Ciṉṉayyāṉ Pēṭṭai hero-stone, time of Kampavarman, year 3


Current Version:  draft, 2024-04-22Z

Editor:   Emmanuel Francis.

DHARMA Identifier: INSPallava00309

Summary: Records the death of a hero.

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Classification: hero memorial


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    1svasti śrī

    2parumarku yāṇṭu mūṉṟ-āvatu

    3vayira-mēka-vāṇa-kō-v-araiyar cēvakaṉ
    4mīkuṉṟai-¡ñ!⟨n⟩āṭṭu malaiyaṉūr-uṭaiya cempa-t-
    5-toṇṭaṉ makaṉ kāri-p-perumāṉ pācā-
    6ṟṟ’ erumai-t toṟu Eyi¡ñ!⟨ṉ⟩āṭṭār koḷḷa-p
    7pācāṟṟūr pūcal-iṭa-p pūcal ceṉṟu kōvū-
    8r-nāṭṭu-c ciṟṟ-iṭai-y-āṟṟu mutu-koṉṟai
    9mūkkiṉ mīmalai Āyaṅkayakkaraiyiṟ ce-
    10ṉṟu muṭṭi malaiyaṉūr-uṭaiya cempar ma-
    11ka¡ṉṉ!⟨ṉ⟩-āṉa kāri-p-perumāṉ{¿ṇ?⟨ṉ⟩aṉ} U-
    12raiyilampumāḷa Evvip pattira muru-
    13vi Etirē ceṉṟu paṭṭāṉ

    Translation by Emmanuel Francis

    1 Prosperity! Fortune!

    1-2 Third year of the victorious Pallava king Kampavarman. 

    3-5 Kāri-p-perumāṉ, the son [of] Cempattoṇṭaṉ, the lord (uṭaiya↓1) of Malaiyaṉūr in Mīkuṉṟaināṭu, the servant of the Bāṇa king Vayiramēkaṉ;

    5-13 while the Eyiṉāṭṭār-s↓2 seized buffalo cattle ... Kāri-p-perumāṉ, alias the son [of] Cempar, the lord (uṭaiya↓3) of Malaiyaṉūr, having come and fought (muṭṭi) in ... in Ciṟṟiṭaiyāṟu in Kōvuṟnāṭu [and] having come [for] battle, while making great noise (pūcal-iṭa), [in] Pācaṟṟūr ... fell, having come againt (etiṟē vantu) ...

    Translation into French by Emmanuel Francis


    Edited in Nākacāmi 1972 (CN 1971/56); text and summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP no. 309); encoded here for DHARMA (ERC n° 809994) by Emmanuel Francis (2021), based on previous editions.


    Nākacāmi, Irā., ed. 1972. Ceṅkam Naṭukaṟkaḷ. TNSDA Publication 21. Ceṉṉai: Tamiḻnāṭu Aracu tolporuḷ Āyvuttuṟai.
    № 1971/56. [siglum RN]
    Mahalingam, T. V. 1988. Inscriptions of the Pallavas. New Delhi; Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Agam Prakashan.
    Pages 703–704, № 309. [siglum IP]


    ↑1. IP simply translate as “of”.
    ↑2. That is, the people from Eyil-nāṭu.
    ↑3. IP simply translate as “of”.