Current Version: draft, 2024-04-22Z
Editor: Emmanuel Francis.
DHARMA Identifier: INSPallava00002
Summary: Grant (brahmadeya), with all exemptions, of the village of Viriparam to two Brahmins.
Hand Description:
See Hultzsch 1900–1901 (EI 6, no. 8, p. 86).
Alternative identifier:
Classification: religious land grant
Corresponding Artefact:
⎘ plate 1v 1v1=1[kāṁ]cīpurāto yuvamahāraj(o)
1v2=2bhāradāya-sagotto palavānaṁ 2
⎘ plate 2r #22r1=3sivakha(ṁ)davammo dhaṁñakaḍe
2r2=4vāpataṁ Ānapayati
⎘ plate 2v 2v1=5Amhehi dāni Amha-vejayike
2v2=6(dhaṁ)māyu-bala-vadhanike ya 3
⎘ plate 3r #33r1=7bamhanānaṁ Agivesa-sagottasa
3r2=8puvakoṭujasa Ag¿ī?⟨i⟩vesa-sagottasa
⎘ plate 3v 3v1=9gonaṁdijasa Aṁdhāpa¿t?⟨th⟩īya-gāmo
3v2=10[vi]r(i)[pa]raṁ Amhehi Udakādiṁ 4
⎘ plate 4r #44r1=11saṁpadato
Etasa gāmasa
4r2=12viriparasa sava-bamhadeya -
⎘ plate 4v 4v1=13pa(r)i(h)āro vitarāma A-lona-khādakaṁ
4v2=14A-raṭha-saṁv(i)nāyikaṁ A-paraṁparā-baliva⟨daṁ⟩ 5
⎘ plate 5r #55r1=15A-bhaḍa-papesaṁ A-kūra-colaka-
⎘ plate 5v 5v1=17Anehi ca sava-bamha-
5v2=18deya-majādāya 6
⎘ plate 6r #66r1=19savaparihārehi parihārito
6r2=20pariharatha parih(ā)r¿(ā)?⟨a⟩petha ca
⎘ plate 6v 6v1=21jo Amha-sāsanaṁ Atichi-
6v2=22tūna pīlā bādhā karejo {(vā)} 7
⎘ plate 7r #77r1=23{(ta)} kārāpejo vā tasa Amho
7r2=24sārīraṁ sāsanam karejāmo
⎘ plate 7v 7v1=25sa(ṁ)vacharaṁ dasamaṁ 10 gimhā(naṁ)
7v2=26pakho chaṭo 6 divasaṁ paṁcami 5
⎘ plate 8r #88r1=27Ānatī sayatti
[This edict] has been seen.↓1
1From Kañcīpura the yuvamāhāraja Śivaskandavarman [of the family] of the Pallavas,↓2 who belongs to the gotra of the Bhāradvājas, orders [his] official (vyāpṛta) at Dhaññakaḍa↓3 [as follows]:—
5For conferring on ourselves victory [in war]↓4 and for increasing [our] merit, length of life, and power, we have now given, with libations of water, the village of Viripara in Andhrāpatha to the [two] Brāhmaṇas Puvakoṭuja of the Āgniveśya gotra and Gonandija↓5 of the Āgniveśya gotra.
11To this village of Viripara we grant all the immunities [enjoyed by] brahmadeyas.
13[Let it be] free from diggings for salt,↓6 araṭhasaṁvināyika, free from [the supply of] bullocks in succession,↓7 free from the entrance of soldiers, free from [the supply of] boiled rice, water-pots, ... ↓8 cots and dwellings.↓9
16With these and all the other immunitics [prescribed] by the rules regarding all brahmadeyas [we have] caused it to be exempted.
20[Accordingly] you↓10 have to exempt [it] and cause [it] to be exempted.
21Who, transgressing our edict, shall give or shall cause to be given trouble [and] annoyance↓11 [to the donees], on him we shall inflict bodily punishment.
25The tenth—10th—year, the sixth—8th—fortnight of summer, the fifth—5th—lunar day.
27The executor (ājṉapti) [was] myself. Accordingly [this] set of plates (paṭṭikā) has been given [to the donees].
1De Śivaska[ndavarman]
1-4De Kāñcīpuram, le yuvamahārāja Śivaskandavarman [de la famille] des Pallava et du gotra des Bhāradvāja ordonne à l’officier en charge à Dhānyakaṭa :
5-11"Viriparam, village de l’Andhrāpatha, a été désormais donné avec aspersion d’eau, par nous, en vue de notre victoire et de l’accroissement du dharma, de la santé et de la force, aux brahmanes Puvakoṭuja ↓13 du gotra d’Agniveśa et Gonandija ↓14 du gotra d’Agniveśa."
11-16"A ce village de Viripara nous accordons toutes les exemptions propres à un brahmadeya : l’interdiction de le creuser pour du sel, l’exclusion de l’autorité régionale (a-raṭha-saṁvināyika ?), l’interdiction d’en saisir des bœufs d’attelage, l’interdiction d’y entrer pour les soldats et l’interdiction d’en saisir du riz cuit, des pots d’eau, du combustible (vināsi ?), des lits, des maisons."
16-19"Il est exempté de toutes les exemptions, celles-ci et les autres, conformément à l’usage valable pour tous les brahmadeya."
20"Exemptez-le et faites-le exempter !"
21-24"Celui qui, enfreignant notre ordre, causerait ou ferait causer des ennuis ou dommages [à cette donation], nous lui infligerons un châtiment corporel."
25-26"Dixième (10) année, sixième (6) quinzaine de l’été, cinquième (5) jour."
27"Exécution : nous-mêmes."
27-28Des tablettes ont été données.
For a description of the Prakrit language of this grant, see Hultzsch 1900–1901 (EI 6, no. 8, p. 85-86), Mehendale 1948.
Edited in Hultzsch 1900–1901 (EI 6, no. 8) with facsimile and English translation; text and sanskritised text in Sircar 1965 with facsimile; text and summary in Mahalingam 1988 (IP no. 2); re-edited here for DHARMA (ERC n° 809994) by Emmanuel Francis (2023), based on published estampages and photos of the original plates in the Chennai Government Museum (2008).
↑1. With the word diṭhaṁ or, in Sanskrit, dṛṣṭam we have to supply idaṁ śāsanam. It is the equivalent of the modern ’true copy’ or ’examined’ at the foot of official
letters and Government orders. For a different explanation of dṛṣṭaṁ see above, Vol. III [i.e. EI 3], p. 259.
↑2. For other instances of this elliptical use of the genitive see above, Vol. IV [i.e.
EI 4], p. 197, note 6, and Vol. VI [i.e. EI 6], pp. 15 and 19.
↑3. Compare ānapayati govadhane amaca in the Nāsik inscriptions Nos. 11, A and 15.
↑4. The corresponding word in the Hīrahaḍagalli plates, vijaya-vejayike (l. 9), is omitted in Professor Bühler’s
translation (Ep. Ind. Vol. I, p. 8).
↑5. I.e. Gonandyārya. Compare nandija in line 21 of the Hīrahaḍagalli plates.
↑6. This term and the next one occur in the Nāsik inscriptions Nos. 11, A, 11, B and 15.
↑7. Compare line 33 of the Hīrahaḍagalli plates.
↑8. vināsi, left untranslated.
↑9. With the last term compare a-khaṭvā-vāsaudanam (above [i.e. EI 6], p. 14, text line 8), and see line 31 of the Hīrahaḍagalli plates,
where the photo-lithograph reads °akūra° and not akara° as the printed text. The word colaka or yollaka is probably related to cullakī, ’a kind of water-pot;’ vināsi or vinesi remains obscure.
↑10. Viz. the inhabitants and officials of the district, etc. See line 35 of the Hīrahaḍagalli
plates, and Ind. Ant. Vol. IX, p. 101, I. 10 f, where Professor Bühler’s improved
reading (Ep. Ind. Vol. I, p. 2, note 2) has to be further corrected by reading with
the photo-lithograph pariharatha parihārapetha. The translation would then run:— “Knowing this, you, the villagers [and] officials, exempt [it and] cause [it] to be exempted with all the immunities!" In line 7 of Dr. Fleet’s text join mahānarakadevakula, and in line 6 f. read ātukasa kasita . . chettaṁ “the . . . . field ploughed by Ātuka."
↑11. Here and in the Hīrahaḍagalli plates (l. 40) one would expect the acc. sing. pīlaṁ bādhaṁ instead of the acc. plur. pīlā bādhā.
↑12. C’est-à-dire « Vérifié ».
↑13. Sanskrit Puvakoṭvārya.
↑14. Sanskrit Gonandyārya