Current Version: draft, 2024-09-06Z
Editors: Renato Dávalos and Emmanuel Francis.
DHARMA Identifier: INSSII0800127
Summary: Donation of land (the village of Mērāṉ Paḷḷi) as tiruppaḷḷi-y-eḻucci-p-puṟam.
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tiri-puvaṉa-c-cakkara-varttikaḷ śrī-kulottuṅka-cōḻa-tēvaṟku yāṇṭu 10 8-vatu
2Uṭaiyār (tiru-v-aṇ)ṇāmalai Uṭaiya nāyaṉāṟku mā-tēvar makan(ār kali)-tēvaṉ-āṉa (Imma)-
3ṭi cerakka-p perumāḷ-āṉa murai(y)ātarāyan-ēṉ tiru-p-paḷḷi-Eḻucci-p-puṟam āka v-iṭṭa
4k¡i!⟨ī⟩ḻ-cūṟṟi⟨l⟩ cāliyūr-p paṟṟil mē(r)āṉ paḷḷi nāṟ-pāl Ellaiyum tiru-c-(cū)la-k-kallukku
Uḷḷu⟨m⟩ cantirātitta-varai celvat’ āka kal veṭṭi-k kuṭuttēṉ muraiyā-
Itil Oru mā-c-ciṉ¡n!⟨ṉ⟩am koḷvāṉ keṅkai-k karaiyil kurāl pacu-k koṉṟāṉ pāvam koḷvāṉ
Itu viṭuvittāṉ Aṇṭār Amara-puyaṅkara-p-perumā(ḷ)
paṉ-māheśvarar rakṣai
1Prosperity! Fortune
118th year of the glorious king Kulottuṅga, the emperor of the three worlds.
2-4 I, ... so that it proceeds as long as the moon and the sun endure ...
5 From this he who seizes even anything very small obtains the sin of killing a tawny cow on the bank of the Gaṅgā.
5 He who had this released is Āṇṭār Amarapuyaṅkapperumāḷ.
5 The Paṉmāheśvaras are protection [to this].
Hail! Prosperity! [It is] the year 18 [of the reign] of [the king] Tiripuvaṉaccakkaravattikaḷ (emperor over the three worlds) śrī-Kulōttuṅkacōḻatēvar. I, Kalitēvaṉ, alias CokkapperumāḷaliasMuraiyātarāyaṉ, the son of Mātēvar, gave as tiruppaḷḷi eḻuccipuṟam↓1 for the god Tiruvaṇṇāmalai uṭaiya nāyaṉār, Mērāṉpaḷḷi, situated in Cāliyūr-paṟṟu on the eastern side of the Muraicūr-nāṭu with all the lands within its four boundaries where stones marked with trident symbol were put, to last as long as the moon and the sun endure, by engraving [the document] on the stone. If any one took away oru mācciṉam (an iota) of this gift, he would be considered to have committed the sin of one who had killed a tawny cow on the bank of the Gaṅgā. This was released by Āṇṭār Amarapuyaṅkapperumāḷ. [This is] protected by the Paṉ-Māheśvaras.
Reported in ARIE 1902-1903 (ARIE/1902-1903/A/1902/537).
First edited in Subrahmanya Aiyer 1937 (SII 8.127). Edited and translated in Srinivasan and Reiniche 1990 (TVM 102)
This digital edition by Renato Dávalos and Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on previous editions.
↑1. i.e., provision for the service of waking up.