Current Version: draft, 2024-09-06Z
Editors: Eugen Hultzsch and Emmanuel Francis.
DHARMA Identifier: INSSII0300007
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1kacciyun ta[ñ]caiyuṅ koṇṭa śrī-kaṇṇara-devaṟku yāṇṭu patiṉ ā[ṟ-ā]vatu
kāliyūr-k-kōṭṭattu-t taṉ kūṟṟu-c civa-cūḷamaṇi-maṅkalam-ākiya vikrama-
2bharaṇa-c-c¿u?⟨a⟩tu[rvve]ti-maṅkalattu sabhaiyōm Emm-ūr-p puvaṉi-māṇikka-viṣṇu-gr̥hattu muka-maṇṭakattē-y kūṭi y-i(ru)ntu Emm-iṟ ceyta vyavastai
Em[mū]r-k kuṭikaḷ Emm¡u!⟨ū⟩r-p paṭākai-vaṭṭattu ku[ṭu]pp-ōlai m¿o?⟨ē⟩ṟ-paṭṭa nilaṅkaḷu maṟṟum eppērppaṭṭa⟨⟨ṉa⟩⟩vum sabhai-ma[dhya]mam āvaṉa v-ākavum
4cu madhyamam-āy-k kiṭa⟨⟨n⟩⟩ta nilaṅkaḷ kuḻi-va[ri] y-eṟṟi [I]ṟai [I]ṟuppōm eṉṟa ku[ṭi]kaḷukku
viṟṟu-k kuṭuppōm ākavum
Iv-viṟṟu-k kuṭutta bhūmikaḷ Emmut’ eṉṟu Eppērppaṭṭāruṅ kuṭupp-ōlaiyum Āvaṇamuṅ kāṭṭa-[p] peṟā[t]ār ākavum
Ip-paricu kāṭṭiṉa kuṭi-ma[kkaḷai] ta [8+ kaḻañ-]
5[cu] poṉ sabhaiyōmē daṇḍippōm ākavum
It-taṭu[t]ta kuṭi-makkaḷ¿ai?⟨ē⟩ dha[r]mmāsaṉattu nicati mey-vē[ṟu nū]ṟṟ’ eṭṭu-k kāṇam daṇḍam iṭa-p pe[ṟu]vār ākavum
I⟨d⟩-daṇḍam iṭa-p p[o]ṅ kuṭi-makkaḷukku Av¿ap?⟨v⟩avv-āṇṭu vāriyañ ceyyum peru-makkaḷē-y pērāl nicataṅ kuṉṟi-p po[ṉ 10+]
6[I]p-paricu śraddhāma[n]tar daṇḍam iṭṭārkku vārppal kuṭuttum tāṅkaḷē-y daṇḍittum Āṭci-yiṭai-y-ūṟu [tī]rttu-k kuṭār ākil a⟨v⟩[v-ā]ṇṭu vāriyañ [ce]yyum peru-mak⟨⟨kaḷ¿aiyu?⟨ē⟩⟩⟩ mey-vē{ṟ}ṟu vakai Iru-pattu nālu kāṇam daṇḍam iṭa-p peṟuvār ākavu[m]
It-taṇḍa-p paṭṭum Avv¡a-Ā!⟨avv-a⟩ṇṭu vāri[ya]ñ ce[y 10+]
01 svasti śrī ◇ SII • These blessings are written in bigger characters, to the left of lines 2-3.
1 civa-cūḷamaṇi-maṅkalam-ākiya vikrama° ◇ ci[va]cū [10+] SII • SII notes: "Here the following syllables are built in: ḷāmaṇimaṅkalamākiya śrīvikramā-." If this was really the case (and not a missing estampage), this was not the case
any more in 2008.
2 kūṭi y-i(ru)ntu Emmiṟ ceyta vyavastai ◇ kū[ṭi] yirun[tu 10+] SII
3–4 ma[dhya]mam āvaṉa v-ākavum Ip-pari/cu ◇ madhya[ma 6+ Ip-pari-]/cu SII
6 peru-makkaḷ¿aiyu?⟨ē⟩ mey-vē{ṟ}ṟu ◇ perumakkaḷaiyumēy veṟṟu SII
1Hail! Prosperity! In the sixteenth year [of the reign] of the glorious Kaṇṇaradeva who conquered Kacci and Tañcai,——we, the assembly of Śivacū-[ḷāmaṇimaṅgala, alias Śrī-Vikramā]bharaṇa-caturvedimaṅgala, [a village] in its own subdivision of Kāliyūr-kōṭṭam, being assembled in the front hall↓1 of the Puvaṉimāṇikka-Viṣṇugr̥ha in our village, [ordered] as follows:——
3The inhabitants of our village [10+] the land and everything else that is not the object of deeds of gift,↓2 in the environs↓3 of our village [10+] the common property (madhyama) of the assembly.
4We shall sell the land which has thus become the common property [of the assembly], to those inhabitants who promise to pay taxes on each kuḻi. No persons shall be allowed to produce deeds of gift or deeds of sale (āvaṇam) in order to show that the land thus sold belongs to themselves. We, the assembly, shall levy a fine of [5+] [kaḻañcu] of gold [10+] from those inhabitants who produce such [deeds].
5Those inhabitants who do not submit to this, shall be liable to pay into court (dharmāsana) a fine of one hundred and eight kāṇams [5+]↓4 per day. To each of the inhabitants who have to pay this fine, the great men elected for that year [10+ one] kuṉṟi of gold per day.
6If, through indifference, though [5+] was thus given to those who pay the fine and though they themselves have fined [them], they are not able to remove the obstacles to the possession (āṭci), the great men elected for that year shall be liable to pay an additional fine of twenty-four kāṇams. Though they are fined thus, [the great men] elected for that year [10+]
01Prosperity! Fortune!
1Sixteenth year of the glorious king Kaṇṇara who took Kacci and Tañcai.
1-3This is the agreement (vyavastai) that We, the members of the assembly of Vikramābharaṇacaturvedimaṅgala,aliasŚivacūḍāmaṇimaṅgala, in the Kāliyūrkkōṭtam and the namesake subdivision (kūṟu), made, while seating altogether in the mukhamaṇḍapa of the Puvaṉimānikkaviṣṇugṛha [in] our village.
3The lands and whatsoever is beyond (mēṟpaṭṭa) [the purpose of the present agreement as already object of] a leaf (ōlai↓5) of donation (kuṭuppu), in the surrounding hamlets [of] our village [and] the tenants [of] our village should be things (āvaṉa↓6) ... (sabhai-madhyama).
3-4In this manner, We shall give [these lands] after sale to tenants who say "We will pay taxes ..."
4These lands so given after sale, there should be no one, whoever, obtaining↓7 to show a leaf or a document of donation saying "This is ours" .
4-5In this manner, the tenants who show [such documents ...], We, the members of the assembly, shall fine [them ...] kaḻañcus of gold.
5The tenants who do not ... should obtain to pay (iṭa↓8) a fine of one hundred and eight kāṇams, individually/per head (meyvēru), per day, in the seat of dharma.
5To the tenants ...
6In this manner ...
6Even though so fined, ...
Reported in ARIE 1892-1893 (ARIE/1892-1893/B/1893/25).
Edited in Hultzsch 1899, with English translation (SII 3.7).
Edited in Swaminathan 2000 (no. 7).
This edition by Emmanuel Francis (2024), based on Hultzsch 1899, published visual documentation and photos (Valérie Gillet, 2008).
↑1. mukamaṇṭakam is a Tamil form of the Sanskrit mukha-maṇḍapa.
↑2. Literally, ‘that is beyond deeds of gift’ (kuṭupp-ōlai).
↑3. Literally, ‘in the circle of hamlets’ (paṭākai-vaṭṭam).
↑4. The two obscure words mey veṟu occur again in No. 12, line 11.
↑5. That is, document.
↑6. Litteraly, that which are.
↑7. That is, whoever do so is a fraud.
↑8. Literally, to put.