Cēlam, Cukavaṉēśvara, window sill inscription


Current Version:  draft, 2024-09-06Z

Editor:   Emmanuel Francis.

DHARMA Identifier: INSSII0400146

Summary: Donation of a stone window.

Hand Description:

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1svasti śrī

It-tiru-c cālakam
2kañcamalai-p periya-piḷḷai
3Āḻvār maka¡n!⟨ṉ⟩ ciṟu-p-pe-
4rumāḷ [ta¡n!⟨ṉ⟩mam]

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

1Prosperity! Fortune!

2-4This window (cālakam) [is] the pious donation (taṉmam↓1) of Ciṟupperumāḷ, son of Periyapiḷḷai Āḻvār [of] Kañcamalai.


First reported in ARIE 1887-1888 (ARIE/1887-1888/I/1887-1888/46, bifurcated as 46B in SII 4.145).

First edited in Krishna Sastri 1923 (SII 4.145).

Encoded and translated here for DHARMA (ERC n° 809994) by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on Krishna Sastri 1923.


Krishna Sastri, H. 1923. South-Indian Inscriptions (Texts). Volume IV: Miscellaneous Inscriptions from the Tamil, Telugu and Kannada Countries and Ceylon. South Indian Inscriptions 4. Madras: Government Press.
Page 15, № 146. [siglum SII]


ARIE 1887-1888. Page 5, appendix I/1887–1888, № 46.


↑1. Sanskrit dharma.