Koṭumpāḷūr, Aivarkōyil, time of Parakesarivarman, year 6


Current Version:  draft, 2025-01-09Z

Editor:   Emmanuel Francis.

DHARMA Identifier: INSKotumpalur00005

Summary: Donation of gold for the upkeep of a perpetual lamp for the Mahādeva of the Aintaḷi at Koṭumpāḷūr by Tāḻi Cattaṉ alias Rāciṅkappallavaraiyaṉ for the merit of/on behalf of Tāḻi Aṟañcikai.

Hand Description:

The puḷḷi is regularly used, but not consistently. Note the rare occurrence of initial ai.

Additional Metadata

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1 Block a svasti śrī

kō-p-parakēcari-paṉ(·)ma(r)kku yāṇṭu Āṟāvatu

Uṟattūr-k-kūṟṟat(tu) Block b k(o)ṭum·pāḷūr tiru-Ai-
2 Block a ntaḷi mātēvarkku Oru nontā viḷakkiṉukku tāḻi Aṟañcikaiy cāt(t)i tāḻi (ca) Block b [t]ta¡n!⟨ṉ⟩¡n!⟨ṉ⟩a rāciṅkapalla-
3 Block a varaiyaṉ· vaitta poṉ· pattu

vaṇ·ṇakkaru(n) tēvakaṉ·mikaḷum· kai-va(ḻ)i Block b c(e)ṉ·ṟatu

Itu paṉmāhe-
4 Block a śvara-rakṣai


1 ĀṟāvatuĀṟā(ā)vatu SII • What is meant by Swaminathan 2012 by this reading is unclear.
2 cāt(t)ic(ā)tti SII2 (ca)‡[t]ta¡n!⟨ṉ⟩-c¿a?⟨ā⟩ttan- SII cattaṉ (Skt. śatta-) and cāttaṉ (Skt. śāstṛ-) both make sense.2–3 rāciṅkapalla/varaiyaṉ·rāciṅka/pallavaraiyaṉ SII
3 vaṇ·ṇakkaru(n)vaṇ·ṇakkaru SII • Reading vaṇ·ṇakkaru is possible, but vaṇ·ṇakkarun is expected and it seems that the of tēvakaṉ· is in fact n tē.3 c(e)ṉ·ṟatuceṉ·ṟatu SII

Translation by Emmanuel Francis

1 Prosperity! Fortune!

1 Sixth year of the king Parakesarivarman.

1-3 [There are] ten poṉs that Tāḻi Cattaṉ↓1alias Rāciṅkappallavaraiyaṉ gave for a perpetual lamp for the Mahādeva of the Aintaḷi at Koṭumpāḷūr in the Uṟattūrkkūṟṟam for the merit of/on behalf of Tāḻi Aṟañcikai.

3 [This donation] went in the hands↓2 [of] the coin-testers and the temple officials.

3-4 This [donation is under] the protection of the Paṉmāheśvaras.


2 rāciṅkapallavaraiyaṉ. Naraciṅkapallavaraiyaṉ is possibly meant. The incorrect spelling might have been caused by the preceding word āna (that is, āṉa).


Reported in ARIE 1939-1943 (ARIE/1939-1943/B/1940-1941/212).

Edited by Swaminathan 2012 (SII 32.2.37).

This edition by Emmanuel Francis (2020).


Swaminathan, S. 2012. South Indian Inscriptions. Volume XXXII: Inscriptions of the Early Chola Kings Upto Uttama Chola. South Indian Inscriptions 32. New Delhi: Archaeological survey of India (Director General).
Part II, pages 131–132, № 37. [siglum SII]


ARIE 1939-1943. Page 99, appendix B/1940–41, № 212. [siglum ARIE]


↑1. Alternatively emend to Cāttaṉ.
↑2. That is, "is under the supervision".