Tiruvoṟṟiyūr, donation, time of Aparājitavarman, year 4


Current Version:  draft, 2024-04-22Z

Editor:   Emmanuel Francis.

DHARMA Identifier: INSPallava00238

Summary: Donation of gold for the upkeep of a perpetual lamp in a temple.

Hand Description:

The puḷḷi in the form of a wavy wedge is used almost consistently. Medial i and ī, u and ū interchangeable.

Additional Metadata

Alternative identifier:




    Corresponding Artefact:



    1svasti śrī

    2(ta)-va(r)mmaṟku yāṇ·ṭu nāl-āvatu

    3k(ai) makaṉ(·) vayira-mēkaṉ-ākiya vāṇa-kō-
    4(-v-a)rayar bhogi Amat·ti-y-āyiṉa kuṟu-
    5(mpa)-kōḷali tiru-v-oṟ·ṟiyūr mahāde-
    6vark(·)k’ oru nandā viḷak·k’ erip(·)pataṟku vai-
    7(t·)ta poṉ ūr(·)-k·-kaṟ· cem(·)mai mu-p(·)-patiṉ·

    Ip(·)-poṉ· koṇ(·)ṭu kaṭavōn
    9tiru-v-oṟ·ṟiyūr·-p· puṟat·tu Ātam-
    10pāk(·)kattu sabhaiyōmum Amṛta-ga-

    Ip·-poṉ·ṉāl yā-
    12ṇ·ṭu-varai kaḻañ(·)ciṉ· vāy· (m)¡(u)!⟨(ū)⟩ṉ·ṟu ma-
    13ñ(·)cāṭi-p(·) poṉ· palicai-y-āka Iv·v-ā-
    14ṭ(·)ṭai Aip·pikai mutal āṟ-āṟu tiṅ(·)kaḷil i-
    15ru-(ka)ḻañ(·)cē-y(·) kāṟ cey(·)tu poṉ(·)ṉun ti-
    16(ru)-viḷak(·)ku ney(·)k ācantra-kālamu nilai-p-
    17poli-y-(ū)ṭ(·)ṭ-āka-t· tiru-(v)-o(ṟ·ṟiyūr ā)ṇi(k·kī)[ḻē]

    [unknown number of lines lost or illegible]


    3 makaṉ(·)makaṉ VVA • The final looks like , as it appears to have a long vertical stroke on the right, but this might just be a defect in the stone.
    12 (m)¡(u)!⟨(ū)⟩ṉ·ṟumuṉṟu VVA • The stone is currently partly covered with cement at this place.
    16 ney(·)k ācantra-kālamuneykk ācantra-kālamu VVA
    17 poli-y-(ū)ṭ(·)ṭ-āka-t· tiru-(v)-o(ṟ·ṟiyūr ā)ṇi(k·kī)[ḻē]poliyūṭṭākat tiruvoṟṟiyūr āṇi (ki) VVA • The stone is currently partly covered with cement at this place.

    Translation by Emmanuel Francis

    1 Prosperity! Fortune!

    1-2 Fourth year of the victorious king Aparājitavarman. 

    2-8 The gold that ... has given for burning a perpetual lamp for the Mahādeva of Tiruvoṟṟiyūr: tirthy kaḻañcus ...

    8-10 We are bound to take this gold, we, the members of the assembly, and we, the Amṛtagaṇattārs of Ātampākkam ...

    11-17 With this gold ...

    [unknown number of lines lost]


    See DHARMA_INSPallava00239 .

    10 On the Amṛtagaṇattār, see DHARMA_INSPallava00239 .

    17 Venkatasubba Ayyar 1943 notes: "The inscription stops here."


    Edited in Venkatasubba Ayyar 1943 (SII 12, no. 87), with a facsimile; text and summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP no. 238); encoded and first translated here for DHARMA (ERC n° 809994) by Emmanuel Francis (2022), based on photographs (2019).


    Venkatasubba Ayyar, V. 1943. South Indian Inscriptions. Volume XII: The Pallavas (with Introductory Notes in English). South Indian Inscriptions 12. Madras: Government Press.
    Page 37, № 87. [siglum VVA]
    Mahalingam, T. V. 1988. Inscriptions of the Pallavas. New Delhi; Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research; Agam Prakashan.
    Pages 599–601, № 238. [siglum IP]


    ARIE 1912-1913. Page 23, appendix B/1912, № 158.