=kāmai-nak=kark=ku tiru-nan=ta-vāṉam-āka nilam āvatu
13=43ṅkaḷ kārampicēṭṭu tiru-viyalūr daśapiriya-paṭṭaṉ brāhmaṇi-kuḷam pirāṭṭi-
14=44[2×] pak=kalum puḷḷaḷūr tattaya-kiramavittaṉun= tampimāru pak=kalum
15=45(vi)lai koṇṭu (noykuḷā)-vaṭṭattil nilam śrī-rājen¡t!⟨d⟩ra-cōḻāṉ
16=46tiru-nan=tavāṉam eṉṟu tiru-nāmañ cārtti-k= kuṭutta kuḻi mu-ṉ-ṉūṟṟu mu-p-pa
17=47tt-aiñcu-k= kuḻi mu-ṉ-ṉūṟṟu muppatt-aiñcu kuḻiyun= tiru-nan=ta-vāṉam-ā¿k=?⟨ka⟩ kuṭu
18=48ttōm sa[bhai]yōm
dakṣiṇā-m¡u!⟨ū⟩rttikaḷuk=ku muṉṟu san=tiyum A(r)c(ca)-
19=49ṉaik=ku U(ṭai) [2+] (y)utu nā-ṉāḻi Ariciyāl tiru-v-amurtuṅ kaṟi-y-amut’ oṉṟu ne-
20=50[y]-amut’ iru [3+] yun= tayir-amut’ uriyum aṭaik=kāy-amut’ iraṇṭum ilai-y-amutu nālu-
21=51k=ku vaitta-[k kuṭu]ttō[m]
mu-k=-kuṉṟattu śrī-rāj(ā)r-vatik=ku mēṟku koṟṟaṉ vā⟨y⟩-
22=52(k=)kāluk=ku va[ṭa]k=k(u) [2+] kaṇṇāṟṟ’ āṟāñ caturattu cel kā nilaṅkālil kuṭi-p poki
23=52Iṟai kiṭan=ta nilam [2+] (k=k’ aṭaiya) Iraṇṭu mā nīkki mērk’ aṭaiya muṉṟu māvil (cu)-
24=53k[k]ēṇi-(t) tēvaṟk=ku vaṭak=k’ aṭaiya Oru mā nī(k=k)i Itaṉ ōṭum aṭaiya nilam Iraṇṭu
25=54l kuḻi Āyi(ra)[t]t’ iru-pattu nālum po¡ṉṉ!⟨ṉ⟩ iru-kañlañcum vaittōm sa(bhai)-
I¡ṉ-ṉ!⟨n-n⟩(i)lamum ip-poṉṉuṅ koṇṭu I¡ṉ-ṉ!⟨n-n⟩ivan=tam acan¡t!⟨d⟩rātitta-
27=56-val sammarta-p-paṭi (ce)lutta-k= kaṭavār Iv(v)-ūr śiva-brahmaṇar bhāradva-
28=57ja-nārāyaṇa-paṭṭaṉum i(va)ṉ tampi periyāṉum ik=-kuṭi (na)mpiyum uḷḷi-
Itu(kku) pan-māheśvara-rakṣai
1Prosperity! Fortune!
32-33... year of the glorious Rājendra Cōḻa, the Lord, alias the king Parakesarivarman,
2-33who, ... [meykkīrtti of Rājendra I Cōḻa].
33-38[There are] ninety goats that ... gave for one glorious perpetual lamp that ... had given for the honourable Dakṣināmūrti [deity] in the temple of the glorious Lord Kāmainakkar, Lord of the glorious Kailāsa, Lord of the Rājacūḷāmaṇicaturvedimaṅgala, alias Kāmappullūr in the Paṅkalanāṭu, [itself a subdivision] of the Jayaṅkoṇṭacōḻamaṇṭalam.
38-42With these ninety goats, we have become those who will burn (erippatu↓1), as long as the moon and the sun, one glorious perpetual lamp, We the Śivabrāhmaṇas, including the Bhāradvāja Nārāyaṇappaṭṭaṉ, a Śivabrāhmaṇa of this village, and his honourable younger brother, and We, the members of the assembly of Rājacūḷāmaṇicaturvedimaṅgala.
41-42There is in our village a land as glorious flower garden for the glorious Kāmainakkar, Lord of the glorious Kailāsa.
42-48We, the members of the assembly, We have given as glorious flower garden ...
48-51We have given ...
51-55We, the members of the assembly, We have given ...
55-56With this land and this gold, the Śivabrāhmaṇas of this village, including the Bhāradvāja Nārāyaṇappaṭṭaṉ, a Śivabrāhmaṇa of this village, and his younger brother Periyāṉ, are assigned to have this binding agreement (nivantam↓2) proceed as long as the moon and the sun.
56-58This [is under] the protetion of the Paṉmaheśvaras.
Edited in Īsvaraṉ 2009: pages 68–70.
Edited and translated here for DHARMA (ERC n° 809994) by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on autopsy and photos (Emmanuel Francis, 2019).