Current Version: draft, 2024-06-25Z
Editor: Nicolas Cane.
DHARMA Identifier: INSCempiyanMahadevi00055
Hand Description:
No distinction between e and ē, nor between o and ō.
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1śrī-kaṇṭar-āditta-devar tēviyār mā-tēvaṭikaḷār-āṉa śrī-cempiyaṉ mā-tēviyā-
2r ta¡mm!⟨m⟩-uṭaiya tiru-makaṉār śrī-madhurāntaka-tēvar-āṉa śrī-Uttama-cōḻar tiru-rājyañ ceyt-a-
3ruḷā niṟka-t ta¡mm!⟨m⟩-uṭaiyār śrī-kaṇṭar-āditta-devar tiru-nāmattāl tiru-nallam-uṭaiyārk=ku-
4-t tiru-k-kaṟ-ṟaḷi Eḻunt-aruḷuvittu It-tiru-k-kaṟ-ṟaḷiyilē-y tiru-nallam-uṭaiyārai-t
tiru-v-aṭi-t to-
5ḻukiṉṟār āka Eḻunt-aruḷuvitta śrī-kaṇṭar-āditta-devar Ivar ||(|)
1 śrīkaṇṭar° ◇ kaṇṭar° SII S
01 Prosperity! Fortune!
1-5 While the glorious Uttama Cōḻa — alias the glorious king Madhurāntaka, the glorious son of the glorious Cempiyaṉ Mātēvi, alias the honourable great queen (mā-tēvaṭikaḷār), queen (tēviyār) of the the glorious king Gaṇḍarāditya — was continuously graciously exercising the glorious rule, [she↓1] having had graciously a glorious stone temple for the Lord of Tirunallam raised in the name of the glorious king Gaṇḍarāditya, this↓2 [is] the glorious king Gaṇḍarāditya that [she↓3] had graciously raised↓4, so that he↓5 keeps worshipping the glorious feet of the Lord of Tirunallam in this glorious stone temple.
Hail! Prosperity! Mātēvaṭikaḷār alias the glorious Cempiyaṉ Mātēviyār, queen of Gaṇḍarādityadeva, constructed in the sacred name of her husband [viz.,] the glorious Gaṇḍarādityadeva, a stone temple to the lord [i.e., the god] of Tirunallam [at the time] when her illustrious son, i.e., the glorious Madhurāntakadeva alias the glorious Uttama-Coḷa, was graciously ruling. This is [the image of] the glorious Gaṇḍarādityadeva which was [caused to be] made in this sacred stone temple in the posture of worshipping the sacred feet of the lord [i.e., the god] of Tirunallam.
Succès ! Prospérité ! La vénérable Mātēvaṭikaḷ épouse de Sa Majesté le Roi Kaṇṭarādittar alias Sa Majesté la vénérable Cempiyaṉ-Mātēvi ayant accompli la grâce de faire élever (eḻuntaruḷu-vittu) pour le Seigneur du glorieux [site de] Nallam (tiru-nallam-uṭaiyār) le divin temple de pierre (tiru-k-kaṟṟaḷi) au nom béni (tiru-nāmattāl) de son vénérable époux (tam-muṭaiyār), Sa Majesté le Roi Kaṇṭarādittar, tandis que son fils béni (tam-muṭaiya tiru-makaṉār), Sa Majesté le Roi Madhurāntaka alias le glorieux Uttama-Cōḻa, accomplit la grâce d’exercer [son] règne prospère (tiru-rājyañ ceytaruḷā niṟka), celui-ci (ivar) [est]] Sa Majesté le Roi Kaṇṭarādittar qu’[elle]a fait apparaître gracieusement (eḻuntaruḷuvitta) en train d’adorer les pieds sacrés du Seigneur du glorieux Nallam (tiru-nallam-uṭaiyārai-t tiru-v-aṭi-t toḻukiṉṟāka) au sein de ce même divin temple de pierre (i-t-tiru-k-kaṟṟaḷiyilēy) !
Reported in ARIE 1908-1909 (ARIE/1908-1909/B/1908/450).
Edited, with facsimile and English translation, in Krishna Sastri 1920 (SII 3.146); edited in Swaminathan 2012 (SII 32.2.218); edited in Cane 2017 (no. 55), based on autopsy (2011-08, 2013-07).
Commented and translated into French in Cane 2017: page 413ff.
This edition by Nicolas Cane (2020).